run-tests: ignore failures from rmtree
rmtree() may fail under certain conditions. We ignore failures at the
individual test level because they can interfere with test execution.
Furthermore, we'll reattempt deletion in the high-level test runner
after all tests have finished.
Note that this patch is not a code refactor like most of the patches
before it. This change logically makes sense given the execution
behavior of the tests.
import os
import osutil
import util
import _winreg
def systemrcpath():
'''return default os-specific hgrc search path'''
rcpath = []
filename = util.executablepath()
# Use mercurial.ini found in directory with hg.exe
progrc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), 'mercurial.ini')
if os.path.isfile(progrc):
return rcpath
# Use hgrc.d found in directory with hg.exe
progrcd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), 'hgrc.d')
if os.path.isdir(progrcd):
for f, kind in osutil.listdir(progrcd):
if f.endswith('.rc'):
rcpath.append(os.path.join(progrcd, f))
return rcpath
# else look for a system rcpath in the registry
value = util.lookupreg('SOFTWARE\\Mercurial', None,
if not isinstance(value, str) or not value:
return rcpath
value = util.localpath(value)
for p in value.split(os.pathsep):
if p.lower().endswith('mercurial.ini'):
elif os.path.isdir(p):
for f, kind in osutil.listdir(p):
if f.endswith('.rc'):
rcpath.append(os.path.join(p, f))
return rcpath
def userrcpath():
'''return os-specific hgrc search path to the user dir'''
home = os.path.expanduser('~')
path = [os.path.join(home, 'mercurial.ini'),
os.path.join(home, '.hgrc')]
userprofile = os.environ.get('USERPROFILE')
if userprofile:
path.append(os.path.join(userprofile, 'mercurial.ini'))
path.append(os.path.join(userprofile, '.hgrc'))
return path