author Pierre-Yves David <>
Mon, 03 May 2021 16:52:38 +0200
changeset 47257 02a4463565ea
parent 46784 6b26e6432554
child 48966 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
revlog: improve documentation of the entry tuple The code in revlog, and outside revlog directly use the index's entry tuple, with direct integer indexing. This is a voluntary trade off to obtains better performance from the Python code at the expense of the developers sanity. Let's at least have a clear and central documentation about what this tuple is about. Differential Revision:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Search for interesting discovery instance
#  search-discovery-case REPO [REPO]…
# This use a subsetmaker extension (next to this script) to generate a steam of
# random discovery instance. When interesting case are discovered, information
# about them are print on the stdout.
from __future__ import print_function

import json
import os
import queue
import random
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import threading

this_script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_script)
hg_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, '..', '..')
HG_REPO = os.path.normpath(hg_dir)
HG_BIN = os.path.join(HG_REPO, 'hg')

JOB = int(os.environ.get('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS', 8))

SLICING = ('scratch', 'randomantichain', 'rev')

def nb_revs(repo_path):
    cmd = [
    s = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err = s.communicate()
    return int(out)

repos = []
for repo in sys.argv[1:]:
    size = nb_revs(repo)
    repos.append((repo, size))

def pick_one(repo):
    pick = random.choice(SLICING)
    seed = random.randint(0, 100000)
    if pick == 'scratch':
        start = int(repo[1] * 0.3)
        end = int(repo[1] * 0.7)
        nb = random.randint(start, end)
        return ('scratch', nb, seed)
    elif pick == 'randomantichain':
        return ('randomantichain', seed)
    elif pick == 'rev':
        start = int(repo[1] * 0.3)
        end = int(repo[1])
        rev = random.randint(start, end)
        return ('rev', rev)
        assert False

done = threading.Event()
cases = queue.Queue(maxsize=10 * JOB)
results = queue.Queue()

def worker():
    while not done.is_set():
        c = cases.get()
        if c is None:
            res = process(c)
            results.put((c, res))
        except Exception as exc:
            print('processing-failed: %s %s' % (c, exc), file=sys.stderr)
        c = (c[0], c[2], c[1])
            res = process(c)
            results.put((c, res))
        except Exception as exc:
            print('processing-failed: %s %s' % (c, exc), file=sys.stderr)

SUBSET_PATH = os.path.join(HG_REPO, 'contrib', 'perf-utils', '')

    'extensions.subset=%s' % SUBSET_PATH,
#    '--local-as-revs "$left" --local-as-revs "$right"'
#    > /data/discovery-references/results/disco-mozilla-unified-$1-$2.txt
#        )

def to_revsets(case):
    t = case[0]
    if t == 'scratch':
        return 'not scratch(all(), %d, "%d")' % (case[1], case[2])
    elif t == 'randomantichain':
        return '::randomantichain(all(), "%d")' % case[1]
    elif t == 'rev':
        return '::%d' % case[1]
        assert False

def process(case):
    (repo, left, right) = case
    cmd = list(CMD_BASE)
    s = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err = s.communicate()
    return json.loads(out)[0]

def interesting_boundary(res):
    """check if a case is interesting or not

    For now we are mostly interrested in case were we do multiple roundstrip
    and where the boundary is somewhere in the middle of the undecided set.

    Ideally, we would make this configurable, but this is not a focus for now

    return None or (round-trip, undecided-common, undecided-missing)
    roundtrips = res["total-roundtrips"]
    if roundtrips <= 1:
        return None
    undecided_common = res["nb-ini_und-common"]
    undecided_missing = res["nb-ini_und-missing"]
    if undecided_common == 0:
        return None
    if undecided_missing == 0:
        return None
    return (roundtrips, undecided_common, undecided_missing)

def end(*args, **kwargs):

def format_case(case):
    return '-'.join(str(s) for s in case)

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, end)

for i in range(JOB):

nb_cases = 0
while not done.is_set():
    repo = random.choice(repos)
    left = pick_one(repo)
    right = pick_one(repo)
    cases.put((repo, left, right))
    while not results.empty():
        # results has a single reader so this is fine
        c, res = results.get_nowait()
        boundary = interesting_boundary(res)
        if boundary is not None:
            print(c[0][0], format_case(c[1]), format_case(c[2]), *boundary)

    nb_cases += 1
    if not nb_cases % 100:
        print('[%d cases generated]' % nb_cases, file=sys.stderr)

for i in range(JOB):
    except queue.Full:

print('[%d cases generated]' % nb_cases, file=sys.stderr)
print('[ouput generation is over]' % nb_cases, file=sys.stderr)