author Augie Fackler <>
Mon, 24 Jul 2017 10:37:39 -0400
changeset 33745 388901a15bfa
parent 28351 42a7301fb4d5
child 43076 2372284d9457
permissions -rw-r--r--
obsolete: use bytes() instead of str() so the node is bytes on py3 I'm not sure this is right, since this should either be bytes or str to match what's going on in the revlog layer. Differential Revision:

from __future__ import absolute_import
import __builtin__
import os
from mercurial import (

def lowerwrap(scope, funcname):
    f = getattr(scope, funcname)
    def wrap(fname, *args, **kwargs):
        d, base = os.path.split(fname)
            files = os.listdir(d or '.')
        except OSError:
            files = []
        if base in files:
            return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
        for fn in files:
            if fn.lower() == base.lower():
                return f(os.path.join(d, fn), *args, **kwargs)
        return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
    scope.__dict__[funcname] = wrap

def normcase(path):
    return path.lower()

os.path.normcase = normcase

for f in 'file open'.split():
    lowerwrap(__builtin__, f)

for f in "chmod chown open lstat stat remove unlink".split():
    lowerwrap(os, f)

for f in "exists lexists".split():
    lowerwrap(os.path, f)

lowerwrap(util, 'posixfile')