changeset 10545 b9e4a67329cd
parent 2350 091d555653a4
child 10550 8036bc1871c2
--- a/contrib/vim/patchreview.txt	Wed Feb 24 12:35:26 2010 -0500
+++ b/contrib/vim/patchreview.txt	Wed Feb 24 13:12:17 2010 -0800
@@ -1,30 +1,38 @@
-*patchreview.txt* Vim global plugin for doing single or multipatch code reviews
+*patchreview.txt* Vim global plugin for doing single, multi-patch or diff code reviews
+                  Version  v0.2.1 (for Vim version 7.0 or higher)
-            Author: Manpreet Singh (junkblocker-CAT-yahoo-DOG-com)
-                    (Replace -CAT- and -DOG- with @ and . first)
-            Copyright (C) 2006 by Manpreet Singh
+            Author: Manpreet Singh < >
+            Copyright (C) 2006-2010 by Manpreet Singh
             License : This file is placed in the public domain.
-CONTENTS	                               *patchreview* *patchreview-contents*
+CONTENTS	                 *patchreview* *diffreview* *patchreview-contents*
   1. Contents.........................................: |patchreview-contents|
   2. Introduction.....................................: |patchreview-intro|
   3. PatchReview options..............................: |patchreview-options|
   4. PatchReview Usage................................: |patchreview-usage|
-     4.1 PatchReview Usage............................: |:PatchReview|
-     4.2 PatchReview Usage............................: |:PatchReviewCleanup|
+     4.1 DiffReview Usage.............................: |:DiffReview|
+     4.2 PatchReview Usage............................: |:PatchReview|
+     4.3 DiffReviewCleanup Usage......................: |:DiffReviewCleanup|
+     4.4 PatchReviewCleanup Usage.....................: |:PatchReviewCleanup|
 PatchReview Introduction                                  *patchreview-intro*
-The Patch Review plugin allows single or multipatch code review to be done in
-VIM. VIM provides the |:diffpatch| command to do single file reviews but can
-not handle patch files containing multiple patches as is common with software
-development projects. This plugin provides that missing functionality. It also
-tries to improve on |:diffpatch|'s behaviour of creating the patched files in
+The Patch Review plugin allows easy single or multipatch code or diff reviews.
+It opens each affected file in the patch or in a workspace diff in a diff view
+in a separate tab.
+VIM provides the |:diffpatch| and related commands to do single file reviews
+but can not handle patch files containing multiple patches as is common with
+software development projects. This plugin provides that missing
+It also improves on |:diffpatch|'s behaviour of creating the patched files in
 the same directory as original file which can lead to project workspace
@@ -32,66 +40,81 @@
 PatchReview Options                                     *patchreview-options*
-  g:patchreview_filterdiff : Optional path to filterdiff binary. PatchReview
-                             tries to locate filterdiff on system path
-                             automatically. If the binary is not on system
-                             path, this option tell PatchReview the full path
-                             to the binary.  This option, if specified,
-                             overrides the default filterdiff binary on the
-                             path.
+  g:patchreview_tmpdir = {string}
+      Optional path where the plugin can save temporary files.  If this is not
+      specified, the plugin tries to use TMP, TEMP and TMPDIR environment
+      variables in succession.
+    examples:
+        (On Windows) >
+            let g:patchreview_tmpdir = 'c:\\tmp'
+        (On *nix systems) >
+            let g:patchreview_tmpdir = '~/tmp'
+  g:patchreview_filterdiff = {string}
+      Optional path to filterdiff binary. PatchReview tries to locate
+      filterdiff on system path automatically. If the binary is not on system
+      path, this option tell PatchReview the full path to the binary.  This
+      option, if specified, overrides the default filterdiff binary on the
+      path.
         (On Windows with Cygwin)
            let g:patchreview_filterdiff = 'c:\\cygwin\\bin\\filterdiff.exe'
         (On *nix systems)
            let g:patchreview_filterdiff = '/usr/bin/filterdiff'
-  g:patchreview_patch      : Optional path to patch binary. PatchReview tries
-                             to locate patch on system path automatically. If
-                             the binary is not on system path, this option
-                             tell PatchReview the full path to the binary.
-                             This option, if specified, overrides the default
-                             patch binary on the path.
-     examples:
-        (On Windows with Cygwin)
-           let g:patchreview_patch = 'c:\\cygwin\\bin\\patch.exe'
-        (On *nix systems)
-           let g:patchreview_patch = '/usr/bin/gpatch'
-  g:patchreview_tmpdir : Optional path where the plugin can save temporary
-                         files.  If this is not specified, the plugin tries to
-                         use TMP, TEMP and TMPDIR environment variables in
-                         succession.
+  g:patchreview_patch = {string}
+      Optional path to patch binary. PatchReview tries to locate patch on
+      system path automatically. If the binary is not on system path, this
+      option tell PatchReview the full path to the binary.  This option, if
+      specified, overrides the default patch binary on the path.
-        (On Windows)      let g:patchreview_tmpdir = 'c:\\tmp'
-        (On *nix systems) let g:patchreview_tmpdir = '~/tmp'
+        (On Windows with Cygwin) >
+           let g:patchreview_patch = 'c:\\cygwin\\bin\\patch.exe'
+        (On *nix systems) >
+           let g:patchreview_patch = '/usr/bin/gpatch'
 PatchReview Usage                                          *patchreview-usage*
+                                                                *:DiffReview*
+  :DiffReview
+    Perform a diff review in the current directory under version control.
+    Currently supports Mercurial (hg), Subversion (svn), CVS, Bazaar (bzr) and
+    Monotone.
   :PatchReview patchfile_path [optional_source_directory]
     Perform a patch review in the current directory based on the supplied
     patchfile_path. If optional_source_directory is specified, patchreview is
-    done on that directory. Othewise, the current directory is assumed to be
+    done on that directory. Otherwise, the current directory is assumed to be
     the source directory.
+    Only supports context or unified format patches.
+                                                          *:DiffReviewCleanup*
+  :DiffReviewCleanup
-    After you are done using the :PatchReview command, you can cleanup the
-    temporary files in the temporary directory using this command.
+    After you are done using the :DiffReview or :PatchReview command, you can
+    cleanup the temporary files in the temporary directory using either of
+    these commands.
-vim: ft=help:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:tw=78:tw=78
+ vim: ft=help:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:tw=78:norl: