i18n: calculate terminal columns by width information of each characters
neither number of 'bytes' in any encoding nor 'characters' is
appropriate to calculate terminal columns for specified string.
this patch modifies MBTextWrapper for:
- overriding '_wrap_chunks()' to make it use not built-in 'len()'
but 'encoding.colwidth()' for columns of string
- fixing '_cutdown()' to make it use 'encoding.colwidth()' instead
of local, similar but incorrect implementation
this patch also modifies 'encoding.py':
- dividing 'colwith()' into 2 pieces: one for calculation columns of
specified UNICODE string, and another for rest part of original
one. the former is used from MBTextWrapper in 'util.py'.
- preventing 'colwidth()' from evaluating HGENCODINGAMBIGUOUS
configuration per each invocation: 'unicodedata.east_asian_width'
checking is kept intact for reducing startup cost.
Translations are optional:
$ "$TESTDIR/hghave" gettext || exit 80
Test that translations are compiled and installed correctly.
Default encoding in tests is "ascii" and the translation is encoded
using the "replace" error handler:
$ LANGUAGE=pt_BR hg tip
abortado: n?o foi encontrado um reposit?rio em '$TESTTMP' (.hg n?o encontrado)!
Using a more accomodating encoding:
abortado: n\xc3\xa3o foi encontrado um reposit\xc3\xb3rio em '$TESTTMP' (.hg n\xc3\xa3o encontrado)! (esc)
Different encoding:
$ HGENCODING=Latin-1 LANGUAGE=pt_BR hg tip
abortado: n\xe3o foi encontrado um reposit\xf3rio em '$TESTTMP' (.hg n\xe3o encontrado)! (esc)