revert: stop marking files clean after interactive revert (issue4592)
The goal of 'hg revert --interactive' is usually to keep some change in the
revert file, so the files -must-not- be marked as clean. We want the status
logic to do its usual job here.
For unclear reasons (probably timing related), I was unable to build an automated
test that reproduced issue4592 but manual testing shows this is fixed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<?include guids.wxi ?>
<?include defines.wxi ?>
<?define hg_po_langs =
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Directory Id="i18ndir" Name="i18n" FileSource="$(var.SourceDir)">
<Component Id="i18nFolder" Guid="$(var.i18nFolder.guid)" Win64='$(var.IsX64)'>
<File Name="hggettext" KeyPath="yes" />
<?foreach LANG in $(var.hg_po_langs) ?>
<File Id="hg.$(var.LANG).po"