ui: path option to declare which revisions to push by default
Now that we have a mechanism for declaring path sub-options, we can
start to pile on features!
Many power users have expressed frustration that bare `hg push`
attempts to push all local revisions to the remote. This patch
introduces the "pushrev" path sub-option to control which revisions
are pushed when no "-r" argument is specified.
The value of this sub-option is a revset, naturally.
A future feature addition could potentially introduce a "pushnames"
sub-options that declares the list of names (branches, bookmarks,
topics, etc) to push by default. The entire "what to push by default"
feature should probably be considered before this patch lands.
# RelaxNG schema for "xml" log style
# Inspired by Subversion's XML log format.
start = log
node.type = xsd:string {minLength = "40" maxLength = "40"}
log = element log { logentry+ }
logentry = element logentry {
branch*, tag*, hgparent*,
author, date,
msg, paths?, copies?, extra*
logentry.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:nonNegativeInteger}
& attribute node {node.type}
branch = element branch { text }
tag = element tag { text }
hgparent = element parent {hgparent.attlist, text}
hgparent.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:integer {minInclusive = "-1"} }
& attribute node {node.type}
author = element author { author.attlist, text }
author.attlist =
attribute email {text}
date = element date {xsd:dateTime}
msg = element msg {msg.attlist, text}
msg.attlist =
attribute xml:space {"preserve"}
paths = element paths { path* }
path = element path { path.attlist, text }
path.attlist =
# Action: (A)dd, (M)odify, (R)emove
attribute action {"A"|"M"|"R"}
copies = element copies { copy+ }
copy = element copy { copy.attlist, text }
copy.attlist =
attribute source {text}
extra = element extra {extra.attlist, text}
extra.attlist =
attribute key {text}