histedit: move constraint verification to the 'action.verify' method
Action has a method dedicated to verifying its validity. So we move code
related to constrains into that method. This requires a bit more context to the
'verify' method in the same fashion we were passing the 'prev' argument.
This is an extra step before we can simplify the constraint handling code
from __future__ import absolute_import
import silenttestrunner
import unittest
from mercurial import util
class contextmanager(object):
def __init__(self, name, trace):
self.name = name
self.entered = False
self.exited = False
self.trace = trace
def __enter__(self):
self.entered = True
self.trace(('enter', self.name))
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.exited = exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb
self.trace(('exit', self.name))
def __repr__(self):
return '<ctx %r>' % self.name
class ctxerror(Exception):
class raise_on_enter(contextmanager):
def __enter__(self):
self.trace(('raise', self.name))
raise ctxerror(self.name)
class raise_on_exit(contextmanager):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.trace(('raise', self.name))
raise ctxerror(self.name)
def ctxmgr(name, trace):
return lambda: contextmanager(name, trace)
class test_ctxmanager(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
trace = []
addtrace = trace.append
with util.ctxmanager(ctxmgr('a', addtrace), ctxmgr('b', addtrace)) as c:
a, b = c.enter()
c.atexit(addtrace, ('atexit', 'x'))
c.atexit(addtrace, ('atexit', 'y'))
self.assertEqual(trace, [('enter', 'a'), ('enter', 'b'),
('atexit', 'y'), ('atexit', 'x'),
('exit', 'b'), ('exit', 'a')])
def test_raise_on_enter(self):
trace = []
addtrace = trace.append
def go():
with util.ctxmanager(ctxmgr('a', addtrace),
lambda: raise_on_enter('b', addtrace)) as c:
self.assertRaises(ctxerror, go)
self.assertEqual(trace, [('enter', 'a'), ('raise', 'b'), ('exit', 'a')])
def test_raise_on_exit(self):
trace = []
addtrace = trace.append
def go():
with util.ctxmanager(ctxmgr('a', addtrace),
lambda: raise_on_exit('b', addtrace)) as c:
self.assertRaises(ctxerror, go)
self.assertEqual(trace, [('enter', 'a'), ('enter', 'b'), 'running',
('raise', 'b'), ('exit', 'a')])
if __name__ == '__main__':