changeset 248 b7645b3c86ff
parent 247 863b508c5b36
child 249 619e775aa7f9
--- a/hg	Sat Jun 04 12:24:23 2005 -0800
+++ b/hg	Sat Jun 04 13:45:31 2005 -0800
@@ -17,105 +17,7 @@
 #    pass
 import sys
-from mercurial import hg, fancyopts, ui, commands
-    sys.exit(commands.dispatch(sys.argv[1:]))
-except commands.UnknownCommand:
-    # fall through
-    pass
-options = {}
-opts = [('v', 'verbose', None, 'verbose'),
-        ('d', 'debug', None, 'debug'),
-        ('q', 'quiet', None, 'quiet'),
-        ('y', 'noninteractive', None, 'run non-interactively'),
-        ]
-args = fancyopts.fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], opts, options,
-                           'hg [options] <command> [command options] [files]')
-    cmd = args[0]
-    args = args[1:]
-    cmd = "help"
-ui = ui.ui(options["verbose"], options["debug"], options["quiet"],
-           not options["noninteractive"])
-    repo = hg.repository(ui=ui)
-except IOError:
-    ui.warn("Unable to open repository\n")
-    sys.exit(0)
-if cmd == "debugchangegroup":
-    newer = repo.newer(map(repo.lookup, args))
-    for chunk in repo.changegroup(newer):
-        sys.stdout.write(chunk)
-elif cmd == "debugaddchangegroup":
-    data = sys.stdin.read()
-    repo.addchangegroup(data)
-elif cmd == "dump":
-    if args:
-        r = repo.file(args[0])
-        n = r.tip()
-        if len(args) > 1: n = r.lookup(args[1])
-        sys.stdout.write(r.read(n))
-    else:
-        print "missing filename"
+from mercurial import commands
-elif cmd == "dumpmanifest":
-    n = repo.manifest.tip()
-    if len(args) > 0:
-        n = repo.manifest.lookup(args[0])
-    m = repo.manifest.read(n)
-    files = m.keys()
-    files.sort()
-    for f in files:
-        print hg.hex(m[f]), f
-elif cmd == "debugindex":
-    if ".hg" not in args[0]:
-        args[0] = ".hg/data/" + repo.file(args[0]).encodepath(args[0]) + "i"
-    r = hg.revlog(open, args[0], "")
-    print "   rev    offset  length   base linkrev"+\
-          " p1           p2           nodeid"
-    for i in range(r.count()):
-        e = r.index[i]
-        print "% 6d % 9d % 7d % 6d % 7d %s.. %s.. %s.." % (
-            i, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3],
-            hg.hex(e[4][:5]), hg.hex(e[5][:5]), hg.hex(e[6][:5]))
-elif cmd == "debugindexdot":
-    if ".hg" not in args[0]:
-        args[0] = ".hg/data/" + repo.file(args[0]).encodepath(args[0]) + "i"
-    r = hg.revlog(open, args[0], "")
-    print "digraph G {"
-    for i in range(r.count()):
-        e = r.index[i]
-        print "\t%d -> %d" % (r.rev(e[4]), i)
-        if e[5] != hg.nullid:
-            print "\t%d -> %d" % (r.rev(e[5]), i)
-    print "}"
-elif cmd == "tags":
-    repo.lookup(0) # prime the cache
-    i = repo.tags.items()
-    i.sort()
-    for k, n in i:
-        try:
-            r = repo.changelog.rev(n)
-        except KeyError:
-            r = "?"
-        print "%-30s %5d:%s" % (k, repo.changelog.rev(n), hg.hex(n))
-    if cmd: ui.warn("unknown command\n\n")
-    sys.exit(1)