author FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp>
Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:18:11 +0900
changeset 23845 0a7fd54d4e60
parent 22203 35c2ea4ca26f
child 26261 8fb92ff63ccf
permissions -rw-r--r--
revset: introduce "_parsealiasdecl" to parse alias declarations strictly This patch introduces "_parsealiasdecl" to parse alias declarations strictly. For example, "_parsealiasdecl" can detect problems below, which current implementation can't. - un-closed parenthesis causes being treated as "alias symbol" because all of declarations not in "func(....)" style are recognized as "alias symbol". for example, "foo($1, $2" is treated as the alias symbol. - alias symbol/function names aren't examined whether they are valid as symbol or not for example, "foo bar" can be treated as the alias symbol, but of course such invalid symbol can't be referred in revset. - just splitting argument list by "," causes overlooking syntax problems in the declaration for example, all of invalid declarations below are overlooked: - foo("bar") => taking one argument named as '"bar"' - foo("unclosed) => taking one argument named as '"unclosed' - foo(bar::baz) => taking one argument named as 'bar::baz' - foo(bar($1)) => taking one argument named as 'bar($1)' To decrease complication of patch, current implementation for alias declarations is replaced by "_parsealiasdecl" in the subsequent patch. This patch just introduces it. This patch defines "_parsealiasdecl" not as a method of "revsetalias" class but as a one of "revset" module, because of ease of testing by doctest. This patch factors some helper functions for "tree" out, because: - direct accessing like "if tree[0] == 'func' and len(tree) > 1" decreases readability - subsequent patch (and also existing code paths, in the future) can use them for readability This patch also factors "_tokenizealias" out, because it can be used also for parsing alias definitions strictly.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# check-translation.py - check Mercurial specific translation problems

import polib
import re

checkers = []

def levelchecker(level, msgidpat):
    def decorator(func):
        if msgidpat:
            match = re.compile(msgidpat).search
            match = lambda msgid: True
        checkers.append((func, level))
        func.match = match
        return func
    return decorator

def match(checker, pe):
    """Examine whether POEntry "pe" is target of specified checker or not
    if not checker.match(pe.msgid):
    # examine suppression by translator comment
    nochecker = 'no-%s-check' % checker.__name__
    for tc in pe.tcomment.split():
        if nochecker == tc:
    return True


def fatalchecker(msgidpat=None):
    return levelchecker('fatal', msgidpat)

def promptchoice(pe):
    """Check translation of the string given to "ui.promptchoice()"

    >>> pe = polib.POEntry(
    ...     msgid ='prompt$$missing &sep$$missing &amp$$followed by &none',
    ...     msgstr='prompt  missing &sep$$missing  amp$$followed by none&')
    >>> match(promptchoice, pe)
    >>> for e in promptchoice(pe): print e
    number of choices differs between msgid and msgstr
    msgstr has invalid choice missing '&'
    msgstr has invalid '&' followed by none
    idchoices = [c.rstrip(' ') for c in pe.msgid.split('$$')[1:]]
    strchoices = [c.rstrip(' ') for c in pe.msgstr.split('$$')[1:]]

    if len(idchoices) != len(strchoices):
        yield "number of choices differs between msgid and msgstr"

    indices = [(c, c.find('&')) for c in strchoices]
    if [c for c, i in indices if i == -1]:
        yield "msgstr has invalid choice missing '&'"
    if [c for c, i in indices if len(c) == i + 1]:
        yield "msgstr has invalid '&' followed by none"


def warningchecker(msgidpat=None):
    return levelchecker('warning', msgidpat)

def taildoublecolons(pe):
    """Check equality of tail '::'-ness between msgid and msgstr

    >>> pe = polib.POEntry(
    ...     msgid ='ends with ::',
    ...     msgstr='ends with ::')
    >>> for e in taildoublecolons(pe): print e
    >>> pe = polib.POEntry(
    ...     msgid ='ends with ::',
    ...     msgstr='ends without double-colons')
    >>> for e in taildoublecolons(pe): print e
    tail '::'-ness differs between msgid and msgstr
    >>> pe = polib.POEntry(
    ...     msgid ='ends without double-colons',
    ...     msgstr='ends with ::')
    >>> for e in taildoublecolons(pe): print e
    tail '::'-ness differs between msgid and msgstr
    if pe.msgid.endswith('::') != pe.msgstr.endswith('::'):
        yield "tail '::'-ness differs between msgid and msgstr"

def indentation(pe):
    """Check equality of initial indentation between msgid and msgstr

    This may report unexpected warning, because this doesn't aware
    the syntax of rst document and the context of msgstr.

    >>> pe = polib.POEntry(
    ...     msgid ='    indented text',
    ...     msgstr='  narrowed indentation')
    >>> for e in indentation(pe): print e
    initial indentation width differs betweeen msgid and msgstr
    idindent = len(pe.msgid) - len(pe.msgid.lstrip())
    strindent = len(pe.msgstr) - len(pe.msgstr.lstrip())
    if idindent != strindent:
        yield "initial indentation width differs betweeen msgid and msgstr"


def check(pofile, fatal=True, warning=False):
    targetlevel = { 'fatal': fatal, 'warning': warning }
    targetcheckers = [(checker, level)
                      for checker, level in checkers
                      if targetlevel[level]]
    if not targetcheckers:
        return []

    detected = []
    for pe in pofile.translated_entries():
        errors = []
        for checker, level in targetcheckers:
            if match(checker, pe):
                errors.extend((level, checker.__name__, error)
                              for error in checker(pe))
        if errors:
            detected.append((pe, errors))
    return detected


if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import optparse

    optparser = optparse.OptionParser("""%prog [options] pofile ...

This checks Mercurial specific translation problems in specified
'*.po' files.

Each detected problems are shown in the format below::

    filename:linenum:type(checker): problem detail .....

"type" is "fatal" or "warning". "checker" is the name of the function
detecting corresponded error.

Checking by checker "foo" on the specific msgstr can be suppressed by
the "translator comment" like below. Multiple "no-xxxx-check" should
be separated by whitespaces::

    # no-foo-check
    msgid = "....."
    msgstr = "....."
    optparser.add_option("", "--warning",
                         help="show also warning level problems",
    optparser.add_option("", "--doctest",
                         help="run doctest of this tool, instead of check",
    (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()

    if options.doctest:
        import os
        if 'TERM' in os.environ:
            del os.environ['TERM']
        import doctest
        failures, tests = doctest.testmod()
        sys.exit(failures and 1 or 0)

    # replace polib._POFileParser to show linenum of problematic msgstr
    class ExtPOFileParser(polib._POFileParser):
        def process(self, symbol, linenum):
            super(ExtPOFileParser, self).process(symbol, linenum)
            if symbol == 'MS': # msgstr
                self.current_entry.linenum = linenum
    polib._POFileParser = ExtPOFileParser

    detected = []
    warning = options.warning
    for f in args:
        detected.extend((f, pe, errors)
                        for pe, errors in check(polib.pofile(f),
    if detected:
        for f, pe, errors in detected:
            for level, checker, error in errors:
                sys.stderr.write('%s:%d:%s(%s): %s\n'
                                 % (f, pe.linenum, level, checker, error))