configitems: use raw strings for hidden-{command,topic} items
These strings are regular expressions. The "\." needs to be
string escaped. We use raw strings to avoid doing that and the
SyntaxWarning we'd receive otherwise on Python 3.8.
Differential Revision:
// Enforcing
"eqeqeq" : true, // true: Require triple equals (===) for comparison
"forin" : true, // true: Require filtering loops with obj.hasOwnProperty()
"freeze" : true, // true: prohibits overwriting prototypes of native objects such as Array, Date etc.
"nonbsp" : true, // true: Prohibit "non-breaking whitespace" characters.
"undef" : true, // true: Require all non-global variables to be declared (prevents global leaks)
// Environments
"browser" : true // Web Browser (window, document, etc)