author FUJIWARA Katsunori <>
Mon, 12 Sep 2016 03:06:29 +0900
changeset 29924 e35a83cedde1
parent 28695 cc103bd0dbf9
child 29937 91a95ad985d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
localrepo: make _refreshfilecachestats unfiltered method to refresh correctly Before this patch, if transaction is started via "filtered repo" object, _refreshfilecachestats() at closing transaction doesn't refresh file stat of any @filecache properties correctly, because: - _refreshfilecachestats() omits refreshing file stat of a @filecache property, if it doesn't appear in self.__dict__ - if transaction is started via "filtered repo", _refreshfilecachestats() is applied on "filtered repo" because repo.transaction() adds "self._refreshfilecachestats" to post close procedures. repo.transaction() isn't unfiltered method, and "self" in it means "filtered repo" in this case. Transactions started by explicit repo.transaction() easily causes this situation. - _refreshfilecachestats() applied on "filtered repo" omits whole refreshing because @filecache properties are stored into "unfiltered repo", and appear only in self.__dict__ of "unfiltered repo". This incorrect refreshing causes unnecessary reloading from files. To refresh file stat of @filecache properties at closing transaction correctly, this patch makes _refreshfilecachestats() unfiltered method. This patch chooses making _refreshfilecachestats() unfiltered method instead of making transaction() unfiltered method, to reduce unexpected side effect.

# - utilities to register function for specific purpose
#  Copyright FUJIWARA Katsunori <> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from . import (

class _funcregistrarbase(object):
    """Base of decorator to register a fuction for specific purpose

    This decorator stores decorated functions into own dict 'table'.

    The least derived class can be defined by overriding 'formatdoc',
    for example::

        class keyword(_funcregistrarbase):
            _docformat = ":%s: %s"

    This should be used as below:

        keyword = registrar.keyword()

        def barfunc(*args, **kwargs):
            '''Explanation of bar keyword ....

    In this case:

    - 'barfunc' is stored as 'bar' in '_table' of an instance 'keyword' above
    - 'barfunc.__doc__' becomes ":bar: Explanation of bar keyword"
    def __init__(self, table=None):
        if table is None:
            self._table = {}
            self._table = table

    def __call__(self, decl, *args, **kwargs):
        return lambda func: self._doregister(func, decl, *args, **kwargs)

    def _doregister(self, func, decl, *args, **kwargs):
        name = self._getname(decl)

        if func.__doc__ and not util.safehasattr(func, '_origdoc'):
            doc = func.__doc__.strip()
            func._origdoc = doc
            func.__doc__ = self._formatdoc(decl, doc)

        self._table[name] = func
        self._extrasetup(name, func, *args, **kwargs)

        return func

    def _parsefuncdecl(self, decl):
        """Parse function declaration and return the name of function in it
        i = decl.find('(')
        if i >= 0:
            return decl[:i]
            return decl

    def _getname(self, decl):
        """Return the name of the registered function from decl

        Derived class should override this, if it allows more
        descriptive 'decl' string than just a name.
        return decl

    _docformat = None

    def _formatdoc(self, decl, doc):
        """Return formatted document of the registered function for help

        'doc' is '__doc__.strip()' of the registered function.
        return self._docformat % (decl, doc)

    def _extrasetup(self, name, func):
        """Execute exra setup for registered function, if needed

class revsetpredicate(_funcregistrarbase):
    """Decorator to register revset predicate


        revsetpredicate = registrar.revsetpredicate()

        @revsetpredicate('mypredicate(arg1, arg2[, arg3])')
        def mypredicatefunc(repo, subset, x):
            '''Explanation of this revset predicate ....

    The first string argument is used also in online help.

    Optional argument 'safe' indicates whether a predicate is safe for
    DoS attack (False by default).

    'revsetpredicate' instance in example above can be used to
    decorate multiple functions.

    Decorated functions are registered automatically at loading
    extension, if an instance named as 'revsetpredicate' is used for
    decorating in extension.

    Otherwise, explicit 'revset.loadpredicate()' is needed.
    _getname = _funcregistrarbase._parsefuncdecl
    _docformat = "``%s``\n    %s"

    def _extrasetup(self, name, func, safe=False):
        func._safe = safe

class filesetpredicate(_funcregistrarbase):
    """Decorator to register fileset predicate


        filesetpredicate = registrar.filesetpredicate()

        def mypredicatefunc(mctx, x):
            '''Explanation of this fileset predicate ....

    The first string argument is used also in online help.

    Optional argument 'callstatus' indicates whether a predicate
     implies 'matchctx.status()' at runtime or not (False, by

    Optional argument 'callexisting' indicates whether a predicate
    implies 'matchctx.existing()' at runtime or not (False, by

    'filesetpredicate' instance in example above can be used to
    decorate multiple functions.

    Decorated functions are registered automatically at loading
    extension, if an instance named as 'filesetpredicate' is used for
    decorating in extension.

    Otherwise, explicit 'fileset.loadpredicate()' is needed.
    _getname = _funcregistrarbase._parsefuncdecl
    _docformat = "``%s``\n    %s"

    def _extrasetup(self, name, func, callstatus=False, callexisting=False):
        func._callstatus = callstatus
        func._callexisting = callexisting

class _templateregistrarbase(_funcregistrarbase):
    """Base of decorator to register functions as template specific one
    _docformat = ":%s: %s"

class templatekeyword(_templateregistrarbase):
    """Decorator to register template keyword


        templaetkeyword = registrar.templatekeyword()

        def mykeywordfunc(repo, ctx, templ, cache, revcache, **args):
            '''Explanation of this template keyword ....

    The first string argument is used also in online help.

    'templatekeyword' instance in example above can be used to
    decorate multiple functions.

    Decorated functions are registered automatically at loading
    extension, if an instance named as 'templatekeyword' is used for
    decorating in extension.

    Otherwise, explicit 'templatekw.loadkeyword()' is needed.

class templatefilter(_templateregistrarbase):
    """Decorator to register template filer


        templatefilter = registrar.templatefilter()

        def myfilterfunc(text):
            '''Explanation of this template filter ....

    The first string argument is used also in online help.

    'templatefilter' instance in example above can be used to
    decorate multiple functions.

    Decorated functions are registered automatically at loading
    extension, if an instance named as 'templatefilter' is used for
    decorating in extension.

    Otherwise, explicit 'templatefilters.loadkeyword()' is needed.

class templatefunc(_templateregistrarbase):
    """Decorator to register template function


        templatefunc = registrar.templatefunc()

        @templatefunc('myfunc(arg1, arg2[, arg3])')
        def myfuncfunc(context, mapping, args):
            '''Explanation of this template function ....

    The first string argument is used also in online help.

    'templatefunc' instance in example above can be used to
    decorate multiple functions.

    Decorated functions are registered automatically at loading
    extension, if an instance named as 'templatefunc' is used for
    decorating in extension.

    Otherwise, explicit 'templater.loadfunction()' is needed.
    _getname = _funcregistrarbase._parsefuncdecl