changeset 14042 9966c95b8c4f
parent 12951 101366ad816c
child 14043 1c1e1232abdc
--- a/mercurial/	Fri Apr 29 03:34:18 2011 -0500
+++ b/mercurial/	Sun Mar 13 15:53:38 2011 +0100
@@ -18,43 +18,66 @@
 from mercurial.node import nullrev
+from mercurial.cmdutil import revrange
-def revisions(repo, start, stop):
-    """cset DAG generator yielding (id, CHANGESET, ctx, [parentids]) tuples
-    This generator function walks through the revision history from revision
-    start to revision stop (which must be less than or equal to start). It
-    returns a tuple for each node. The node and parent ids are arbitrary
-    integers which identify a node in the context of the graph returned.
+def revisions(repo, start, end):
+    """DAG generator for revisions between start and end
-    cur = start
-    while cur >= stop:
-        ctx = repo[cur]
-        parents = set([p.rev() for p in ctx.parents() if p.rev() != nullrev])
-        yield (cur, CHANGESET, ctx, sorted(parents))
-        cur -= 1
+    revset = '%s:%s' % (start, end)
+    return dagwalker(repo, revrange(repo, [revset]))
 def filerevs(repo, path, start, stop, limit=None):
-    """file cset DAG generator yielding (id, CHANGESET, ctx, [parentids]) tuples
+    """DAG generator, which is limited by file passed
+    """
+    revset = '%s:%s and file("%s")' % (start, stop, path)
+    if limit:
+        revset = 'limit(%s, %s)' % (revset, limit)
+    return dagwalker(repo, revrange(repo, [revset]))
-    This generator function walks through the revision history of a single
-    file from revision start down to revision stop.
+def dagwalker(repo, revs):
+    """cset DAG generator yielding (id, CHANGESET, ctx, [parentids]) tuples
+    This generator function walks through revisions (which should be ordered
+    from bigger to lower). It returns a tuple for each node. The node and parent
+    ids are arbitrary integers which identify a node in the context of the graph
+    returned.
-    filerev = len(repo.file(path)) - 1
-    rev = stop + 1
-    count = 0
-    while filerev >= 0 and rev > stop:
-        fctx = repo.filectx(path, fileid=filerev)
-        parents = set([f.linkrev() for f in fctx.parents() if f.path() == path])
-        rev = fctx.rev()
-        if rev <= start:
-            yield (rev, CHANGESET, fctx.changectx(), sorted(parents))
-            count += 1
-            if count == limit:
-                break
-        filerev -= 1
+    if not revs:
+        return []
+    ns = [repo[r].node() for r in revs]
+    revdag = list(nodes(repo, ns))
+    cl = repo.changelog
+    lowestrev = min(revs)
+    gpcache = {}
+    leafs = {}
+    for i, (id, c, ctx, parents) in enumerate(revdag):
+        mpars = [p.rev() for p in ctx.parents() if
+                 p.rev() != nullrev and p.rev() not in parents]
+        grandparents = []
+        for mpar in mpars:
+            gp = gpcache.get(mpar) or grandparent(cl, lowestrev, revs, mpar)
+            gpcache[mpar] = gp
+            if gp is None:
+                leafs.setdefault(mpar, []).append((i, ctx))
+            else:
+                grandparents.append(gp)
+        if grandparents:
+            for gp in grandparents:
+                if gp not in revdag[i][3]:
+                    revdag[i][3].append(gp)
+    for parent, leafs in leafs.iteritems():
+        for i, ctx in leafs:
+            revdag[i][3].append(parent)
+    return revdag
 def nodes(repo, nodes):
     """cset DAG generator yielding (id, CHANGESET, ctx, [parentids]) tuples
@@ -120,3 +143,78 @@
         # Yield and move on
         yield (cur, type, data, (col, color), edges)
         seen = next
+def grandparent(cl, lowestrev, roots, head):
+    """Return closest 'root' rev in topological path from 'roots' to 'head'.
+    Derived from revlog.revlog.nodesbetween, but only returns next rev
+    of topologically sorted list of all nodes N that satisfy of these
+    constraints:
+    1. N is a descendant of some node in 'roots'
+    2. N is an ancestor of 'head'
+    3. N is some node in 'roots' or nullrev
+    Every node is considered to be both a descendant and an ancestor
+    of itself, so every reachable node in 'roots' and 'head' will be
+    included in 'nodes'.
+    """
+    ancestors = set()
+    # Start at the top and keep marking parents until we're done.
+    revstotag = set([head])
+    revstotag.discard(nullrev)
+    llowestrev = max(nullrev, lowestrev)
+    while revstotag:
+        r = revstotag.pop()
+        # A node's revision number represents its place in a
+        # topologically sorted list of nodes.
+        if r >= llowestrev:
+            if r not in ancestors:
+                # If we are possibly a descendent of one of the roots
+                # and we haven't already been marked as an ancestor
+                ancestors.add(r) # Mark as ancestor
+                # Add non-nullrev parents to list of nodes to tag.
+                revstotag.update([p for p in cl.parentrevs(r)])
+    if not ancestors:
+        return
+    # Now that we have our set of ancestors, we want to remove any
+    # roots that are not ancestors.
+    # If one of the roots was nullrev, everything is included anyway.
+    if lowestrev > nullrev:
+        # But, since we weren't, let's recompute the lowest rev to not
+        # include roots that aren't ancestors.
+        # Filter out roots that aren't ancestors of heads
+        _roots = ancestors.intersection(roots)
+        if not _roots:
+            return
+        # Recompute the lowest revision
+        lowestrev = min(roots)
+    else:
+        # We are descending from nullrev, and don't need to care about
+        # any other roots.
+        lowestrev = nullrev
+        _roots = [nullrev]
+    # The roots are just the descendants.
+    # Don't start at nullrev since we don't want nullrev in our output list,
+    # and if nullrev shows up in descedents, empty parents will look like
+    # they're descendents.
+    lowestrevisnullrev = (lowestrev == nullrev)
+    for r in xrange(head - 1, max(lowestrev, -1) - 1, -1):
+        if lowestrevisnullrev or r in _roots:
+            pass
+        elif _roots.issuperset(cl.parentrevs(r)):
+            # A node is a descendent if either of its parents are
+            # descendents.  (We seeded the dependents list with the roots
+            # up there, remember?)
+            _roots.add(r)
+        else:
+            continue
+        if r in ancestors:
+            # Only include nodes that are both descendents and ancestors.
+            return r