templater: drop 'templ' from resources dict
Partially resolves cycle, templ -> context -> templ. This will make it easier
to replace the resources dict with new immutable resource mapper interface.
node = <module 'mercurial.node' from '?'>
errorproxy = <unloaded module 'error'>
errorproxy.__doc__ = 'Mercurial exceptions. This ...'
errorproxy.__name__ = 'mercurial.error'
errorproxy.__dict__['__name__'] = 'mercurial.error'
errorproxy = <proxied module 'error'>
os = <unloaded module 'os'>
os.system = <built-in function system>
os = <module 'os' from '?'>
util = <unloaded module 'util'>
util.system = <function system at 0x?>
util = <module 'mercurial.util' from '?'>
util.system = <function system at 0x?>
hgweb = <unloaded module 'hgweb'>
hgweb_mod = <unloaded module 'hgweb_mod'>
hgweb = <module 'mercurial.hgweb' from '?'>
fred = <unloaded module 're'>
remod = <unloaded module 're'>
re = <unloaded module 'sys'>
fred = <unloaded module 're'>
fred.sub = <function sub at 0x?>
fred = <proxied module 're'>
remod = <module 're' from '?'>
re = <unloaded module 'sys'>
re.stderr = <open file '<whatever>', mode 'w' at 0x?>
re = <proxied module 'sys'>
contextlib = <unloaded module 'contextlib'>
contextlib.unknownattr = ImportError: cannot import name unknownattr
__import__('contextlib', ..., ['unknownattr']) = <module 'contextlib' from '?'>
hasattr(contextlibimp, 'unknownattr') = False