debugmergestate: print out null nodes as 'null'
This is so much easier to read than a long string of zeroes, and we're going to
have a lot more of these nodes once change/delete conflicts are part of the
merge state.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<?include guids.wxi ?>
<?include defines.wxi ?>
<ComponentGroup Id="contribFolder">
<ComponentRef Id="contrib" />
<ComponentRef Id="contrib.vim" />
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Directory Id="contribdir" Name="contrib" FileSource="$(var.SourceDir)">
<Component Id="contrib" Guid="$(var.contrib.guid)" Win64='$(var.IsX64)'>
<File Name="bash_completion" KeyPath="yes" />
<File Name="hgk" />
<File Name="hgweb.fcgi" />
<File Name="hgweb.wsgi" />
<File Name="logo-droplets.svg" />
<File Name="mercurial.el" />
<File Name="tcsh_completion" />
<File Name="" />
<File Name="xml.rnc" />
<File Name="zsh_completion" />
<Directory Id="vimdir" Name="vim">
<Component Id="contrib.vim" Guid="$(var.contrib.vim.guid)" Win64='$(var.IsX64)'>
<File Name="hg-menu.vim" KeyPath="yes" />
<File Name="HGAnnotate.vim" />
<File Name="hgcommand.vim" />
<File Name="patchreview.txt" />
<File Name="patchreview.vim" />
<File Name="hgtest.vim" />