author mpm@selenic.com
Thu, 26 May 2005 09:48:50 -0800
changeset 163 f38c90953c2c
parent 162 5dcbe4d9a30c
child 174 23057dc57d1b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Make undo and recover friendlier Add them to the help display, have them report failure

#!/usr/bin/env python
# mercurial - a minimal scalable distributed SCM
# v0.4f "jane dark"
# Copyright 2005 Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

# the psyco compiler makes commits a bit faster
# and makes changegroup merge about 20 times slower!
# try:
#    import psyco
#    psyco.full()
# except:
#    pass

import sys, os, time
from mercurial import hg, mdiff, fancyopts

def help():
    print """\

 add [files...]        add the given files in the next commit
 addremove             add all new files, delete all missing files
 annotate [files...]   show changeset number per file line
 branch <path>         create a branch of <path> in this directory
 checkout [changeset]  checkout the latest or given changeset
 commit                commit all changes to the repository
 diff [files...]       diff working directory (or selected files)
 dump <file> [rev]     dump the latest or given revision of a file
 dumpmanifest [rev]    dump the latest or given revision of the manifest
 history               show changeset history
 init                  create a new repository in this directory
 log <file>            show revision history of a single file
 merge <path>          merge changes from <path> into local repository
 recover               rollback an interrupted transaction
 remove [files...]     remove the given files in the next commit
 serve                 export the repository via HTTP
 status                show new, missing, and changed files in working dir
 tags                  show current changeset tags
 undo                  undo the last transaction

def filterfiles(list, files):
    l = [ x for x in list if x in files ]

    for f in files:
        if f[-1] != os.sep: f += os.sep
        l += [ x for x in list if x.startswith(f) ]
    return l

def diff(files = None, node1 = None, node2 = None):
    def date(c):
        return time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(c[2].split(' ')[0])))

    if node2:
        change = repo.changelog.read(node2)
        mmap2 = repo.manifest.read(change[0])
        (c, a, d) = repo.diffrevs(node1, node2)
        def read(f): return repo.file(f).read(mmap2[f])
        date2 = date(change)
        date2 = time.asctime()
        if not node1:
            node1 = repo.current
        (c, a, d) = repo.diffdir(repo.root, node1)
        a = [] # ignore unknown files in repo, by popular request
        def read(f): return file(os.path.join(repo.root, f)).read()

    change = repo.changelog.read(node1)
    mmap = repo.manifest.read(change[0])
    date1 = date(change)

    if files:
        c, a, d = map(lambda x: filterfiles(x, files), (c, a, d))

    for f in c:
        to = ""
        if mmap.has_key(f):
            to = repo.file(f).read(mmap[f])
        tn = read(f)
        sys.stdout.write(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f))
    for f in a:
        to = ""
        tn = read(f)
        sys.stdout.write(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f))
    for f in d:
        to = repo.file(f).read(mmap[f])
        tn = ""
        sys.stdout.write(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f))

options = {}
opts = [('v', 'verbose', None, 'verbose'),
        ('d', 'debug', None, 'debug'),
        ('q', 'quiet', None, 'quiet'),
        ('y', 'noninteractive', None, 'run non-interactively'),

args = fancyopts.fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], opts, options,
                           'hg [options] <command> [command options] [files]')

    cmd = args[0]
    args = args[1:]
    cmd = ""

ui = hg.ui(options["verbose"], options["debug"], options["quiet"],
           not options["noninteractive"])
if cmd == "init":
    repo = hg.repository(ui, ".", create=1)
elif cmd == "branch" or cmd == "clone":
    os.system("cp -al %s/.hg .hg" % args[0])
elif cmd == "help":
        repo = hg.repository(ui=ui)
    except IOError:
        ui.warn("Unable to open repository\n")

relpath = None
if os.getcwd() != repo.root:
    relpath = os.getcwd()[len(repo.root) + 1: ]

if cmd == "checkout" or cmd == "co":
    node = repo.changelog.tip()
    if args:
        node = repo.lookup(args[0])

elif cmd == "add":

elif cmd == "remove" or cmd == "rm" or cmd == "del" or cmd == "delete":

elif cmd == "commit" or cmd == "checkin" or cmd == "ci":
    if 1:
        if len(args) > 0:
            repo.commit(repo.current, args)

elif cmd == "import" or cmd == "patch":
        import psyco
    ioptions = {}
    opts = [('p', 'strip', 1, 'path strip'),
            ('b', 'base', "", 'base path'),
            ('q', 'quiet', "", 'silence diff')
    args = fancyopts.fancyopts(args, opts, ioptions,
                              'hg import [options] <patch names>')
    d = ioptions["base"]
    strip = ioptions["strip"]
    quiet = ioptions["quiet"] and "> /dev/null" or ""

    for patch in args:
        ui.status("applying %s\n" % patch)
        pf = os.path.join(d, patch)

        text = ""
        for l in file(pf):
            if l[:4] == "--- ": break
            text += l

        f = os.popen("lsdiff --strip %d %s" % (strip, pf))
        files = filter(None, map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), f.read().splitlines()))

        if files:
            if os.system("patch -p%d < %s %s" % (strip, pf, quiet)):
                raise "patch failed!"
        repo.commit(repo.current, files, text)

elif cmd == "status":
    (c, a, d) = repo.diffdir(repo.root, repo.current)
    if relpath:
        (c, a, d) = map(lambda x: filterfiles(x, [ relpath ]), (c, a, d))

    for f in c: print "C", f
    for f in a: print "?", f
    for f in d: print "R", f

elif cmd == "diff":
    revs = []

    if args:
        doptions = {}
        opts = [('r', 'revision', [], 'revision')]
        args = fancyopts.fancyopts(args, opts, doptions,
                                   'hg diff [options] [files]')
        revs = map(lambda x: repo.lookup(x), doptions['revision'])
    if len(revs) > 2:
        self.ui.warn("too many revisions to diff\n")

    if relpath:
        if not args: args = [ relpath ]
        else: args = [ os.path.join(relpath, x) for x in args ]

    diff(args, *revs)

elif cmd == "annotate":
    bcache = {}

    def getnode(rev):
        return hg.short(repo.changelog.node(rev))

    def getname(rev):
            return bcache[rev]
        except KeyError:
            cl = repo.changelog.read(repo.changelog.node(rev))
            name = cl[1]
            f = name.find('@')
            if f >= 0:
                name = name[:f]
            bcache[rev] = name
            return name
    aoptions = {}
    opts = [('r', 'revision', '', 'revision'),
            ('u', 'user', None, 'show user'),
            ('n', 'number', None, 'show revision number'),
            ('c', 'changeset', None, 'show changeset')]

    args = fancyopts.fancyopts(args, opts, aoptions,
                               'hg annotate [-u] [-c] [-n] [-r id] [files]')

    opmap = [['user', getname], ['number', str], ['changeset', getnode]]
    if not aoptions['user'] and not aoptions['changeset']:
        aoptions['number'] = 1

    if args:
        if relpath: args = [ os.path.join(relpath, x) for x in args ]
        node = repo.current
        if aoptions['revision']:
            node = repo.changelog.lookup(aoptions['revision'])
        change = repo.changelog.read(node)
        mmap = repo.manifest.read(change[0])
        maxuserlen = 0
        maxchangelen = 0
        for f in args:
            lines = repo.file(f).annotate(mmap[f])
            pieces = []

            for o, f in opmap:
                if aoptions[o]:
                    l = [ f(n) for n,t in lines ]
                    m = max(map(len, l))
                    pieces.append([ "%*s" % (m, x) for x in l])

            for p,l in zip(zip(*pieces), lines):
                sys.stdout.write(" ".join(p) + ": " + l[1])

elif cmd == "export":
    node = repo.lookup(args[0])
    prev, other = repo.changelog.parents(node)
    change = repo.changelog.read(node)
    print "# HG changeset patch"
    print "# User %s" % change[1]
    print "# Node ID %s" % hg.hex(node)
    print "# Parent  %s" % hg.hex(prev)
    if other != hg.nullid:
        print "# Parent  %s" % hg.hex(other)
    print change[4]
    diff(None, prev, node)

elif cmd == "debugchangegroup":
    newer = repo.newer(map(repo.lookup, args))
    for chunk in repo.changegroup(newer):

elif cmd == "debugaddchangegroup":
    data = sys.stdin.read()

elif cmd == "addremove":
    (c, a, d) = repo.diffdir(repo.root, repo.current)
elif cmd == "history":
    for i in range(repo.changelog.count()):
        n = repo.changelog.node(i)
        changes = repo.changelog.read(n)
        (p1, p2) = repo.changelog.parents(n)
        (h, h1, h2) = map(hg.hex, (n, p1, p2))
        (i1, i2) = map(repo.changelog.rev, (p1, p2))
        print "rev:      %4d:%s" % (i, h)
        print "parents:  %4d:%s" % (i1, h1)
        if i2: print "          %4d:%s" % (i2, h2)
        print "manifest: %4d:%s" % (repo.manifest.rev(changes[0]),
        print "user:", changes[1]
        print "date:", time.asctime(
            time.localtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
        if ui.verbose: print "files:", " ".join(changes[3])
        print "description:"
        print changes[4]

elif cmd == "tip":
    n = repo.changelog.tip()
    t = repo.changelog.rev(n)
    ui.status("%d:%s\n" % (t, hg.hex(n)))

elif cmd == "log":

    if len(args) == 1:
        if relpath:
            args[0] = os.path.join(relpath, args[0])

        r = repo.file(args[0])
        for i in range(r.count()):
            n = r.node(i)
            (p1, p2) = r.parents(n)
            (h, h1, h2) = map(hg.hex, (n, p1, p2))
            (i1, i2) = map(r.rev, (p1, p2))
            cr = r.linkrev(n)
            cn = hg.hex(repo.changelog.node(cr))
            print "rev:       %4d:%s" % (i, h)
            print "changeset: %4d:%s" % (cr, cn)
            print "parents:   %4d:%s" % (i1, h1)
            if i2: print "           %4d:%s" % (i2, h2)
            changes = repo.changelog.read(repo.changelog.node(cr))
            print "user: %s" % changes[1]
            print "date: %s" % time.asctime(
                time.localtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
            print "description:"
            print changes[4]
    elif len(args) > 1:
        print "too many args"
        print "missing filename"

elif cmd == "dump":
    if args:
        r = repo.file(args[0])
        n = r.tip()
        if len(args) > 1: n = r.lookup(args[1])
        print "missing filename"

elif cmd == "dumpmanifest":
    n = repo.manifest.tip()
    if len(args) > 0:
        n = repo.manifest.lookup(args[0])
    m = repo.manifest.read(n)
    files = m.keys()

    for f in files:
        print hg.hex(m[f]), f

elif cmd == "debugprompt":
    print ui.prompt(args[0], args[1], args[2])

elif cmd == "debughash":
    f = repo.file(args[0])
    print f.encodepath(args[0])

elif cmd == "debugindex":
    if ".hg" not in args[0]:
        args[0] = ".hg/data/" + repo.file(args[0]).encodepath(args[0]) + "i"
    r = hg.revlog(open, args[0], "")
    print "   rev    offset  length   base linkrev"+\
          " p1           p2           nodeid"
    for i in range(r.count()):
        e = r.index[i]
        print "% 6d % 9d % 7d % 6d % 7d %s.. %s.. %s.." % (
            i, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3],
            hg.hex(e[4][:5]), hg.hex(e[5][:5]), hg.hex(e[6][:5]))

elif cmd == "debugindexdot":
    if ".hg" not in args[0]:
        args[0] = ".hg/data/" + repo.file(args[0]).encodepath(args[0]) + "i"

    r = hg.revlog(open, args[0], "")
    print "digraph G {"
    for i in range(r.count()):
        e = r.index[i]
        print "\t%d -> %d" % (r.rev(e[4]), i)
        if e[5] != hg.nullid:
            print "\t%d -> %d" % (r.rev(e[5]), i)
    print "}"

elif cmd == "merge":
    if args:
        other = hg.repository(ui, args[0])
        ui.status("requesting changegroup\n")
        cg = repo.getchangegroup(other)
        print "missing source repository"

elif cmd == "tags":
    repo.lookup(0) # prime the cache
    i = repo.tags.items()
    for k, n in i:
            r = repo.changelog.rev(n)
        except KeyError:
            r = "?"
        print "%-30s %5d:%s" % (k, repo.changelog.rev(n), hg.hex(n))

elif cmd == "recover":

elif cmd == "undo":

elif cmd == "verify":
    filelinkrevs = {}
    filenodes = {}
    manifestchangeset = {}
    changesets = revisions = files = 0
    errors = 0

    ui.status("checking changesets\n")
    for i in range(repo.changelog.count()):
        changesets += 1
        n = repo.changelog.node(i)
        for p in repo.changelog.parents(n):
            if p not in repo.changelog.nodemap:
                ui.warn("changeset %s has unknown parent %s\n" %
                        (hg.short(n), hg.short(p)))
                errors += 1
            changes = repo.changelog.read(n)
        except Exception, inst:
            ui.warn("unpacking changeset %s: %s\n" % (short(n), inst))
            errors += 1
        manifestchangeset[changes[0]] = n
        for f in changes[3]:
            revisions += 1
            filelinkrevs.setdefault(f, []).append(i)

    ui.status("checking manifests\n")
    for i in range(repo.manifest.count()):
        n = repo.manifest.node(i)
        for p in repo.manifest.parents(n):
            if p not in repo.manifest.nodemap:
                ui.warn("manifest %s has unknown parent %s\n" %
                        (hg.short(n), hg.short(p)))
                errors += 1
        ca = repo.changelog.node(repo.manifest.linkrev(n))
        cc = manifestchangeset[n]
        if ca != cc:
            ui.warn("manifest %s points to %s, not %s\n" %
                    (hg.hex(n), hg.hex(ca), hg.hex(cc)))
            errors += 1

            delta = mdiff.patchtext(repo.manifest.delta(n))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "aborted"
        except Exception, inst:
            ui.warn("unpacking manifest %s: %s\n" % (hg.short(n), inst))
            errors += 1

        ff = [ l.split('\0') for l in delta.splitlines() ]
        for f, fn in ff:
            filenodes.setdefault(f, {})[hg.bin(fn)] = 1

    ui.status("crosschecking files in changesets and manifests\n")
    for f in filenodes:
        if f not in filelinkrevs:
            ui.warn("file %s in manifest but not in changesets\n" % f)
            errors += 1

    for f in filelinkrevs:
        if f not in filenodes:
            ui.warn("file %s in changeset but not in manifest\n" % f)
            errors += 1

    ui.status("checking files\n")
    ff = filenodes.keys()
    for f in ff:
        if f == "/dev/null": continue
        files += 1
        fl = repo.file(f)
        nodes = { hg.nullid: 1 }
        for i in range(fl.count()):
            n = fl.node(i)

            if n not in filenodes[f]:
                ui.warn("%s: %d:%s not in manifests\n" % (f, i, hg.short(n)))
                print len(filenodes[f].keys()), fl.count(), f
                errors += 1
                del filenodes[f][n]

            flr = fl.linkrev(n)
            if flr not in filelinkrevs[f]:
                ui.warn("%s:%s points to unexpected changeset rev %d\n"
                        % (f, hg.short(n), fl.linkrev(n)))
                errors += 1

            # verify contents
                t = fl.read(n)
            except Exception, inst:
                ui.warn("unpacking file %s %s: %s\n" % (f, hg.short(n), inst))
                errors += 1
            # verify parents
            (p1, p2) = fl.parents(n)
            if p1 not in nodes:
                ui.warn("file %s:%s unknown parent 1 %s" %
                        (f, hg.short(n), hg.short(p1)))
                errors += 1
            if p2 not in nodes:
                ui.warn("file %s:%s unknown parent 2 %s" %
                        (f, hg.short(n), hg.short(p1)))
                errors += 1
            nodes[n] = 1

        # cross-check
        for flr in filelinkrevs[f]:
            ui.warn("changeset rev %d not in %s\n" % (flr, f))
            errors += 1
        for node in filenodes[f]:
            ui.warn("node %s in manifests not in %s\n" % (hg.hex(n), f))
            errors += 1

    ui.status("%d files, %d changesets, %d total revisions\n" %
              (files, changesets, revisions))
    if errors:
        ui.warn("%d integrity errors encountered!\n" % errors)

elif cmd == "serve":
    from mercurial import hgweb
    soptions = {}
    opts = [('p', 'port', 8000, 'listen port'),
            ('a', 'address', '', 'interface address'),
            ('n', 'name', os.getcwd(), 'repository name'),
            ('t', 'templates', "", 'template map')
    args = fancyopts.fancyopts(args, opts, soptions,
                              'hg serve [options]')

    hgweb.server(repo.root, soptions["name"], soptions["templates"],
                 soptions["address"], soptions["port"])
    print "unknown command\n"