author Mads Kiilerich <>
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 22:47:56 +0200
changeset 49398 1bad05cfc818
parent 48304 2ec5fbe26659
permissions -rw-r--r--
rust: bump to memmap2 0.5.3, micro-timer 0.4.0, and crossbeam-channel 0.5.0 The merge in 12adf8c695ed had conflicts in rust/Cargo.lock and rust/hg-core/Cargo.toml . Let's ignore rust/Cargo.lock - it is regenerated. For rust/hg-core/Cargo.toml, stable had dd6b67d5c256 "rust: fix unsound `OwningDirstateMap`" which introduced ouroboros (and dropped stable_deref_trait). Default had ec8d9b5a5e7c "rust-hg-core: upgrade dependencies" which had a lot of churn bumping minimum versions - also patch versions. It is indeed a good idea to bump to *allow* use of latest package. That means that major versions should be bumped for packages after 1.0, and for packages below 1.0 minor versions should be bumped too. But it doesn't work to try enforce a policy of using latest patch by bumping versions at arbitrary times. For good or bad, the merge doesn't seem to have resolved the conflicts correctly, and many of the minor "upgrade dependencies" were lost again. Unfortunately, it also lost the bump of memmap2 to 0.5.3, which is needed for Fedora packaging where 0.4 isn't available. Same with micro-timer bump to 0.4 (which already is used in rhg). crossbeam-channel bump was also lost. This change fixes that regression by redoing these "important" lines of the merge "correctly". I propose this for stable, even though dependency changes on stable branches are annoying.

 exewrapper.c - wrapper for calling a python script on Windows

 Copyright 2012 Adrian Buehlmann <> and others

 This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
 GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

#include <Python.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>

#include "hgpythonlib.h"

#ifdef __GNUC__
int strcat_s(char *d, size_t n, const char *s)
	return !strncat(d, s, n);
int strcpy_s(char *d, size_t n, const char *s)
	return !strncpy(d, s, n);

#define _tcscpy_s strcpy_s
#define _tcscat_s strcat_s
#define _countof(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))

static TCHAR pyscript[MAX_PATH + 10];
static TCHAR pyhome[MAX_PATH + 10];
static TCHAR pydllfile[MAX_PATH + 10];

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[])
	TCHAR *p;
	int ret;
	int i;
	int n;
	TCHAR **pyargv;
	WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata;
	HANDLE hfind;
	const char *err;
	HMODULE pydll;
	void(__cdecl * Py_SetPythonHome)(TCHAR * home);
	int(__cdecl * Py_Main)(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]);


	if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, pyscript, _countof(pyscript)) == 0) {
		err = "GetModuleFileName failed";
		goto bail;

	p = _tcsrchr(pyscript, '.');
	if (p == NULL) {
		err = "malformed module filename";
		goto bail;
	*p = 0; /* cut trailing ".exe" */
	_tcscpy_s(pyhome, _countof(pyhome), pyscript);

	hfind = FindFirstFile(pyscript, &fdata);
	if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		/* pyscript exists, close handle */
	} else {
		/* file pyscript isn't there, take <pyscript> */
		_tcscat_s(pyscript, _countof(pyscript), _T(""));

	pydll = NULL;

	p = _tcsrchr(pyhome, _T('\\'));
	if (p == NULL) {
		err = "can't find backslash in module filename";
		goto bail;
	*p = 0; /* cut at directory */

	/* check for private Python of HackableMercurial */
	_tcscat_s(pyhome, _countof(pyhome), _T("\\hg-python"));

	hfind = FindFirstFile(pyhome, &fdata);
	if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		/* Path .\hg-python exists. We are probably in HackableMercurial
		scenario, so let's load python dll from this dir. */
		_tcscpy_s(pydllfile, _countof(pydllfile), pyhome);
		_tcscat_s(pydllfile, _countof(pydllfile),
		          _T("\\") _T(HGPYTHONLIB) _T(".dll"));
		pydll = LoadLibrary(pydllfile);
		if (pydll == NULL) {
			err = "failed to load private Python DLL " HGPYTHONLIB
			goto bail;
		Py_SetPythonHome =
		    (void *)GetProcAddress(pydll, "Py_SetPythonHome");
		if (Py_SetPythonHome == NULL) {
			err = "failed to get Py_SetPythonHome";
			goto bail;

	if (pydll == NULL) {
		pydll = LoadLibrary(_T(HGPYTHONLIB) _T(".dll"));
		if (pydll == NULL) {
			err = "failed to load Python DLL " HGPYTHONLIB ".dll";
			goto bail;

	Py_Main = (void *)GetProcAddress(pydll, "Py_Main");
	if (Py_Main == NULL) {
		err = "failed to get Py_Main";
		goto bail;

	Only add the pyscript to the args, if it's not already there. It may
	already be there, if the script spawned a child process of itself, in
	the same way as it got called, that is, with the pyscript already in
	place. So we optionally accept the pyscript as the first argument
	(argv[1]), letting our exe taking the role of the python interpreter.
	if (argc >= 2 && _tcscmp(argv[1], pyscript) == 0) {
		pyscript is already in the args, so there is no need to copy
		the args and we can directly call the python interpreter with
		the original args.
		return Py_Main(argc, argv);

	Start assembling the args for the Python interpreter call. We put the
	name of our exe (argv[0]) in the position where the python.exe
	canonically is, and insert the pyscript next.
	pyargv = malloc((argc + 5) * sizeof(TCHAR *));
	if (pyargv == NULL) {
		err = "not enough memory";
		goto bail;
	n = 0;
	pyargv[n++] = argv[0];
	pyargv[n++] = pyscript;

	/* copy remaining args from the command line */
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
		pyargv[n++] = argv[i];
	/* argv[argc] is guaranteed to be NULL, so we forward that guarantee */
	pyargv[n] = NULL;

	ret = Py_Main(n, pyargv); /* The Python interpreter call */

	return ret;

	fprintf(stderr, "abort: %s\n", err);
	return 255;