author Jun Wu <>
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 21:11:17 +0000
changeset 30419 0852161588c6
parent 30334 cb1ea3cc44b5
child 32048 c3ef33fd0058
permissions -rw-r--r--
osutil: implement setprocname to set process title for some platforms This patch adds a simple setprocname method to osutil. The operation is not defined by any standard and is platform-specific, the current implementation tries to cover some major platforms (ex. Linux, OS X, FreeBSD) that is relatively easy to support. Other platforms (Windows [4], other BSDs, ...) can be added in the future. The current implementation supports two methods to change process title: a. setproctitle if available (works in FreeBSD). b. rewrite argv in place (works in Linux [1] and Mac OS X). [2] [3] [1]: Linux has "prctl(PR_SET_NAME, ...)" but 1) it has 16-byte limit, which is too small; 2) it is not quite equivalent to what we want - it changes "/proc/self/comm", not "/proc/self/cmdline" - "comm" change won't show up in "ps" output unless "-o comm" is used. [2]: The implementation does not rewrite the **environ buffer like some other implementations do, just to make the code simpler and safer. However, this also means the buffer size we can rewrite is significantly shorter. If we are really greedy and want the "environ" space, we can change the implementation later. [3]: It requires a CPython private API: Py_GetArgcArgv to get the original argv. Unfortunately Python 3 makes a copy of argv and returns the wchar_t version, so it is not supported for now. (if we really want to, we could count backwards from "char **environ", given known argc and argv, not sure if that's a good idea - probably not) [4]: The feature is aimed to make it easier for forked command server processes to show what they are doing. Since Windows does not support fork(), despite it's a major platform, its support is not added in this patch.

# progress bars related code
# Copyright (C) 2010 Augie Fackler <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import threading
import time

from .i18n import _
from . import encoding

def spacejoin(*args):
    return ' '.join(s for s in args if s)

def shouldprint(ui):
    return not (ui.quiet or ui.plain('progress')) and (
        ui._isatty(ui.ferr) or ui.configbool('progress', 'assume-tty'))

def fmtremaining(seconds):
    """format a number of remaining seconds in human readable way

    This will properly display seconds, minutes, hours, days if needed"""
    if seconds < 60:
        # i18n: format XX seconds as "XXs"
        return _("%02ds") % (seconds)
    minutes = seconds // 60
    if minutes < 60:
        seconds -= minutes * 60
        # i18n: format X minutes and YY seconds as "XmYYs"
        return _("%dm%02ds") % (minutes, seconds)
    # we're going to ignore seconds in this case
    minutes += 1
    hours = minutes // 60
    minutes -= hours * 60
    if hours < 30:
        # i18n: format X hours and YY minutes as "XhYYm"
        return _("%dh%02dm") % (hours, minutes)
    # we're going to ignore minutes in this case
    hours += 1
    days = hours // 24
    hours -= days * 24
    if days < 15:
        # i18n: format X days and YY hours as "XdYYh"
        return _("%dd%02dh") % (days, hours)
    # we're going to ignore hours in this case
    days += 1
    weeks = days // 7
    days -= weeks * 7
    if weeks < 55:
        # i18n: format X weeks and YY days as "XwYYd"
        return _("%dw%02dd") % (weeks, days)
    # we're going to ignore days and treat a year as 52 weeks
    weeks += 1
    years = weeks // 52
    weeks -= years * 52
    # i18n: format X years and YY weeks as "XyYYw"
    return _("%dy%02dw") % (years, weeks)

class progbar(object):
    def __init__(self, ui):
        self.ui = ui
        self._refreshlock = threading.Lock()

    def resetstate(self):
        self.topics = []
        self.topicstates = {}
        self.starttimes = {}
        self.startvals = {}
        self.printed = False
        self.lastprint = time.time() + float(self.ui.config(
            'progress', 'delay', default=3))
        self.curtopic = None
        self.lasttopic = None
        self.indetcount = 0
        self.refresh = float(self.ui.config(
            'progress', 'refresh', default=0.1))
        self.changedelay = max(3 * self.refresh,
                                   'progress', 'changedelay', default=1)))
        self.order = self.ui.configlist(
            'progress', 'format',
            default=['topic', 'bar', 'number', 'estimate'])

    def show(self, now, topic, pos, item, unit, total):
        if not shouldprint(self.ui):
        termwidth = self.width()
        self.printed = True
        head = ''
        needprogress = False
        tail = ''
        for indicator in self.order:
            add = ''
            if indicator == 'topic':
                add = topic
            elif indicator == 'number':
                if total:
                    add = ('% ' + str(len(str(total))) +
                           's/%s') % (pos, total)
                    add = str(pos)
            elif indicator.startswith('item') and item:
                slice = 'end'
                if '-' in indicator:
                    wid = int(indicator.split('-')[1])
                elif '+' in indicator:
                    slice = 'beginning'
                    wid = int(indicator.split('+')[1])
                    wid = 20
                if slice == 'end':
                    add = encoding.trim(item, wid, leftside=True)
                    add = encoding.trim(item, wid)
                add += (wid - encoding.colwidth(add)) * ' '
            elif indicator == 'bar':
                add = ''
                needprogress = True
            elif indicator == 'unit' and unit:
                add = unit
            elif indicator == 'estimate':
                add = self.estimate(topic, pos, total, now)
            elif indicator == 'speed':
                add = self.speed(topic, pos, unit, now)
            if not needprogress:
                head = spacejoin(head, add)
                tail = spacejoin(tail, add)
        if needprogress:
            used = 0
            if head:
                used += encoding.colwidth(head) + 1
            if tail:
                used += encoding.colwidth(tail) + 1
            progwidth = termwidth - used - 3
            if total and pos <= total:
                amt = pos * progwidth // total
                bar = '=' * (amt - 1)
                if amt > 0:
                    bar += '>'
                bar += ' ' * (progwidth - amt)
                progwidth -= 3
                self.indetcount += 1
                # mod the count by twice the width so we can make the
                # cursor bounce between the right and left sides
                amt = self.indetcount % (2 * progwidth)
                amt -= progwidth
                bar = (' ' * int(progwidth - abs(amt)) + '<=>' +
                       ' ' * int(abs(amt)))
            prog = ''.join(('[', bar , ']'))
            out = spacejoin(head, prog, tail)
            out = spacejoin(head, tail)
        self.ui.ferr.write('\r' + encoding.trim(out, termwidth))
        self.lasttopic = topic

    def clear(self):
        if not self.printed or not self.lastprint or not shouldprint(self.ui):
        self.ui.ferr.write('\r%s\r' % (' ' * self.width()))
        if self.printed:
            # force immediate re-paint of progress bar
            self.lastprint = 0

    def complete(self):
        if not shouldprint(self.ui):
        if self.ui.configbool('progress', 'clear-complete', default=True):

    def width(self):
        tw = self.ui.termwidth()
        return min(int(self.ui.config('progress', 'width', default=tw)), tw)

    def estimate(self, topic, pos, total, now):
        if total is None:
            return ''
        initialpos = self.startvals[topic]
        target = total - initialpos
        delta = pos - initialpos
        if delta > 0:
            elapsed = now - self.starttimes[topic]
            # experimental config: progress.estimate
            if elapsed > float(
                self.ui.config('progress', 'estimate', default=2)):
                seconds = (elapsed * (target - delta)) // delta + 1
                return fmtremaining(seconds)
        return ''

    def speed(self, topic, pos, unit, now):
        initialpos = self.startvals[topic]
        delta = pos - initialpos
        elapsed = now - self.starttimes[topic]
        if elapsed > float(
            self.ui.config('progress', 'estimate', default=2)):
            return _('%d %s/sec') % (delta / elapsed, unit)
        return ''

    def _oktoprint(self, now):
        '''Check if conditions are met to print - e.g. changedelay elapsed'''
        if (self.lasttopic is None # first time we printed
            # not a topic change
            or self.curtopic == self.lasttopic
            # it's been long enough we should print anyway
            or now - self.lastprint >= self.changedelay):
            return True
            return False

    def progress(self, topic, pos, item='', unit='', total=None):
        now = time.time()
            if pos is None:
                self.starttimes.pop(topic, None)
                self.startvals.pop(topic, None)
                self.topicstates.pop(topic, None)
                # reset the progress bar if this is the outermost topic
                if self.topics and self.topics[0] == topic and self.printed:
                # truncate the list of topics assuming all topics within
                # this one are also closed
                if topic in self.topics:
                    self.topics = self.topics[:self.topics.index(topic)]
                    # reset the last topic to the one we just unwound to,
                    # so that higher-level topics will be stickier than
                    # lower-level topics
                    if self.topics:
                        self.lasttopic = self.topics[-1]
                        self.lasttopic = None
                if topic not in self.topics:
                    self.starttimes[topic] = now
                    self.startvals[topic] = pos
                self.topicstates[topic] = pos, item, unit, total
                self.curtopic = topic
                if now - self.lastprint >= self.refresh and self.topics:
                    if self._oktoprint(now):
                        self.lastprint = now
              , topic, *self.topicstates[topic])