revsetbenchmarks: parse perfrevset output into actual number
We cannot just ask perfrevset to provide debug output because we usually want
to compare output from old version of Mercurial that do not support it. So, we
are using a regular expression.
(/we now have \d problems/).
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Measure the performance of a list of revsets against multiple revisions
# defined by parameter. Checkout one by one and run perfrevset with every
# revset in the list to benchmark its performance.
# - First argument is a revset of mercurial own repo to runs against.
# - Second argument is the file from which the revset array will be taken
# If second argument is omitted read it from standard input
# You should run this from the root of your mercurial repository.
# This script also does one run of the current version of mercurial installed
# to compare performance.
import sys
import os
import re
from subprocess import check_call, Popen, CalledProcessError, STDOUT, PIPE
# cannot use argparse, python 2.7 only
from optparse import OptionParser
def check_output(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('stderr', PIPE)
kwargs.setdefault('stdout', PIPE)
proc = Popen(*args, **kwargs)
output, error = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, ' '.join(args[0]))
return output
def update(rev):
"""update the repo to a revision"""
check_call(['hg', 'update', '--quiet', '--check', str(rev)])
except CalledProcessError, exc:
print >> sys.stderr, 'update to revision %s failed, aborting' % rev
def hg(cmd, repo=None):
"""run a mercurial command
<cmd> is the list of command + argument,
<repo> is an optional repository path to run this command in."""
fullcmd = ['./hg']
if repo is not None:
fullcmd += ['-R', repo]
fullcmd += ['--config',
'extensions.perf=' + os.path.join(contribdir, '')]
fullcmd += cmd
return check_output(fullcmd, stderr=STDOUT)
def perf(revset, target=None):
"""run benchmark for this very revset"""
output = hg(['perfrevset', revset], repo=target)
return parseoutput(output)
except CalledProcessError, exc:
print >> sys.stderr, 'abort: cannot run revset benchmark: %s' % exc.cmd
if exc.output is None:
print >> sys.stderr, '(no ouput)'
print >> sys.stderr, exc.output
outputre = re.compile(r'! wall (\d+.\d+) comb (\d+.\d+) user (\d+.\d+) '
'sys (\d+.\d+) \(best of (\d+)\)')
def parseoutput(output):
"""parse a textual output into a dict
We cannot just use json because we want to compare with old
versions of Mercurial that may not support json output.
match =
if not match:
print >> sys.stderr, 'abort: invalid output:'
print >> sys.stderr, output
return {'comb': float(,
'count': int(,
'sys': float(,
'user': float(,
'wall': float(,
def printrevision(rev):
"""print data about a revision"""
sys.stdout.write("Revision: ")
check_call(['hg', 'log', '--rev', str(rev), '--template',
def formatresult(data):
"""format the data dict into a line of text for humans"""
return ("wall %f comb %f user %f sys %f (best of %d)"
% (data['wall'], data['comb'], data['user'],
data['sys'], data['count']))
def getrevs(spec):
"""get the list of rev matched by a revset"""
out = check_output(['hg', 'log', '--template={rev}\n', '--rev', spec])
except CalledProcessError, exc:
print >> sys.stderr, "abort, can't get revision from %s" % spec
return [r for r in out.split() if r]
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] <revs>")
parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
help="read revset from FILE (stdin if omitted)",
parser.add_option("-R", "--repo",
help="run benchmark on REPO", metavar="REPO")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
# the directory where both this script and the extension live.
contribdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
target_rev = args[0]
revsetsfile = sys.stdin
if options.file:
revsetsfile = open(options.file)
revsets = [l.strip() for l in revsetsfile if not l.startswith('#')]
print "Revsets to benchmark"
print "----------------------------"
for idx, rset in enumerate(revsets):
print "%i) %s" % (idx, rset)
print "----------------------------"
revs = getrevs(target_rev)
results = []
for r in revs:
print "----------------------------"
print "----------------------------"
res = []
for idx, rset in enumerate(revsets):
data = perf(rset, target=options.repo)
print "%i)" % idx, formatresult(data)
print "----------------------------"
print """
Result by revset
print 'Revision:', revs
for idx, rev in enumerate(revs):
sys.stdout.write('%i) ' % idx)
for ridx, rset in enumerate(revsets):
print "revset #%i: %s" % (ridx, rset)
for idx, data in enumerate(results):
print '%i) %s' % (idx, formatresult(data[ridx]))