changeset 29605 519bb4f9d3a4
parent 29460 a7d1532b26a1
parent 29604 db0095c83344
child 29606 59a0cbd71921
equal deleted inserted replaced
29460:a7d1532b26a1 29605:519bb4f9d3a4
     1 # Copyright (C) 2007-8 Brendan Cully <brendan@kublai.com>
     2 #
     3 # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
     4 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
     6 """hooks for integrating with the CIA.vc notification service
     8 This is meant to be run as a changegroup or incoming hook. To
     9 configure it, set the following options in your hgrc::
    11   [cia]
    12   # your registered CIA user name
    13   user = foo
    14   # the name of the project in CIA
    15   project = foo
    16   # the module (subproject) (optional)
    17   #module = foo
    18   # Append a diffstat to the log message (optional)
    19   #diffstat = False
    20   # Template to use for log messages (optional)
    21   #template = {desc}\\n{baseurl}{webroot}/rev/{node}-- {diffstat}
    22   # Style to use (optional)
    23   #style = foo
    24   # The URL of the CIA notification service (optional)
    25   # You can use mailto: URLs to send by email, e.g.
    26   # mailto:cia@cia.vc
    27   # Make sure to set email.from if you do this.
    28   #url = http://cia.vc/
    29   # print message instead of sending it (optional)
    30   #test = False
    31   # number of slashes to strip for url paths
    32   #strip = 0
    34   [hooks]
    35   # one of these:
    36   changegroup.cia = python:hgcia.hook
    37   #incoming.cia = python:hgcia.hook
    39   [web]
    40   # If you want hyperlinks (optional)
    41   baseurl = http://server/path/to/repo
    42 """
    44 from mercurial.i18n import _
    45 from mercurial.node import bin, short
    46 from mercurial import cmdutil, patch, util, mail, error
    47 import email.Parser
    49 import socket, xmlrpclib
    50 from xml.sax import saxutils
    51 # Note for extension authors: ONLY specify testedwith = 'internal' for
    52 # extensions which SHIP WITH MERCURIAL. Non-mainline extensions should
    53 # be specifying the version(s) of Mercurial they are tested with, or
    54 # leave the attribute unspecified.
    55 testedwith = 'internal'
    57 socket_timeout = 30 # seconds
    58 if util.safehasattr(socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'):
    59     # set a timeout for the socket so you don't have to wait so looooong
    60     # when cia.vc is having problems. requires python >= 2.3:
    61     socket.setdefaulttimeout(socket_timeout)
    63 HGCIA_VERSION = '0.1'
    64 HGCIA_URL = 'http://hg.kublai.com/mercurial/hgcia'
    67 class ciamsg(object):
    68     """ A CIA message """
    69     def __init__(self, cia, ctx):
    70         self.cia = cia
    71         self.ctx = ctx
    72         self.url = self.cia.url
    73         if self.url:
    74             self.url += self.cia.root
    76     def fileelem(self, path, uri, action):
    77         if uri:
    78             uri = ' uri=%s' % saxutils.quoteattr(uri)
    79         return '<file%s action=%s>%s</file>' % (
    80             uri, saxutils.quoteattr(action), saxutils.escape(path))
    82     def fileelems(self):
    83         n = self.ctx.node()
    84         f = self.cia.repo.status(self.ctx.p1().node(), n)
    85         url = self.url or ''
    86         if url and url[-1] == '/':
    87             url = url[:-1]
    88         elems = []
    89         for path in f.modified:
    90             uri = '%s/diff/%s/%s' % (url, short(n), path)
    91             elems.append(self.fileelem(path, url and uri, 'modify'))
    92         for path in f.added:
    93             # TODO: copy/rename ?
    94             uri = '%s/file/%s/%s' % (url, short(n), path)
    95             elems.append(self.fileelem(path, url and uri, 'add'))
    96         for path in f.removed:
    97             elems.append(self.fileelem(path, '', 'remove'))
    99         return '\n'.join(elems)
   101     def sourceelem(self, project, module=None, branch=None):
   102         msg = ['<source>', '<project>%s</project>' % saxutils.escape(project)]
   103         if module:
   104             msg.append('<module>%s</module>' % saxutils.escape(module))
   105         if branch:
   106             msg.append('<branch>%s</branch>' % saxutils.escape(branch))
   107         msg.append('</source>')
   109         return '\n'.join(msg)
   111     def diffstat(self):
   112         class patchbuf(object):
   113             def __init__(self):
   114                 self.lines = []
   115                 # diffstat is stupid
   116                 self.name = 'cia'
   117             def write(self, data):
   118                 self.lines += data.splitlines(True)
   119             def close(self):
   120                 pass
   122         n = self.ctx.node()
   123         pbuf = patchbuf()
   124         cmdutil.export(self.cia.repo, [n], fp=pbuf)
   125         return patch.diffstat(pbuf.lines) or ''
   127     def logmsg(self):
   128         if self.cia.diffstat:
   129             diffstat = self.diffstat()
   130         else:
   131             diffstat = ''
   132         self.cia.ui.pushbuffer()
   133         self.cia.templater.show(self.ctx, changes=self.ctx.changeset(),
   134                                 baseurl=self.cia.ui.config('web', 'baseurl'),
   135                                 url=self.url, diffstat=diffstat,
   136                                 webroot=self.cia.root)
   137         return self.cia.ui.popbuffer()
   139     def xml(self):
   140         n = short(self.ctx.node())
   141         src = self.sourceelem(self.cia.project, module=self.cia.module,
   142                               branch=self.ctx.branch())
   143         # unix timestamp
   144         dt = self.ctx.date()
   145         timestamp = dt[0]
   147         author = saxutils.escape(self.ctx.user())
   148         rev = '%d:%s' % (self.ctx.rev(), n)
   149         log = saxutils.escape(self.logmsg())
   151         url = self.url
   152         if url and url[-1] == '/':
   153             url = url[:-1]
   154         url = url and '<url>%s/rev/%s</url>' % (saxutils.escape(url), n) or ''
   156         msg = """
   157 <message>
   158   <generator>
   159     <name>Mercurial (hgcia)</name>
   160     <version>%s</version>
   161     <url>%s</url>
   162     <user>%s</user>
   163   </generator>
   164   %s
   165   <body>
   166     <commit>
   167       <author>%s</author>
   168       <version>%s</version>
   169       <log>%s</log>
   170       %s
   171       <files>%s</files>
   172     </commit>
   173   </body>
   174   <timestamp>%d</timestamp>
   175 </message>
   176 """ % \
   177             (HGCIA_VERSION, saxutils.escape(HGCIA_URL),
   178             saxutils.escape(self.cia.user), src, author, rev, log, url,
   179             self.fileelems(), timestamp)
   181         return msg
   184 class hgcia(object):
   185     """ CIA notification class """
   187     deftemplate = '{desc}'
   188     dstemplate = '{desc}\n-- \n{diffstat}'
   190     def __init__(self, ui, repo):
   191         self.ui = ui
   192         self.repo = repo
   194         self.ciaurl = self.ui.config('cia', 'url', 'http://cia.vc')
   195         self.user = self.ui.config('cia', 'user')
   196         self.project = self.ui.config('cia', 'project')
   197         self.module = self.ui.config('cia', 'module')
   198         self.diffstat = self.ui.configbool('cia', 'diffstat')
   199         self.emailfrom = self.ui.config('email', 'from')
   200         self.dryrun = self.ui.configbool('cia', 'test')
   201         self.url = self.ui.config('web', 'baseurl')
   202         # Default to -1 for backward compatibility
   203         self.stripcount = int(self.ui.config('cia', 'strip', -1))
   204         self.root = self.strip(self.repo.root)
   206         style = self.ui.config('cia', 'style')
   207         template = self.ui.config('cia', 'template')
   208         if not template:
   209             if self.diffstat:
   210                 template = self.dstemplate
   211             else:
   212                 template = self.deftemplate
   213         t = cmdutil.changeset_templater(self.ui, self.repo, False, None,
   214                                         template, style, False)
   215         self.templater = t
   217     def strip(self, path):
   218         '''strip leading slashes from local path, turn into web-safe path.'''
   220         path = util.pconvert(path)
   221         count = self.stripcount
   222         if count < 0:
   223             return ''
   224         while count > 0:
   225             c = path.find('/')
   226             if c == -1:
   227                 break
   228             path = path[c + 1:]
   229             count -= 1
   230         return path
   232     def sendrpc(self, msg):
   233         srv = xmlrpclib.Server(self.ciaurl)
   234         res = srv.hub.deliver(msg)
   235         if res is not True and res != 'queued.':
   236             raise error.Abort(_('%s returned an error: %s') %
   237                              (self.ciaurl, res))
   239     def sendemail(self, address, data):
   240         p = email.Parser.Parser()
   241         msg = p.parsestr(data)
   242         msg['Date'] = util.datestr(format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %1%2")
   243         msg['To'] = address
   244         msg['From'] = self.emailfrom
   245         msg['Subject'] = 'DeliverXML'
   246         msg['Content-type'] = 'text/xml'
   247         msgtext = msg.as_string()
   249         self.ui.status(_('hgcia: sending update to %s\n') % address)
   250         mail.sendmail(self.ui, util.email(self.emailfrom),
   251                       [address], msgtext)
   254 def hook(ui, repo, hooktype, node=None, url=None, **kwargs):
   255     """ send CIA notification """
   256     def sendmsg(cia, ctx):
   257         msg = ciamsg(cia, ctx).xml()
   258         if cia.dryrun:
   259             ui.write(msg)
   260         elif cia.ciaurl.startswith('mailto:'):
   261             if not cia.emailfrom:
   262                 raise error.Abort(_('email.from must be defined when '
   263                                    'sending by email'))
   264             cia.sendemail(cia.ciaurl[7:], msg)
   265         else:
   266             cia.sendrpc(msg)
   268     n = bin(node)
   269     cia = hgcia(ui, repo)
   270     if not cia.user:
   271         ui.debug('cia: no user specified')
   272         return
   273     if not cia.project:
   274         ui.debug('cia: no project specified')
   275         return
   276     if hooktype == 'changegroup':
   277         start = repo.changelog.rev(n)
   278         end = len(repo.changelog)
   279         for rev in xrange(start, end):
   280             n = repo.changelog.node(rev)
   281             ctx = repo.changectx(n)
   282             sendmsg(cia, ctx)
   283     else:
   284         ctx = repo.changectx(n)
   285         sendmsg(cia, ctx)