author John Mulligan <phlogistonjohn@asynchrono.us>
Wed, 14 Jan 2009 21:47:38 -0500
changeset 7656 6a24fb994701
parent 7601 49355875c805
child 7862 02981000012e
permissions -rw-r--r--
branch closing: referencing open and closed branches/heads Treat fully closed branches similarly to "inactive" in the output of 'hg branches'. They will be suffixed with "(closed)" where inactive branches are marked with "(inactive)". If the -a/--active option is given both inactive and closed branches will not be shown. Partially closed branches (multiple heads, at least one not closed) will display the next (tipmost) open head. Add -a/--active option to "hg heads" which will hide closed heads iff the option is specified. In other hg commands, when multiple branch heads exist the branch name will refer to the tipmost open head, and if none exist, then the tipmost closed head.

# Mercurial built-in replacement for cvsps.
# Copyright 2008, Frank Kingswood <frank@kingswood-consulting.co.uk>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

import os
import re
import cPickle as pickle
from mercurial import util
from mercurial.i18n import _

def listsort(list, key):
    "helper to sort by key in Python 2.3"
    except TypeError:
        list.sort(lambda l, r: cmp(key(l), key(r)))

class logentry(object):
    '''Class logentry has the following attributes:
        .author    - author name as CVS knows it
        .branch    - name of branch this revision is on
        .branches  - revision tuple of branches starting at this revision
        .comment   - commit message
        .date      - the commit date as a (time, tz) tuple
        .dead      - true if file revision is dead
        .file      - Name of file
        .lines     - a tuple (+lines, -lines) or None
        .parent    - Previous revision of this entry
        .rcs       - name of file as returned from CVS
        .revision  - revision number as tuple
        .tags      - list of tags on the file
    def __init__(self, **entries):

class logerror(Exception):

def getrepopath(cvspath):
    """Return the repository path from a CVS path.

    >>> getrepopath('/foo/bar')
    >>> getrepopath('c:/foo/bar')
    >>> getrepopath(':pserver:10/foo/bar')
    >>> getrepopath(':pserver:10c:/foo/bar')
    >>> getrepopath(':pserver:/foo/bar')
    >>> getrepopath(':pserver:c:/foo/bar')
    >>> getrepopath(':pserver:truc@foo.bar:/foo/bar')
    >>> getrepopath(':pserver:truc@foo.bar:c:/foo/bar')
    # According to CVS manual, CVS paths are expressed like:
    # [:method:][[user][:password]@]hostname[:[port]]/path/to/repository
    # Unfortunately, Windows absolute paths start with a drive letter
    # like 'c:' making it harder to parse. Here we assume that drive
    # letters are only one character long and any CVS component before
    # the repository path is at least 2 characters long, and use this
    # to disambiguate.
    parts = cvspath.split(':')
    if len(parts) == 1:
        return parts[0]
    # Here there is an ambiguous case if we have a port number
    # immediately followed by a Windows driver letter. We assume this
    # never happens and decide it must be CVS path component,
    # therefore ignoring it.
    if len(parts[-2]) > 1:
        return parts[-1].lstrip('0123456789')
    return parts[-2] + ':' + parts[-1]

def createlog(ui, directory=None, root="", rlog=True, cache=None):
    '''Collect the CVS rlog'''

    # Because we store many duplicate commit log messages, reusing strings
    # saves a lot of memory and pickle storage space.
    _scache = {}
    def scache(s):
        "return a shared version of a string"
        return _scache.setdefault(s, s)

    ui.status(_('collecting CVS rlog\n'))

    log = []      # list of logentry objects containing the CVS state

    # patterns to match in CVS (r)log output, by state of use
    re_00 = re.compile('RCS file: (.+)$')
    re_01 = re.compile('cvs \\[r?log aborted\\]: (.+)$')
    re_02 = re.compile('cvs (r?log|server): (.+)\n$')
    re_03 = re.compile("(Cannot access.+CVSROOT)|(can't create temporary directory.+)$")
    re_10 = re.compile('Working file: (.+)$')
    re_20 = re.compile('symbolic names:')
    re_30 = re.compile('\t(.+): ([\\d.]+)$')
    re_31 = re.compile('----------------------------$')
    re_32 = re.compile('=============================================================================$')
    re_50 = re.compile('revision ([\\d.]+)(\s+locked by:\s+.+;)?$')
    re_60 = re.compile(r'date:\s+(.+);\s+author:\s+(.+);\s+state:\s+(.+?);(\s+lines:\s+(\+\d+)?\s+(-\d+)?;)?')
    re_70 = re.compile('branches: (.+);$')

    prefix = ''   # leading path to strip of what we get from CVS

    if directory is None:
        # Current working directory

        # Get the real directory in the repository
            prefix = file(os.path.join('CVS','Repository')).read().strip()
            if prefix == ".":
                prefix = ""
            directory = prefix
        except IOError:
            raise logerror('Not a CVS sandbox')

        if prefix and not prefix.endswith(os.sep):
            prefix += os.sep

        # Use the Root file in the sandbox, if it exists
            root = file(os.path.join('CVS','Root')).read().strip()
        except IOError:

    if not root:
        root = os.environ.get('CVSROOT', '')

    # read log cache if one exists
    oldlog = []
    date = None

    if cache:
        cachedir = os.path.expanduser('~/.hg.cvsps')
        if not os.path.exists(cachedir):

        # The cvsps cache pickle needs a uniquified name, based on the
        # repository location. The address may have all sort of nasties
        # in it, slashes, colons and such. So here we take just the
        # alphanumerics, concatenated in a way that does not mix up the
        # various components, so that
        #    :pserver:user@server:/path
        # and
        #    /pserver/user/server/path
        # are mapped to different cache file names.
        cachefile = root.split(":") + [directory, "cache"]
        cachefile = ['-'.join(re.findall(r'\w+', s)) for s in cachefile if s]
        cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir,
                                 '.'.join([s for s in cachefile if s]))

    if cache == 'update':
            ui.note(_('reading cvs log cache %s\n') % cachefile)
            oldlog = pickle.load(file(cachefile))
            ui.note(_('cache has %d log entries\n') % len(oldlog))
        except Exception, e:
            ui.note(_('error reading cache: %r\n') % e)

        if oldlog:
            date = oldlog[-1].date    # last commit date as a (time,tz) tuple
            date = util.datestr(date, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %1%2')

    # build the CVS commandline
    cmd = ['cvs', '-q']
    if root:
        cmd.append('-d%s' % root)
        p = util.normpath(getrepopath(root))
        if not p.endswith('/'):
            p += '/'
        prefix = p + util.normpath(prefix)
    cmd.append(['log', 'rlog'][rlog])
    if date:
        # no space between option and date string
        cmd.append('-d>%s' % date)

    # state machine begins here
    tags = {}     # dictionary of revisions on current file with their tags
    state = 0
    store = False # set when a new record can be appended

    cmd = [util.shellquote(arg) for arg in cmd]
    ui.note(_("running %s\n") % (' '.join(cmd)))
    ui.debug(_("prefix=%r directory=%r root=%r\n") % (prefix, directory, root))

    pfp = util.popen(' '.join(cmd))
    peek = pfp.readline()
    while True:
        line = peek
        if line == '':
        peek = pfp.readline()
        if line.endswith('\n'):
            line = line[:-1]
        #ui.debug('state=%d line=%r\n' % (state, line))

        if state == 0:
            # initial state, consume input until we see 'RCS file'
            match = re_00.match(line)
            if match:
                rcs = match.group(1)
                tags = {}
                if rlog:
                    filename = util.normpath(rcs[:-2])
                    if filename.startswith(prefix):
                        filename = filename[len(prefix):]
                    if filename.startswith('/'):
                        filename = filename[1:]
                    if filename.startswith('Attic/'):
                        filename = filename[6:]
                        filename = filename.replace('/Attic/', '/')
                    state = 2
                state = 1
            match = re_01.match(line)
            if match:
                raise Exception(match.group(1))
            match = re_02.match(line)
            if match:
                raise Exception(match.group(2))
            if re_03.match(line):
                raise Exception(line)

        elif state == 1:
            # expect 'Working file' (only when using log instead of rlog)
            match = re_10.match(line)
            assert match, _('RCS file must be followed by working file')
            filename = util.normpath(match.group(1))
            state = 2

        elif state == 2:
            # expect 'symbolic names'
            if re_20.match(line):
                state = 3

        elif state == 3:
            # read the symbolic names and store as tags
            match = re_30.match(line)
            if match:
                rev = [int(x) for x in match.group(2).split('.')]

                # Convert magic branch number to an odd-numbered one
                revn = len(rev)
                if revn > 3 and (revn % 2) == 0 and rev[-2] == 0:
                    rev = rev[:-2] + rev[-1:]
                rev = tuple(rev)

                if rev not in tags:
                    tags[rev] = []

            elif re_31.match(line):
                state = 5
            elif re_32.match(line):
                state = 0

        elif state == 4:
            # expecting '------' separator before first revision
            if re_31.match(line):
                state = 5
                assert not re_32.match(line), _('must have at least some revisions')

        elif state == 5:
            # expecting revision number and possibly (ignored) lock indication
            # we create the logentry here from values stored in states 0 to 4,
            # as this state is re-entered for subsequent revisions of a file.
            match = re_50.match(line)
            assert match, _('expected revision number')
            e = logentry(rcs=scache(rcs), file=scache(filename),
                    revision=tuple([int(x) for x in match.group(1).split('.')]),
                    branches=[], parent=None)
            state = 6

        elif state == 6:
            # expecting date, author, state, lines changed
            match = re_60.match(line)
            assert match, _('revision must be followed by date line')
            d = match.group(1)
            if d[2] == '/':
                # Y2K
                d = '19' + d

            if len(d.split()) != 3:
                # cvs log dates always in GMT
                d = d + ' UTC'
            e.date = util.parsedate(d, ['%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'])
            e.author = scache(match.group(2))
            e.dead = match.group(3).lower() == 'dead'

            if match.group(5):
                if match.group(6):
                    e.lines = (int(match.group(5)), int(match.group(6)))
                    e.lines = (int(match.group(5)), 0)
            elif match.group(6):
                e.lines = (0, int(match.group(6)))
                e.lines = None
            e.comment = []
            state = 7

        elif state == 7:
            # read the revision numbers of branches that start at this revision
            # or store the commit log message otherwise
            m = re_70.match(line)
            if m:
                e.branches = [tuple([int(y) for y in x.strip().split('.')])
                                for x in m.group(1).split(';')]
                state = 8
            elif re_31.match(line) and re_50.match(peek):
                state = 5
                store = True
            elif re_32.match(line):
                state = 0
                store = True

        elif state == 8:
            # store commit log message
            if re_31.match(line):
                state = 5
                store = True
            elif re_32.match(line):
                state = 0
                store = True

        if store:
            # clean up the results and save in the log.
            store = False
            e.tags = util.sort([scache(x) for x in tags.get(e.revision, [])])
            e.comment = scache('\n'.join(e.comment))

            revn = len(e.revision)
            if revn > 3 and (revn % 2) == 0:
                e.branch = tags.get(e.revision[:-1], [None])[0]
                e.branch = None


            if len(log) % 100 == 0:
                ui.status(util.ellipsis('%d %s' % (len(log), e.file), 80)+'\n')

    listsort(log, key=lambda x:(x.rcs, x.revision))

    # find parent revisions of individual files
    versions = {}
    for e in log:
        branch = e.revision[:-1]
        p = versions.get((e.rcs, branch), None)
        if p is None:
            p = e.revision[:-2]
        e.parent = p
        versions[(e.rcs, branch)] = e.revision

    # update the log cache
    if cache:
        if log:
            # join up the old and new logs
            listsort(log, key=lambda x:x.date)

            if oldlog and oldlog[-1].date >= log[0].date:
                raise logerror('Log cache overlaps with new log entries,'
                               ' re-run without cache.')

            log = oldlog + log

            # write the new cachefile
            ui.note(_('writing cvs log cache %s\n') % cachefile)
            pickle.dump(log, file(cachefile, 'w'))
            log = oldlog

    ui.status(_('%d log entries\n') % len(log))

    return log

class changeset(object):
    '''Class changeset has the following attributes:
        .author    - author name as CVS knows it
        .branch    - name of branch this changeset is on, or None
        .comment   - commit message
        .date      - the commit date as a (time,tz) tuple
        .entries   - list of logentry objects in this changeset
        .parents   - list of one or two parent changesets
        .tags      - list of tags on this changeset
    def __init__(self, **entries):

def createchangeset(ui, log, fuzz=60, mergefrom=None, mergeto=None):
    '''Convert log into changesets.'''

    ui.status(_('creating changesets\n'))

    # Merge changesets

    listsort(log, key=lambda x:(x.comment, x.author, x.branch, x.date))

    changesets = []
    files = {}
    c = None
    for i, e in enumerate(log):

        # Check if log entry belongs to the current changeset or not.
        if not (c and
                  e.comment == c.comment and
                  e.author == c.author and
                  e.branch == c.branch and
                  ((c.date[0] + c.date[1]) <=
                   (e.date[0] + e.date[1]) <=
                   (c.date[0] + c.date[1]) + fuzz) and
                  e.file not in files):
            c = changeset(comment=e.comment, author=e.author,
                          branch=e.branch, date=e.date, entries=[])
            files = {}
            if len(changesets) % 100 == 0:
                t = '%d %s' % (len(changesets), repr(e.comment)[1:-1])
                ui.status(util.ellipsis(t, 80) + '\n')

        files[e.file] = True
        c.date = e.date       # changeset date is date of latest commit in it

    # Sort files in each changeset

    for c in changesets:
        def pathcompare(l, r):
            'Mimic cvsps sorting order'
            l = l.split('/')
            r = r.split('/')
            nl = len(l)
            nr = len(r)
            n = min(nl, nr)
            for i in range(n):
                if i + 1 == nl and nl < nr:
                    return -1
                elif i + 1 == nr and nl > nr:
                    return +1
                elif l[i] < r[i]:
                    return -1
                elif l[i] > r[i]:
                    return +1
            return 0
        def entitycompare(l, r):
            return pathcompare(l.file, r.file)


    # Sort changesets by date

    def cscmp(l, r):
        d = sum(l.date) - sum(r.date)
        if d:
            return d

        # detect vendor branches and initial commits on a branch
        le = {}
        for e in l.entries:
            le[e.rcs] = e.revision
        re = {}
        for e in r.entries:
            re[e.rcs] = e.revision

        d = 0
        for e in l.entries:
            if re.get(e.rcs, None) == e.parent:
                assert not d
                d = 1

        for e in r.entries:
            if le.get(e.rcs, None) == e.parent:
                assert not d
                d = -1

        return d


    # Collect tags

    globaltags = {}
    for c in changesets:
        tags = {}
        for e in c.entries:
            for tag in e.tags:
                # remember which is the latest changeset to have this tag
                globaltags[tag] = c

    for c in changesets:
        tags = {}
        for e in c.entries:
            for tag in e.tags:
                tags[tag] = True
        # remember tags only if this is the latest changeset to have it
        c.tags = util.sort([tag for tag in tags if globaltags[tag] is c])

    # Find parent changesets, handle {{mergetobranch BRANCHNAME}}
    # by inserting dummy changesets with two parents, and handle
    # {{mergefrombranch BRANCHNAME}} by setting two parents.

    if mergeto is None:
        mergeto = r'{{mergetobranch ([-\w]+)}}'
    if mergeto:
        mergeto = re.compile(mergeto)

    if mergefrom is None:
        mergefrom = r'{{mergefrombranch ([-\w]+)}}'
    if mergefrom:
        mergefrom = re.compile(mergefrom)

    versions = {}    # changeset index where we saw any particular file version
    branches = {}    # changeset index where we saw a branch
    n = len(changesets)
    i = 0
    while i<n:
        c = changesets[i]

        for f in c.entries:
            versions[(f.rcs, f.revision)] = i

        p = None
        if c.branch in branches:
            p = branches[c.branch]
            for f in c.entries:
                p = max(p, versions.get((f.rcs, f.parent), None))

        c.parents = []
        if p is not None:

        if mergefrom:
            m = mergefrom.search(c.comment)
            if m:
                m = m.group(1)
                if m == 'HEAD':
                    m = None
                if m in branches and c.branch != m:

        if mergeto:
            m = mergeto.search(c.comment)
            if m:
                    m = m.group(1)
                    if m == 'HEAD':
                        m = None
                    m = None   # if no group found then merge to HEAD
                if m in branches and c.branch != m:
                    # insert empty changeset for merge
                    cc = changeset(author=c.author, branch=m, date=c.date,
                            comment='convert-repo: CVS merge from branch %s' % c.branch,
                            entries=[], tags=[], parents=[changesets[branches[m]], c])
                    changesets.insert(i + 1, cc)
                    branches[m] = i + 1

                    # adjust our loop counters now we have inserted a new entry
                    n += 1
                    i += 2

        branches[c.branch] = i
        i += 1

    # Number changesets

    for i, c in enumerate(changesets):
        c.id = i + 1

    ui.status(_('%d changeset entries\n') % len(changesets))

    return changesets

def debugcvsps(ui, *args, **opts):
    '''Read CVS rlog for current directory or named path in repository, and
    convert the log to changesets based on matching commit log entries and dates.'''

    if opts["new_cache"]:
        cache = "write"
    elif opts["update_cache"]:
        cache = "update"
        cache = None

    revisions = opts["revisions"]

        if args:
            log = []
            for d in args:
                log += createlog(ui, d, root=opts["root"], cache=cache)
            log = createlog(ui, root=opts["root"], cache=cache)
    except logerror, e:

    changesets = createchangeset(ui, log, opts["fuzz"])
    del log

    # Print changesets (optionally filtered)

    off = len(revisions)
    branches = {}    # latest version number in each branch
    ancestors = {}   # parent branch
    for cs in changesets:

        if opts["ancestors"]:
            if cs.branch not in branches and cs.parents and cs.parents[0].id:
                ancestors[cs.branch] = changesets[cs.parents[0].id-1].branch, cs.parents[0].id
            branches[cs.branch] = cs.id

        # limit by branches
        if opts["branches"] and (cs.branch or 'HEAD') not in opts["branches"]:

        if not off:
            # Note: trailing spaces on several lines here are needed to have
            #       bug-for-bug compatibility with cvsps.
            ui.write('PatchSet %d \n' % cs.id)
            ui.write('Date: %s\n' % util.datestr(cs.date, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %1%2'))
            ui.write('Author: %s\n' % cs.author)
            ui.write('Branch: %s\n' % (cs.branch or 'HEAD'))
            ui.write('Tag%s: %s \n' % (['', 's'][len(cs.tags)>1],
                                  ','.join(cs.tags) or '(none)'))
            if opts["parents"] and cs.parents:
                if len(cs.parents)>1:
                    ui.write('Parents: %s\n' % (','.join([str(p.id) for p in cs.parents])))
                    ui.write('Parent: %d\n' % cs.parents[0].id)

            if opts["ancestors"]:
                b = cs.branch
                r = []
                while b:
                    b, c = ancestors[b]
                    r.append('%s:%d:%d' % (b or "HEAD", c, branches[b]))
                if r:
                    ui.write('Ancestors: %s\n' % (','.join(r)))

            ui.write('%s\n\n' % cs.comment)
            ui.write('Members: \n')
            for f in cs.entries:
                fn = f.file
                if fn.startswith(opts["prefix"]):
                    fn = fn[len(opts["prefix"]):]
                ui.write('\t%s:%s->%s%s \n' % (fn, '.'.join([str(x) for x in f.parent]) or 'INITIAL',
                                          '.'.join([str(x) for x in f.revision]), ['', '(DEAD)'][f.dead]))

        # have we seen the start tag?
        if revisions and off:
            if revisions[0] == str(cs.id) or \
                revisions[0] in cs.tags:
                off = False

        # see if we reached the end tag
        if len(revisions)>1 and not off:
            if revisions[1] == str(cs.id) or \
                revisions[1] in cs.tags: