author Siddharth Agarwal <sid0@fb.com>
Tue, 17 Mar 2015 15:46:36 -0700
changeset 24433 f5f4dc115fb2
parent 16512 c58bdecdb800
child 28947 812eb3b7dc43
permissions -rw-r--r--
patch.diff: restrict matcher to relative root in certain cases Previously we'd request all results, then filter by relative root. This is clearly inefficient, so we now restrict the matcher to the relative root for certain easy cases. The particular case here is when the matcher matches all files. In that case we can simply create a matcher by the relative root. This is purely an optimization and has no impact on correctness.

# Read the output of a "svn log --xml" command on stdin, parse it and
# print a subset of attributes common to all svn versions tested by
# hg.
import xml.dom.minidom, sys

def xmltext(e):
    return ''.join(c.data for c
                   in e.childNodes
                   if c.nodeType == c.TEXT_NODE)

def parseentry(entry):
    e = {}
    e['revision'] = entry.getAttribute('revision')
    e['author'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('author')[0])
    e['msg'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('msg')[0])
    e['paths'] = []
    paths = entry.getElementsByTagName('paths')
    if paths:
        paths = paths[0]
        for p in paths.getElementsByTagName('path'):
            action = p.getAttribute('action')
            path = xmltext(p)
            frompath = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-path')
            fromrev = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-rev')
            e['paths'].append((path, action, frompath, fromrev))
    return e

def parselog(data):
    entries = []
    doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
    for e in doc.getElementsByTagName('logentry'):
    return entries

def printentries(entries):
    fp = sys.stdout
    for e in entries:
        for k in ('revision', 'author', 'msg'):
            fp.write(('%s: %s\n' % (k, e[k])).encode('utf-8'))
        for path, action, fpath, frev in sorted(e['paths']):
            frominfo = ''
            if frev:
                frominfo = ' (from %s@%s)' % (fpath, frev)
            p = ' %s %s%s\n' % (action, path, frominfo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    entries = parselog(data)