author the31k <>
Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:24:08 +0300
changeset 34091 abf91c4f9608
parent 32358 6a773d3050c9
child 34146 0fa781320203
permissions -rw-r--r--
branches: correctly show inactive multiheaded branches Issue being fixed here: `hg branches` incorrectly renders inactive multiheaded branches as active if they have closed heads. Example: ``` $ hg log --template '{rev}:{node|short} "{desc}" ({branch}) [parents: {parents}]\n' 4:2e2fa7af8357 "merge" (default) [parents: 0:c94e548c8c7d 3:7be622ae5832 ] 3:7be622ae5832 "2" (somebranch) [parents: 1:81c1d9458987 ] 2:be82cf30409c "close" (somebranch) [parents: ] 1:81c1d9458987 "1" (somebranch) [parents: ] 0:c94e548c8c7d "initial" (default) [parents: ] $ hg branches default 4:2e2fa7af8357 somebranch 3:7be622ae5832 ``` Branch `somebranch` have two heads, the 1st one being closed (rev 2) and the other one being merged into default (rev 3). This branch should be shown as inactive one. This happens because we intersect branch heads with repo heads to check branch activity. In this case intersection in a set with one node (rev 2). This head is closed but the branch is marked as active nevertheless. Fix is to check branch activity by intersecting only open heads set. Fixed output: ``` $ hg branches default 4:2e2fa7af8357 somebranch 3:7be622ae5832 (inactive) ``` Relevant tests for multihead branches added to test-branches suite. Implentation note about adding `iteropen` method: At first I have tried to modify `iterbranches` is such a way that it would filter out closed heads itself. For example it could have `closed=False` parameter. But in this case we would have to filter closed tips as well. Reasoning in terms of `hg branches` we actually are not allowed to do this. Also, we need to do heads filtering only if tip is not closed itself. But if it is - we are ok to skip filtering, because branch is already known to be inactive. So we can't implement heads filtering in `iterbranches` in elegant way, because we will end up with something like `closed_heads=False` or even `closed_heads_is_tip_is_open`. Finally I decided to move this logic to the `branches` function, adding `iteropen` helper method. Differential Revision:

# - configuration parsing for Mercurial
#  Copyright 2009 Matt Mackall <> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import errno
import os

from .i18n import _
from . import (

class config(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None, includepaths=None):
        self._data = {}
        self._source = {}
        self._unset = []
        self._includepaths = includepaths or []
        if data:
            for k in data._data:
                self._data[k] = data[k].copy()
            self._source = data._source.copy()
    def copy(self):
        return config(self)
    def __contains__(self, section):
        return section in self._data
    def hasitem(self, section, item):
        return item in self._data.get(section, {})
    def __getitem__(self, section):
        return self._data.get(section, {})
    def __iter__(self):
        for d in self.sections():
            yield d
    def update(self, src):
        for s, n in src._unset:
            if s in self and n in self._data[s]:
                del self._data[s][n]
                del self._source[(s, n)]
        for s in src:
            if s not in self:
                self._data[s] = util.sortdict()
    def get(self, section, item, default=None):
        return self._data.get(section, {}).get(item, default)

    def backup(self, section, item):
        """return a tuple allowing restore to reinstall a previous value

        The main reason we need it is because it handles the "no data" case.
            value = self._data[section][item]
            source = self.source(section, item)
            return (section, item, value, source)
        except KeyError:
            return (section, item)

    def source(self, section, item):
        return self._source.get((section, item), "")
    def sections(self):
        return sorted(self._data.keys())
    def items(self, section):
        return list(self._data.get(section, {}).iteritems())
    def set(self, section, item, value, source=""):
        if pycompat.ispy3:
            assert not isinstance(value, str), (
                'config values may not be unicode strings on Python 3')
        if section not in self:
            self._data[section] = util.sortdict()
        self._data[section][item] = value
        if source:
            self._source[(section, item)] = source

    def restore(self, data):
        """restore data returned by self.backup"""
        if len(data) == 4:
            # restore old data
            section, item, value, source = data
            self._data[section][item] = value
            self._source[(section, item)] = source
            # no data before, remove everything
            section, item = data
            if section in self._data:
                self._data[section].pop(item, None)
            self._source.pop((section, item), None)

    def parse(self, src, data, sections=None, remap=None, include=None):
        sectionre ='\[([^\[]+)\]')
        itemre ='([^=\s][^=]*?)\s*=\s*(.*\S|)')
        contre ='\s+(\S|\S.*\S)\s*$')
        emptyre ='(;|#|\s*$)')
        commentre ='(;|#)')
        unsetre ='%unset\s+(\S+)')
        includere ='%include\s+(\S|\S.*\S)\s*$')
        section = ""
        item = None
        line = 0
        cont = False

        for l in data.splitlines(True):
            line += 1
            if line == 1 and l.startswith('\xef\xbb\xbf'):
                # Someone set us up the BOM
                l = l[3:]
            if cont:
                if commentre.match(l):
                m = contre.match(l)
                if m:
                    if sections and section not in sections:
                    v = self.get(section, item) + "\n" +
                    self.set(section, item, v, "%s:%d" % (src, line))
                item = None
                cont = False
            m = includere.match(l)

            if m and include:
                expanded = util.expandpath(
                includepaths = [os.path.dirname(src)] + self._includepaths

                for base in includepaths:
                    inc = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base, expanded))

                        include(inc, remap=remap, sections=sections)
                    except IOError as inst:
                        if inst.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                            raise error.ParseError(_("cannot include %s (%s)")
                                                   % (inc, inst.strerror),
                                                   "%s:%s" % (src, line))
            if emptyre.match(l):
            m = sectionre.match(l)
            if m:
                section =
                if remap:
                    section = remap.get(section, section)
                if section not in self:
                    self._data[section] = util.sortdict()
            m = itemre.match(l)
            if m:
                item =
                cont = True
                if sections and section not in sections:
                self.set(section, item,, "%s:%d" % (src, line))
            m = unsetre.match(l)
            if m:
                name =
                if sections and section not in sections:
                if self.get(section, name) is not None:
                    del self._data[section][name]
                self._unset.append((section, name))

            raise error.ParseError(l.rstrip(), ("%s:%s" % (src, line)))

    def read(self, path, fp=None, sections=None, remap=None):
        if not fp:
            fp = util.posixfile(path, 'rb')
        assert getattr(fp, 'mode', r'rb') == r'rb', (
            'config files must be opened in binary mode, got fp=%r mode=%r' % (
                fp, fp.mode))
                   sections=sections, remap=remap,

def parselist(value):
    """parse a configuration value as a list of comma/space separated strings

    >>> parselist('this,is "a small" ,test')
    ['this', 'is', 'a small', 'test']

    def _parse_plain(parts, s, offset):
        whitespace = False
        while offset < len(s) and (s[offset:offset + 1].isspace()
                                   or s[offset:offset + 1] == ','):
            whitespace = True
            offset += 1
        if offset >= len(s):
            return None, parts, offset
        if whitespace:
        if s[offset:offset + 1] == '"' and not parts[-1]:
            return _parse_quote, parts, offset + 1
        elif s[offset:offset + 1] == '"' and parts[-1][-1] == '\\':
            parts[-1] = parts[-1][:-1] + s[offset:offset + 1]
            return _parse_plain, parts, offset + 1
        parts[-1] += s[offset:offset + 1]
        return _parse_plain, parts, offset + 1

    def _parse_quote(parts, s, offset):
        if offset < len(s) and s[offset:offset + 1] == '"': # ""
            offset += 1
            while offset < len(s) and (s[offset:offset + 1].isspace() or
                    s[offset:offset + 1] == ','):
                offset += 1
            return _parse_plain, parts, offset

        while offset < len(s) and s[offset:offset + 1] != '"':
            if (s[offset:offset + 1] == '\\' and offset + 1 < len(s)
                    and s[offset + 1:offset + 2] == '"'):
                offset += 1
                parts[-1] += '"'
                parts[-1] += s[offset:offset + 1]
            offset += 1

        if offset >= len(s):
            real_parts = _configlist(parts[-1])
            if not real_parts:
                parts[-1] = '"'
                real_parts[0] = '"' + real_parts[0]
                parts = parts[:-1]
            return None, parts, offset

        offset += 1
        while offset < len(s) and s[offset:offset + 1] in [' ', ',']:
            offset += 1

        if offset < len(s):
            if offset + 1 == len(s) and s[offset:offset + 1] == '"':
                parts[-1] += '"'
                offset += 1
            return None, parts, offset

        return _parse_plain, parts, offset

    def _configlist(s):
        s = s.rstrip(' ,')
        if not s:
            return []
        parser, parts, offset = _parse_plain, [''], 0
        while parser:
            parser, parts, offset = parser(parts, s, offset)
        return parts

    if value is not None and isinstance(value, bytes):
        result = _configlist(value.lstrip(' ,\n'))
        result = value
    return result or []