workingctx: add explicit status method, add ignored and fix clean
workingctx.clean() and memctx.clean() have both been returning ignored files
since their creation. This patch fixes clean() while introducing a method for
querying ignored files. The new status() method can be used to explicitly
override the default (fast) arguments used by the _status property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<?include guids.wxi ?>
<?define hg_po_langs =
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Directory Id="i18ndir" Name="i18n" FileSource="$(var.SourceDir)">
<Component Id="i18nFolder" Guid="$(var.i18nFolder.guid)">
<File Name="hggettext" KeyPath="yes" />
<?foreach LANG in $(var.hg_po_langs) ?>
<File Id="hg.$(var.LANG).po"