Tune a bit the extdiff toplevel comments/samples.
* Capitalize the first letter of all sentences
* Add an example for GNU diff(1) 'context diff' mode.
* Explain the requirement for separate cmd.xxx and opts.xxx
options in .hgrc, which hopefully will guard against users
trying to add:
# Add a new Mercurial command called `cdiff', which calls
# GNU diff(1) in 'context diff' mode.
cmd.cdiff = diff -Nprc5
which fails for recent crew builds with:
$ hg cdiff .
making snapshot of 1 files from rev 07dc4a569f4e
making snapshot of 1 files from working dir
diff -Nprc5: not found
The correct way to do this is by separating the cmd.cdiff and
opts.cdiff parts like this:
# Add a new Mercurial command called `cdiff', which calls
# GNU diff(1) in 'context diff' mode.
cmd.cdiff = diff
opts.cdiff = -Nprc5
so add it as a new example and explicitly describe it in the
extdiff comments.
import sys, textwrap
# import from the live mercurial repo
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
from mercurial.commands import table, globalopts
from mercurial.i18n import gettext as _
def get_desc(docstr):
if not docstr:
return "", ""
# sanitize
docstr = docstr.strip("\n")
docstr = docstr.rstrip()
shortdesc = docstr.splitlines()[0].strip()
i = docstr.find("\n")
if i != -1:
desc = docstr[i+2:]
desc = " %s" % shortdesc
return (shortdesc, desc)
def get_opts(opts):
for shortopt, longopt, default, desc in opts:
allopts = []
if shortopt:
allopts.append("-%s" % shortopt)
if longopt:
allopts.append("--%s" % longopt)
desc += default and _(" (default: %s)") % default or ""
yield(", ".join(allopts), desc)
def get_cmd(cmd):
d = {}
attr = table[cmd]
cmds = cmd.lstrip("^").split("|")
d['synopsis'] = attr[2]
d['cmd'] = cmds[0]
d['aliases'] = cmd.split("|")[1:]
d['desc'] = get_desc(attr[0].__doc__)
d['opts'] = list(get_opts(attr[1]))
return d
def show_doc(ui):
def bold(s, text=""):
ui.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (s, "="*len(s), text))
def underlined(s, text=""):
ui.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (s, "-"*len(s), text))
# print options
for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
ui.write("%s::\n %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))
# print cmds
h = {}
for c, attr in table.items():
f = c.split("|")[0]
f = f.lstrip("^")
h[f] = c
cmds = h.keys()
for f in cmds:
if f.startswith("debug"): continue
d = get_cmd(h[f])
# synopsis
ui.write("%s::\n" % d['synopsis'].replace("hg ","", 1))
# description
ui.write("%s\n\n" % d['desc'][1])
# options
opt_output = list(d['opts'])
if opt_output:
opts_len = max([len(line[0]) for line in opt_output])
ui.write(_(" options:\n"))
for optstr, desc in opt_output:
if desc:
s = "%-*s %s" % (opts_len, optstr, desc)
s = optstr
s = textwrap.fill(s, initial_indent=4 * " ",
subsequent_indent=(6 + opts_len) * " ")
ui.write("%s\n" % s)
# aliases
if d['aliases']:
ui.write(_(" aliases: %s\n\n") % " ".join(d['aliases']))
if __name__ == "__main__":