author Pierre-Yves David <>
Mon, 09 Oct 2023 15:12:16 +0200
changeset 51300 83c6dceeb10d
parent 50800 2c34c9b61a4f
permissions -rw-r--r--
usage: add configuration option to adjust resources usage They currently do nothing, but this open the way to actually use them.

import string
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, FrozenSet, Iterable, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
import warnings

from ._re import (
from ._types import Key, ParseFloat, Pos

ASCII_CTRL = frozenset(chr(i) for i in range(32)) | frozenset(chr(127))

# Neither of these sets include quotation mark or backslash. They are
# currently handled as separate cases in the parser functions.



TOML_WS = frozenset(" \t")
TOML_WS_AND_NEWLINE = TOML_WS | frozenset("\n")
BARE_KEY_CHARS = frozenset(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-_")
HEXDIGIT_CHARS = frozenset(string.hexdigits)

        "\\b": "\u0008",  # backspace
        "\\t": "\u0009",  # tab
        "\\n": "\u000A",  # linefeed
        "\\f": "\u000C",  # form feed
        "\\r": "\u000D",  # carriage return
        '\\"': "\u0022",  # quote
        "\\\\": "\u005C",  # backslash

class TOMLDecodeError(ValueError):
    """An error raised if a document is not valid TOML."""

def load(fp: BinaryIO, *, parse_float: ParseFloat = float) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Parse TOML from a binary file object."""
    s_bytes =
        s = s_bytes.decode()
    except AttributeError:
            "Text file object support is deprecated in favor of binary file objects."
            ' Use `open("foo.toml", "rb")` to open the file in binary mode.',
        s = s_bytes  # type: ignore[assignment]
    return loads(s, parse_float=parse_float)

def loads(s: str, *, parse_float: ParseFloat = float) -> Dict[str, Any]:  # noqa: C901
    """Parse TOML from a string."""

    # The spec allows converting "\r\n" to "\n", even in string
    # literals. Let's do so to simplify parsing.
    src = s.replace("\r\n", "\n")
    pos = 0
    out = Output(NestedDict(), Flags())
    header: Key = ()

    # Parse one statement at a time
    # (typically means one line in TOML source)
    while True:
        # 1. Skip line leading whitespace
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)

        # 2. Parse rules. Expect one of the following:
        #    - end of file
        #    - end of line
        #    - comment
        #    - key/value pair
        #    - append dict to list (and move to its namespace)
        #    - create dict (and move to its namespace)
        # Skip trailing whitespace when applicable.
            char = src[pos]
        except IndexError:
        if char == "\n":
            pos += 1
        if char in KEY_INITIAL_CHARS:
            pos = key_value_rule(src, pos, out, header, parse_float)
            pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
        elif char == "[":
                second_char: Optional[str] = src[pos + 1]
            except IndexError:
                second_char = None
            if second_char == "[":
                pos, header = create_list_rule(src, pos, out)
                pos, header = create_dict_rule(src, pos, out)
            pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
        elif char != "#":
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid statement")

        # 3. Skip comment
        pos = skip_comment(src, pos)

        # 4. Expect end of line or end of file
            char = src[pos]
        except IndexError:
        if char != "\n":
            raise suffixed_err(
                src, pos, "Expected newline or end of document after a statement"
        pos += 1


class Flags:
    """Flags that map to parsed keys/namespaces."""

    # Marks an immutable namespace (inline array or inline table).
    FROZEN = 0
    # Marks a nest that has been explicitly created and can no longer
    # be opened using the "[table]" syntax.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._flags: Dict[str, dict] = {}

    def unset_all(self, key: Key) -> None:
        cont = self._flags
        for k in key[:-1]:
            if k not in cont:
            cont = cont[k]["nested"]
        cont.pop(key[-1], None)

    def set_for_relative_key(self, head_key: Key, rel_key: Key, flag: int) -> None:
        cont = self._flags
        for k in head_key:
            if k not in cont:
                cont[k] = {"flags": set(), "recursive_flags": set(), "nested": {}}
            cont = cont[k]["nested"]
        for k in rel_key:
            if k in cont:
                cont[k] = {"flags": {flag}, "recursive_flags": set(), "nested": {}}
            cont = cont[k]["nested"]

    def set(self, key: Key, flag: int, *, recursive: bool) -> None:  # noqa: A003
        cont = self._flags
        key_parent, key_stem = key[:-1], key[-1]
        for k in key_parent:
            if k not in cont:
                cont[k] = {"flags": set(), "recursive_flags": set(), "nested": {}}
            cont = cont[k]["nested"]
        if key_stem not in cont:
            cont[key_stem] = {"flags": set(), "recursive_flags": set(), "nested": {}}
        cont[key_stem]["recursive_flags" if recursive else "flags"].add(flag)

    def is_(self, key: Key, flag: int) -> bool:
        if not key:
            return False  # document root has no flags
        cont = self._flags
        for k in key[:-1]:
            if k not in cont:
                return False
            inner_cont = cont[k]
            if flag in inner_cont["recursive_flags"]:
                return True
            cont = inner_cont["nested"]
        key_stem = key[-1]
        if key_stem in cont:
            cont = cont[key_stem]
            return flag in cont["flags"] or flag in cont["recursive_flags"]
        return False

class NestedDict:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # The parsed content of the TOML document
        self.dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    def get_or_create_nest(
        key: Key,
        access_lists: bool = True,
    ) -> dict:
        cont: Any = self.dict
        for k in key:
            if k not in cont:
                cont[k] = {}
            cont = cont[k]
            if access_lists and isinstance(cont, list):
                cont = cont[-1]
            if not isinstance(cont, dict):
                raise KeyError("There is no nest behind this key")
        return cont

    def append_nest_to_list(self, key: Key) -> None:
        cont = self.get_or_create_nest(key[:-1])
        last_key = key[-1]
        if last_key in cont:
            list_ = cont[last_key]
            except AttributeError:
                raise KeyError("An object other than list found behind this key")
            cont[last_key] = [{}]

class Output(NamedTuple):
    data: NestedDict
    flags: Flags

def skip_chars(src: str, pos: Pos, chars: Iterable[str]) -> Pos:
        while src[pos] in chars:
            pos += 1
    except IndexError:
    return pos

def skip_until(
    src: str,
    pos: Pos,
    expect: str,
    error_on: FrozenSet[str],
    error_on_eof: bool,
) -> Pos:
        new_pos = src.index(expect, pos)
    except ValueError:
        new_pos = len(src)
        if error_on_eof:
            raise suffixed_err(src, new_pos, f"Expected {expect!r}") from None

    if not error_on.isdisjoint(src[pos:new_pos]):
        while src[pos] not in error_on:
            pos += 1
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Found invalid character {src[pos]!r}")
    return new_pos

def skip_comment(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Pos:
        char: Optional[str] = src[pos]
    except IndexError:
        char = None
    if char == "#":
        return skip_until(
            src, pos + 1, "\n", error_on=ILLEGAL_COMMENT_CHARS, error_on_eof=False
    return pos

def skip_comments_and_array_ws(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Pos:
    while True:
        pos_before_skip = pos
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS_AND_NEWLINE)
        pos = skip_comment(src, pos)
        if pos == pos_before_skip:
            return pos

def create_dict_rule(src: str, pos: Pos, out: Output) -> Tuple[Pos, Key]:
    pos += 1  # Skip "["
    pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
    pos, key = parse_key(src, pos)

    if out.flags.is_(key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST) or out.flags.is_(key, Flags.FROZEN):
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Can not declare {key} twice")
    out.flags.set(key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST, recursive=False)
    except KeyError:
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Can not overwrite a value") from None

    if not src.startswith("]", pos):
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, 'Expected "]" at the end of a table declaration')
    return pos + 1, key

def create_list_rule(src: str, pos: Pos, out: Output) -> Tuple[Pos, Key]:
    pos += 2  # Skip "[["
    pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
    pos, key = parse_key(src, pos)

    if out.flags.is_(key, Flags.FROZEN):
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Can not mutate immutable namespace {key}")
    # Free the namespace now that it points to another empty list item...
    # ...but this key precisely is still prohibited from table declaration
    out.flags.set(key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST, recursive=False)
    except KeyError:
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Can not overwrite a value") from None

    if not src.startswith("]]", pos):
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, 'Expected "]]" at the end of an array declaration')
    return pos + 2, key

def key_value_rule(
    src: str, pos: Pos, out: Output, header: Key, parse_float: ParseFloat
) -> Pos:
    pos, key, value = parse_key_value_pair(src, pos, parse_float)
    key_parent, key_stem = key[:-1], key[-1]
    abs_key_parent = header + key_parent

    if out.flags.is_(abs_key_parent, Flags.FROZEN):
        raise suffixed_err(
            src, pos, f"Can not mutate immutable namespace {abs_key_parent}"
    # Containers in the relative path can't be opened with the table syntax after this
    out.flags.set_for_relative_key(header, key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST)
        nest =
    except KeyError:
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Can not overwrite a value") from None
    if key_stem in nest:
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Can not overwrite a value")
    # Mark inline table and array namespaces recursively immutable
    if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
        out.flags.set(header + key, Flags.FROZEN, recursive=True)
    nest[key_stem] = value
    return pos

def parse_key_value_pair(
    src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat
) -> Tuple[Pos, Key, Any]:
    pos, key = parse_key(src, pos)
        char: Optional[str] = src[pos]
    except IndexError:
        char = None
    if char != "=":
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, 'Expected "=" after a key in a key/value pair')
    pos += 1
    pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
    pos, value = parse_value(src, pos, parse_float)
    return pos, key, value

def parse_key(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Tuple[Pos, Key]:
    pos, key_part = parse_key_part(src, pos)
    key: Key = (key_part,)
    pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
    while True:
            char: Optional[str] = src[pos]
        except IndexError:
            char = None
        if char != ".":
            return pos, key
        pos += 1
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
        pos, key_part = parse_key_part(src, pos)
        key += (key_part,)
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)

def parse_key_part(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
        char: Optional[str] = src[pos]
    except IndexError:
        char = None
    if char in BARE_KEY_CHARS:
        start_pos = pos
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, BARE_KEY_CHARS)
        return pos, src[start_pos:pos]
    if char == "'":
        return parse_literal_str(src, pos)
    if char == '"':
        return parse_one_line_basic_str(src, pos)
    raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid initial character for a key part")

def parse_one_line_basic_str(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
    pos += 1
    return parse_basic_str(src, pos, multiline=False)

def parse_array(src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat) -> Tuple[Pos, list]:
    pos += 1
    array: list = []

    pos = skip_comments_and_array_ws(src, pos)
    if src.startswith("]", pos):
        return pos + 1, array
    while True:
        pos, val = parse_value(src, pos, parse_float)
        pos = skip_comments_and_array_ws(src, pos)

        c = src[pos : pos + 1]
        if c == "]":
            return pos + 1, array
        if c != ",":
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unclosed array")
        pos += 1

        pos = skip_comments_and_array_ws(src, pos)
        if src.startswith("]", pos):
            return pos + 1, array

def parse_inline_table(src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat) -> Tuple[Pos, dict]:
    pos += 1
    nested_dict = NestedDict()
    flags = Flags()

    pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
    if src.startswith("}", pos):
        return pos + 1, nested_dict.dict
    while True:
        pos, key, value = parse_key_value_pair(src, pos, parse_float)
        key_parent, key_stem = key[:-1], key[-1]
        if flags.is_(key, Flags.FROZEN):
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Can not mutate immutable namespace {key}")
            nest = nested_dict.get_or_create_nest(key_parent, access_lists=False)
        except KeyError:
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Can not overwrite a value") from None
        if key_stem in nest:
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Duplicate inline table key {key_stem!r}")
        nest[key_stem] = value
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
        c = src[pos : pos + 1]
        if c == "}":
            return pos + 1, nested_dict.dict
        if c != ",":
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unclosed inline table")
        if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
            flags.set(key, Flags.FROZEN, recursive=True)
        pos += 1
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)

def parse_basic_str_escape(  # noqa: C901
    src: str, pos: Pos, *, multiline: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
    escape_id = src[pos : pos + 2]
    pos += 2
    if multiline and escape_id in {"\\ ", "\\\t", "\\\n"}:
        # Skip whitespace until next non-whitespace character or end of
        # the doc. Error if non-whitespace is found before newline.
        if escape_id != "\\\n":
            pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS)
                char = src[pos]
            except IndexError:
                return pos, ""
            if char != "\n":
                raise suffixed_err(src, pos, 'Unescaped "\\" in a string')
            pos += 1
        pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS_AND_NEWLINE)
        return pos, ""
    if escape_id == "\\u":
        return parse_hex_char(src, pos, 4)
    if escape_id == "\\U":
        return parse_hex_char(src, pos, 8)
        return pos, BASIC_STR_ESCAPE_REPLACEMENTS[escape_id]
    except KeyError:
        if len(escape_id) != 2:
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unterminated string") from None
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, 'Unescaped "\\" in a string') from None

def parse_basic_str_escape_multiline(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
    return parse_basic_str_escape(src, pos, multiline=True)

def parse_hex_char(src: str, pos: Pos, hex_len: int) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
    hex_str = src[pos : pos + hex_len]
    if len(hex_str) != hex_len or not HEXDIGIT_CHARS.issuperset(hex_str):
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid hex value")
    pos += hex_len
    hex_int = int(hex_str, 16)
    if not is_unicode_scalar_value(hex_int):
        raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Escaped character is not a Unicode scalar value")
    return pos, chr(hex_int)

def parse_literal_str(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
    pos += 1  # Skip starting apostrophe
    start_pos = pos
    pos = skip_until(
        src, pos, "'", error_on=ILLEGAL_LITERAL_STR_CHARS, error_on_eof=True
    return pos + 1, src[start_pos:pos]  # Skip ending apostrophe

def parse_multiline_str(src: str, pos: Pos, *, literal: bool) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
    pos += 3
    if src.startswith("\n", pos):
        pos += 1

    if literal:
        delim = "'"
        end_pos = skip_until(
        result = src[pos:end_pos]
        pos = end_pos + 3
        delim = '"'
        pos, result = parse_basic_str(src, pos, multiline=True)

    # Add at maximum two extra apostrophes/quotes if the end sequence
    # is 4 or 5 chars long instead of just 3.
    if not src.startswith(delim, pos):
        return pos, result
    pos += 1
    if not src.startswith(delim, pos):
        return pos, result + delim
    pos += 1
    return pos, result + (delim * 2)

def parse_basic_str(src: str, pos: Pos, *, multiline: bool) -> Tuple[Pos, str]:
    if multiline:
        parse_escapes = parse_basic_str_escape_multiline
        error_on = ILLEGAL_BASIC_STR_CHARS
        parse_escapes = parse_basic_str_escape
    result = ""
    start_pos = pos
    while True:
            char = src[pos]
        except IndexError:
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unterminated string") from None
        if char == '"':
            if not multiline:
                return pos + 1, result + src[start_pos:pos]
            if src.startswith('"""', pos):
                return pos + 3, result + src[start_pos:pos]
            pos += 1
        if char == "\\":
            result += src[start_pos:pos]
            pos, parsed_escape = parse_escapes(src, pos)
            result += parsed_escape
            start_pos = pos
        if char in error_on:
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Illegal character {char!r}")
        pos += 1

def parse_value(  # noqa: C901
    src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat
) -> Tuple[Pos, Any]:
        char: Optional[str] = src[pos]
    except IndexError:
        char = None

    # Basic strings
    if char == '"':
        if src.startswith('"""', pos):
            return parse_multiline_str(src, pos, literal=False)
        return parse_one_line_basic_str(src, pos)

    # Literal strings
    if char == "'":
        if src.startswith("'''", pos):
            return parse_multiline_str(src, pos, literal=True)
        return parse_literal_str(src, pos)

    # Booleans
    if char == "t":
        if src.startswith("true", pos):
            return pos + 4, True
    if char == "f":
        if src.startswith("false", pos):
            return pos + 5, False

    # Dates and times
    datetime_match = RE_DATETIME.match(src, pos)
    if datetime_match:
            datetime_obj = match_to_datetime(datetime_match)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid date or datetime") from e
        return datetime_match.end(), datetime_obj
    localtime_match = RE_LOCALTIME.match(src, pos)
    if localtime_match:
        return localtime_match.end(), match_to_localtime(localtime_match)

    # Integers and "normal" floats.
    # The regex will greedily match any type starting with a decimal
    # char, so needs to be located after handling of dates and times.
    number_match = RE_NUMBER.match(src, pos)
    if number_match:
        return number_match.end(), match_to_number(number_match, parse_float)

    # Arrays
    if char == "[":
        return parse_array(src, pos, parse_float)

    # Inline tables
    if char == "{":
        return parse_inline_table(src, pos, parse_float)

    # Special floats
    first_three = src[pos : pos + 3]
    if first_three in {"inf", "nan"}:
        return pos + 3, parse_float(first_three)
    first_four = src[pos : pos + 4]
    if first_four in {"-inf", "+inf", "-nan", "+nan"}:
        return pos + 4, parse_float(first_four)

    raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid value")

def suffixed_err(src: str, pos: Pos, msg: str) -> TOMLDecodeError:
    """Return a `TOMLDecodeError` where error message is suffixed with
    coordinates in source."""

    def coord_repr(src: str, pos: Pos) -> str:
        if pos >= len(src):
            return "end of document"
        line = src.count("\n", 0, pos) + 1
        if line == 1:
            column = pos + 1
            column = pos - src.rindex("\n", 0, pos)
        return f"line {line}, column {column}"

    return TOMLDecodeError(f"{msg} (at {coord_repr(src, pos)})")

def is_unicode_scalar_value(codepoint: int) -> bool:
    return (0 <= codepoint <= 55295) or (57344 <= codepoint <= 1114111)