author Angel Ezquerra <angel.ezquerra@gmail.com>
Fri, 06 Sep 2013 00:38:28 +0200
changeset 19811 5e10d41e7b9c
parent 15611 ec8a49c46d7e
child 20685 56b1f39dd0c1
permissions -rw-r--r--
merge: let the user choose to merge, keep local or keep remote subrepo revisions When a subrepo has changed on the local and remote revisions, prompt the user whether it wants to merge those subrepo revisions, keep the local revision or keep the remote revision. Up until now mercurial would always perform a merge on a subrepo that had changed on the local and the remote revisions. This is often inconvenient. For example: - You may want to perform the actual subrepo merge after you have merged the parent subrepo files. - Some subrepos may be considered "read only", in the sense that you are not supposed to add new revisions to them. In those cases "merging a subrepo" means choosing which _existing_ revision you want to use on the merged revision. This is often the case for subrepos that contain binary dependencies (such as DLLs, etc). This new prompt makes mercurial better cope with those common scenarios. Notes: - The default behavior (which is the one that is used when ui is not interactive) remains unchanged (i.e. merge is the default action). - This prompt will be shown even if the ui --tool flag is set. - I don't know of a way to test the "keep local" and "keep remote" options (i.e. to force the test to choose those options). # HG changeset patch # User Angel Ezquerra <angel.ezquerra@gmail.com> # Date 1378420708 -7200 # Fri Sep 06 00:38:28 2013 +0200 # Node ID 2fb9cb0c7b26303ac3178b7739975e663075857d # Parent 50d721553198cea51c30f53b76d41dc919280097 merge: let the user choose to merge, keep local or keep remote subrepo revisions When a subrepo has changed on the local and remote revisions, prompt the user whether it wants to merge those subrepo revisions, keep the local revision or keep the remote revision. Up until now mercurial would always perform a merge on a subrepo that had changed on the local and the remote revisions. This is often inconvenient. For example: - You may want to perform the actual subrepo merge after you have merged the parent subrepo files. - Some subrepos may be considered "read only", in the sense that you are not supposed to add new revisions to them. In those cases "merging a subrepo" means choosing which _existing_ revision you want to use on the merged revision. This is often the case for subrepos that contain binary dependencies (such as DLLs, etc). This new prompt makes mercurial better cope with those common scenarios. Notes: - The default behavior (which is the one that is used when ui is not interactive) remains unchanged (i.e. merge is the default action). - This prompt will be shown even if the ui --tool flag is set. - I don't know of a way to test the "keep local" and "keep remote" options (i.e. to force the test to choose those options).

import os

def check(a, b):
    if a != b:
        print (a, b)

def cert(cn):
    return dict(subject=((('commonName', cn),),))

from mercurial.sslutil import _verifycert

# Test non-wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert('example.com'), 'example.com'),
check(_verifycert(cert('example.com'), 'www.example.com'),
      'certificate is for example.com')
check(_verifycert(cert('www.example.com'), 'example.com'),
      'certificate is for www.example.com')

# Test wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert('*.example.com'), 'www.example.com'),
check(_verifycert(cert('*.example.com'), 'example.com'),
      'certificate is for *.example.com')
check(_verifycert(cert('*.example.com'), 'w.w.example.com'),
      'certificate is for *.example.com')

# Test subjectAltName
san_cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'example.com'),),),
            'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '*.example.net'),
                               ('DNS', 'example.net'))}
check(_verifycert(san_cert, 'example.net'),
check(_verifycert(san_cert, 'foo.example.net'),
# no fallback to subject commonName when subjectAltName has DNS
check(_verifycert(san_cert, 'example.com'),
      'certificate is for *.example.net, example.net')
# fallback to subject commonName when no DNS in subjectAltName
san_cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'example.com'),),),
            'subjectAltName': (('IP Address', ''),)}
check(_verifycert(san_cert, 'example.com'), None)

# Avoid some pitfalls
check(_verifycert(cert('*.foo'), 'foo'),
      'certificate is for *.foo')
check(_verifycert(cert('*o'), 'foo'),
      'certificate is for *o')

check(_verifycert({'subject': ()},
      'no commonName or subjectAltName found in certificate')
check(_verifycert(None, 'example.com'),
      'no certificate received')

# Unicode (IDN) certname isn't supported
check(_verifycert(cert(u'\u4f8b.jp'), 'example.jp'),
      'IDN in certificate not supported')

import doctest

def test_url():
    >>> from mercurial.util import url

    This tests for edge cases in url.URL's parsing algorithm. Most of
    these aren't useful for documentation purposes, so they aren't
    part of the class's doc tests.

    Query strings and fragments:

    >>> url('http://host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a?')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b#c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b?c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b?c'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsequery=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsefragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a#b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsequery=False, parsefragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a#b'>

    IPv6 addresses:

    >>> url('ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', host: '[2001:db8::7]', path: 'c=GB',
         query: 'objectClass?one'>
    >>> url('ldap://joe:xxx@[2001:db8::7]:80/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: '[2001:db8::7]',
         port: '80', path: 'c=GB', query: 'objectClass?one'>

    Missing scheme, host, etc.:

    >>> url('://')
    <url path: '://'>
    >>> url('http://mercurial.selenic.com')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'mercurial.selenic.com'>
    >>> url('/foo')
    <url path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('bundle:/foo')
    <url scheme: 'bundle', path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('a?b#c')
    <url path: 'a?b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://x.com?arg=/foo')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'x.com', query: 'arg=/foo'>
    >>> url('http://joe:xxx@/foo')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', path: 'foo'>

    Just a scheme and a path:

    >>> url('mailto:John.Doe@example.com')
    <url scheme: 'mailto', path: 'John.Doe@example.com'>
    >>> url('a:b:c:d')
    <url path: 'a:b:c:d'>
    >>> url('aa:bb:cc:dd')
    <url scheme: 'aa', path: 'bb:cc:dd'>

    SSH examples:

    >>> url('ssh://joe@host//home/joe')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host', path: '/home/joe'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host/src')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', path: 'src'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>
    >>> url('ssh:')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>

    Non-numeric port:

    >>> url('http://example.com:dd')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'example.com', port: 'dd'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host:ssh/foo')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', port: 'ssh',
         path: 'foo'>

    Bad authentication credentials:

    >>> url('http://joe@joeville:123@4:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe@joeville', passwd: '123@4:',
         host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*@:!*@@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: '!*@', passwd: '!*@', host: 'host',
         path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>

    File paths:

    >>> url('a/b/c/d.g.f')
    <url path: 'a/b/c/d.g.f'>
    >>> url('/x///z/y/')
    <url path: '/x///z/y/'>
    >>> url('/foo:bar')
    <url path: '/foo:bar'>
    >>> url('\\\\foo:bar')
    <url path: '\\\\foo:bar'>
    >>> url('./foo:bar')
    <url path: './foo:bar'>

    Non-localhost file URL:

    >>> u = url('file://mercurial.selenic.com/foo')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    Abort: file:// URLs can only refer to localhost

    Empty URL:

    >>> u = url('')
    >>> u
    <url path: ''>
    >>> str(u)

    Empty path with query string:

    >>> str(url('http://foo/?bar'))

    Invalid path:

    >>> u = url('http://foo/bar')
    >>> u.path = 'bar'
    >>> str(u)

    >>> u = url('file:/foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: '/foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:///foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: '/foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:///f:oo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: 'f:oo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file://localhost/f:oo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', host: 'localhost', path: 'f:oo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: 'foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

if 'TERM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['TERM']
