merge with crew.
authorVadim Gelfer <>
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:52:56 -0700
changeset 2596 e3258cc3ed63
parent 2595 edb66cb05ded (current diff)
parent 2593 0a30407fff72 (diff)
child 2597 5ba8be56fa8f
merge with crew.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contrib/vim/HGAnnotate.vim	Tue Jul 11 15:52:56 2006 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+" $Id: CVSAnnotate.vim,v 1.5 2002/10/01 21:34:02 rhiestan Exp $
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	CVS annotate output
+" Maintainer:	Bob Hiestand <>
+" Last Change:	$Date: 2002/10/01 21:34:02 $
+" Remark:	Used by the cvscommand plugin.  Originally written by Mathieu
+" Clabaut
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+syn match cvsDate 	/\S\S\S \S\+ \d\+ \d\+:\d\+:\d\+ \d\+ [+-]\?\d\+/ contained
+syn match cvsName  	/^\s*\S\+ / 		contained nextgroup=cvsVer
+syn match cvsVer 	/\d\+ / 		contained nextgroup=cvsDate
+syn region cvsHead 	start="^" end=":" 	contains=cvsVer,cvsName,cvsDate
+if !exists("did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits")
+let did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits = 1
+hi link cvsText 	String
+hi link cvsDate 	Comment
+hi link cvsName	Type
+hi link cvsVer	Statement
+let b:current_syntax="CVSAnnotate"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contrib/vim/hgcommand.txt	Tue Jul 11 15:52:56 2006 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+*hgcommand.txt*	HGCommand
+For instructions on installing this file, type
+	:help add-local-help
+inside Vim.
+Author:  Mathieu Clabaut <>
+Credits:  Bob Hiestand <>
+1. Contents						*hgcommand-contents*
+	Installation		: |hgcommand-install|
+        HGCommand Intro	        : |hgcommand|
+	HGCommand Manual	: |hgcommand-manual|
+	Customization		: |hgcommand-customize|
+	SSH "integration"	: |hgcommand-ssh|
+	Bugs			: |hgcommand-bugs|
+2. HGCommand Installation				*hgcommand-install*
+The HGCommand plugin comprises two files, hgcommand.vim and hgcommand.txt
+(this file).  In order to install the plugin, place the hgcommand.vim file
+into a plugin' directory in your runtime path (please see |add-global-plugin|
+and |'runtimepath'|.
+HGCommand may be customized by setting variables, creating maps, and
+specifying event handlers.  Please see |hgcommand-customize| for more
+This help file can be included in the VIM help system by copying it into a
+'doc' directory in your runtime path and then executing the |:helptags|
+command, specifying the full path of the 'doc' directory.  Please see
+|add-local-help| for more details.
+3. HGCommand Intro					*hgcommand*
+							*hgcommand-intro*
+The HGCommand plugin provides global ex commands for manipulating
+HG-controlled source files.  In general, each command operates on the current
+buffer and accomplishes a separate hg function, such as update, commit, log,
+and others (please see |hgcommand-commands| for a list of all available
+commands).  The results of each operation are displayed in a scratch buffer.
+Several buffer variables are defined for those scratch buffers (please see
+The notion of "current file" means either the current buffer, or, in the case
+of a directory buffer, the file on the current line within the buffer.
+For convenience, any HGCommand invoked on a HGCommand scratch buffer acts as
+though it was invoked on the original file and splits the screen so that the
+output appears in a new window.
+Many of the commands accept revisions as arguments.  By default, most operate
+on the most recent revision on the current branch if no revision is specified
+(though see |HGCommandInteractive| to prompt instead).
+Each HGCommand is mapped to a key sequence starting with the <Leader>
+keystroke.  The default mappings may be overridden by supplying different
+mappings before the plugin is loaded, such as in the vimrc, in the standard
+fashion for plugin mappings.  For examples, please see
+The HGCommand plugin may be configured in several ways.  For more details,
+please see |hgcommand-customize|.
+4. HGCommand Manual					*hgcommand-manual*
+4.1 HGCommand commands					*hgcommand-commands*
+HGCommand defines the following commands:
+:HGAdd							*:HGAdd*
+This command performs "hg add" on the current file.  Please note, this does
+not commit the newly-added file.
+:HGAnnotate						*:HGAnnotate*
+This command performs "hg annotate" on the current file.  If an argument is
+given, the argument is used as a revision number to display.  If not given an
+argument, it uses the most recent version of the file on the current branch.
+Additionally, if the current buffer is a HGAnnotate buffer already, the
+version number on the current line is used.
+If the |HGCommandAnnotateParent| variable is set to a non-zero value, the
+version previous to the one on the current line is used instead.  This allows
+one to navigate back to examine the previous version of a line.
+The filetype of the HGCommand scratch buffer is set to 'HGAnnotate', to take
+advantage of the bundled syntax file.
+:HGCommit[!]						*:HGCommit*
+If called with arguments, this performs "hg commit" using the arguments as
+the log message.
+If '!' is used with no arguments, an empty log message is committed.
+If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command.  The first step opens
+a buffer to accept a log message.  When that buffer is written, it is
+automatically closed and the file is committed using the information from that
+log message.  The commit can be abandoned if the log message buffer is deleted
+or wiped before being written.
+Alternatively, the mapping that is used to invoke :HGCommit (by default
+<Leader>hgc) can be used in the log message buffer to immediately commit.  
+is useful if the |HGCommandCommitOnWrite| variable is set to 0 to disable the
+normal commit-on-write behavior.
+:HGDiff						*:HGDiff*
+With no arguments, this performs "hg diff" on the current file against the
+current repository version.
+With one argument, "hg diff" is performed on the current file against the
+specified revision.
+With two arguments, hg diff is performed between the specified
+revisions of the current file.
+This command uses the 'HGCommandDiffOpt' variable to specify diff options.
+If that variable does not exist, then 'wbBc' is assumed.  If you wish to have
+no options, then set it to the empty string.
+This command performs "hg edit" on the current file.
+:HGGotoOriginal					*:HGGotoOriginal*
+This command returns the current window to the source buffer, if the current
+buffer is a HG command output buffer.
+Like ":HGGotoOriginal" but also executes :bufwipeout on all HG command
+output buffers for the source buffer.
+:HGLog							*:HGLog*
+Performs "hg log" on the current file.
+If an argument is given, it is passed as an argument to the "-r" option of
+"hg log".
+:HGRevert						*:HGRevert*
+Replaces the current file with the most recent version from the repository in
+order to wipe out any undesired changes.
+:HGReview						*:HGReview*
+Retrieves a particular version of the current file.  If no argument is given,
+the most recent version of the file on the current branch is retrieved.
+Otherwise, the specified version is retrieved.
+:HGStatus						*:HGStatus*
+Performs "hg status" on the current file.
+:HGUnedit						*:HGUnedit*
+Performs "hg unedit" on the current file.  Again, yes, the output buffer here
+is basically useless.
+:HGUpdate						*:HGUpdate*
+Performs "hg update" on the current file.  This intentionally does not
+automatically reload the current buffer, though vim should prompt the user to
+do so if the underlying file is altered by this command.
+:HGVimDiff						*:HGVimDiff*
+With no arguments, this prompts the user for a revision and then uses vimdiff
+to display the differences between the current file and the specified
+revision.  If no revision is specified, the most recent version of the file on
+the current branch is used.
+With one argument, that argument is used as the revision as above.  With two
+arguments, the differences between the two revisions is displayed using
+With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is used to perform the
+vimdiff.  When the other buffer is closed, the original buffer will be
+returned to normal mode.
+Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods, additional vimdiff
+buffers may be added by passing a single version argument to the command.
+There may be up to 4 vimdiff buffers total.
+Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff to only those 2
+versions.  Additionally, invoking the command on a different file will close
+the previous vimdiff buffers.
+4.2 Mappings						*hgcommand-mappings*
+By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  These mappings execute the
+default (no-argument) form of each command.
+<Leader>hga HGAdd
+<Leader>hgn HGAnnotate
+<Leader>hgc HGCommit
+<Leader>hgd HGDiff
+<Leader>hgg HGGotoOriginal
+<Leader>hgG HGGotoOriginal!
+<Leader>hgl HGLog
+<Leader>hgr HGReview
+<Leader>hgs HGStatus
+<Leader>hgt HGUnedit
+<Leader>hgu HGUpdate
+<Leader>hgv HGVimDiff
+						*hgcommand-mappings-override*
+The default mappings can be overriden by user-provided instead by mapping to
+<Plug>CommandName.  This is especially useful when these mappings collide with
+other existing mappings (vim will warn of this during plugin initialization,
+but will not clobber the existing mappings).
+For instance, to override the default mapping for :HGAdd to set it to '\add',
+add the following to the vimrc:
+nmap \add <Plug>HGAdd
+4.3 Automatic buffer variables			*hgcommand-buffer-variables*
+Several buffer variables are defined in each HGCommand result buffer.	These
+may be useful for additional customization in callbacks defined in the event
+handlers (please see |hgcommand-events|).
+The following variables are automatically defined:
+b:hgOrigBuffNR						*b:hgOrigBuffNR*
+This variable is set to the buffer number of the source file.
+b:hgcmd						*b:hgcmd*
+This variable is set to the name of the hg command that created the result
+5. Configuration and customization			*hgcommand-customize*
+							*hgcommand-config*
+The HGCommand plugin can be configured in two ways:  by setting configuration
+variables (see |hgcommand-options|) or by defining HGCommand event handlers
+(see |hgcommand-events|).  Additionally, the HGCommand plugin provides
+several option for naming the HG result buffers (see |hgcommand-naming|) and
+supported a customized status line (see |hgcommand-statusline| and
+5.1 HGCommand configuration variables			*hgcommand-options*
+Several variables affect the plugin's behavior.  These variables are checked
+at time of execution, and may be defined at the window, buffer, or global
+level and are checked in that order of precedence.
+The following variables are available:
+HGCommandAnnotateParent			*HGCommandAnnotateParent*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the zero-argument form of
+HGAnnotate when invoked on a HGAnnotate buffer to go to the version previous
+to that displayed on the current line.  If not set, it defaults to 0.
+HGCommandCommitOnWrite				*HGCommandCommitOnWrite*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending hg commit
+to take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written.
+If set to zero, only the HGCommit mapping will cause the pending commit to
+occur.	If not set, it defaults to 1.
+HGCommandHGExec				*HGCommandHGExec*
+This variable controls the executable used for all HG commands  If not set,
+it defaults to "hg".
+HGCommandDeleteOnHide				*HGCommandDeleteOnHide*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary HG result
+buffers to automatically delete themselves when hidden.
+HGCommandDiffOpt				*HGCommandDiffOpt*
+This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command of
+HG.  If not set, it defaults to 'wbBc'.
+HGCommandDiffSplit				*HGCommandDiffSplit*
+This variable overrides the |HGCommandSplit| variable, but only for buffers
+created with |:HGVimDiff|.
+HGCommandEdit					*HGCommandEdit*
+This variable controls whether the original buffer is replaced ('edit') or
+split ('split').  If not set, it defaults to 'edit'.
+HGCommandEnableBufferSetup			*HGCommandEnableBufferSetup*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates HG buffer management
+mode see (|hgcommand-buffer-management|).  This mode means that two buffer
+variables, 'HGRevision' and 'HGBranch', are set if the file is
+HG-controlled.  This is useful for displaying version information in the
+status bar.
+HGCommandInteractive				*HGCommandInteractive*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes appropriate commands (for
+the moment, only |:HGReview|) to query the user for a revision to use instead
+of the current revision if none is specified.
+HGCommandNameMarker				*HGCommandNameMarker*
+This variable, if set, configures the special attention-getting characters
+that appear on either side of the hg buffer type in the buffer name.  This
+has no effect unless |HGCommandNameResultBuffers| is set to a true value.  If
+not set, it defaults to '_'.  
+HGCommandNameResultBuffers			*HGCommandNameResultBuffers*
+This variable, if set to a true value, causes the hg result buffers to be
+named in the old way ('<source file name> _<hg command>_').  If not set
+or set to a false value, the result buffer is nameless.
+HGCommandSplit					*HGCommandSplit*
+This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
+may occur (such as with HGVimDiff, when using a HG command on a HG
+command buffer, or when the |HGCommandEdit| variable is set to 'split'.
+If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
+one another.  If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
+side-by-side.  If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
+HGVimDiff windows.
+5.2 HGCommand events				*hgcommand-events*
+For additional customization, HGCommand can trigger user-defined events.
+Event handlers are provided by defining User event autocommands (see
+|autocommand|, |User|) in the HGCommand group with patterns matching the
+event name.
+For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
+mapping to quit a HGCommand scratch buffer:
+augroup HGCommand
+  au HGCommand User HGBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q: bwipeout<cr>
+augroup END
+The following hooks are available:
+HGBufferCreated		This event is fired just after a hg command
+				result buffer is created and filled with the
+				result of a hg command.  It is executed within
+				the context of the HG command buffer.  The
+				HGCommand buffer variables may be useful for
+				handlers of this event (please see
+				|hgcommand-buffer-variables|).
+HGBufferSetup			This event is fired just after HG buffer setup
+				occurs, if enabled.
+HGPluginInit			This event is fired when the HGCommand plugin
+				first loads.
+HGPluginFinish			This event is fired just after the HGCommand
+				plugin loads.
+HGVimDiffFinish		This event is fired just after the HGVimDiff
+				command executes to allow customization of,
+				for instance, window placement and focus.
+5.3 HGCommand buffer naming				*hgcommand-naming*
+By default, the buffers containing the result of HG commands are nameless
+scratch buffers.  It is intended that buffer variables of those buffers be
+used to customize the statusline option so that the user may fully control the
+display of result buffers.
+If the old-style naming is desired, please enable the
+|HGCommandNameResultBuffers| variable.  Then, each result buffer will receive
+a unique name that includes the source file name, the HG command, and any
+extra data (such as revision numbers) that were part of the command.
+5.4 HGCommand status line support			*hgcommand-statusline*
+It is intended that the user will customize the |'statusline'| option to
+include HG result buffer attributes.  A sample function that may be used in
+the |'statusline'| option is provided by the plugin, HGGetStatusLine().  In
+order to use that function in the status line, do something like the
+set statusline=%<%f\ %{HGGetStatusLine()}\ %h%m%r%=%l,%c%V\ %P
+of which %{HGGetStatusLine()} is the relevant portion.
+The sample HGGetStatusLine() function handles both HG result buffers and
+HG-managed files if HGCommand buffer management is enabled (please see
+5.5 HGCommand buffer management		*hgcommand-buffer-management*
+The HGCommand plugin can operate in buffer management mode, which means that
+it attempts to set two buffer variables ('HGRevision' and 'HGBranch') upon
+entry into a buffer.  This is rather slow because it means that 'hg status'
+will be invoked at each entry into a buffer (during the |BufEnter|
+This mode is disabled by default.  In order to enable it, set the
+|HGCommandEnableBufferSetup| variable to a true (non-zero) value.  Enabling
+this mode simply provides the buffer variables mentioned above.  The user must
+explicitly include those in the |'statusline'| option if they are to appear in
+the status line (but see |hgcommand-statusline| for a simple way to do that).
+6. SSH "integration"					*hgcommand-ssh*
+The following instructions are intended for use in integrating the
+hgcommand.vim plugin with an SSH-based HG environment.
+Familiarity with SSH and HG are assumed.
+These instructions assume that the intent is to have a message box pop up in
+order to allow the user to enter a passphrase.  If, instead, the user is
+comfortable using certificate-based authentication, then only instructions
+6.1.1 and 6.1.2 (and optionally 6.1.4) need to be followed; ssh should then
+work transparently.
+6.1 Environment settings				*hgcommand-ssh-env*
+6.1.1 HGROOT should be set to something like:
+	:ext:user@host:/path_to_repository
+6.1.2 HG_RSH should be set to:
+	ssh
+	Together, those settings tell HG to use ssh as the transport when
+	performing HG calls.
+6.1.3 SSH_ASKPASS should be set to the password-dialog program.  In my case,
+	running gnome, it's set to:
+	/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
+	This tells SSH how to get passwords if no input is available.
+6.1.4 OPTIONAL.  You may need to set SSH_SERVER to the location of the hg
+	executable on the remote (server) machine.
+6.2 HG wrapper program				*hgcommand-ssh-wrapper*
+Now you need to convince SSH to use the password-dialog program.  This means
+you need to execute SSH (and therefore HG) without standard input.  The
+following script is a simple perl wrapper that dissasociates the HG command
+from the current terminal.  Specific steps to do this may vary from system to
+system; the following example works for me on linux.
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(setsid);
+open STDIN, '/dev/null';
+fork and do {wait; exit;};
+exec('hg', @ARGV);
+6.3 Configuring hgcommand.vim			*hgcommand-ssh-config*
+At this point, you should be able to use your wrapper script to invoke HG with
+various commands, and get the password dialog.  All that's left is to make HG
+use your newly-created wrapper script.
+6.3.1 Tell hgcommand.vim what HG executable to use.  The easiest way to do this
+	is globally, by putting the following in your .vimrc:
+	let HGCommandHGExec=/path/to/hg/wrapper/script
+6.4 Where to go from here			*hgcommand-ssh-other*
+The script given above works even when non-SSH HG connections are used,
+except possibly when interactively entering the message for HG commit log
+(depending on the editor you use... VIM works fine).  Since the hgcommand.vim
+plugin handles that message without a terminal, the wrapper script can be used
+all the time.
+This allows mixed-mode operation, where some work is done with SSH-based HG
+repositories, and others with pserver or local access.
+It is possible, though beyond the scope of the plugin, to dynamically set the
+HG executable based on the HGROOT for the file being edited.  The user
+events provided (such as HGBufferCreated and HGBufferSetup) can be used to
+set a buffer-local value (b:HGCommandHGExec) to override the HG executable
+on a file-by-file basis.  Alternatively, much the same can be done (less
+automatically) by the various project-oriented plugins out there.
+It is highly recommended for ease-of-use that certificates with no passphrase
+or ssh-agent are employed so that the user is not given the password prompt
+too often.
+9. Tips							*hgcommand-tips*
+9.1 Split window annotation, by Michael Anderson
+:nmap <Leader>hgN :vs<CR><C-w>h<Leader>hgn:vertical res 40<CR>
+                 \ggdddd:set scb<CR>:set nowrap<CR><C-w>lgg:set scb<CR>
+                 \:set nowrap<CR>
+This splits the buffer vertically, puts an annotation on the left (minus the
+header) with the width set to 40. An editable/normal copy is placed on the
+right.  The two versions are scroll locked so they  move as one. and wrapping
+is turned off so that the lines line up correctly. The advantages are...
+1) You get a versioning on the right.
+2) You can still edit your own code.
+3) Your own code still has syntax highlighting.
+8. Known bugs						*hgcommand-bugs*
+Please let me know if you run across any.
+HGVimDiff, when using the original (real) source buffer as one of the diff
+buffers, uses some hacks to try to restore the state of the original buffer
+when the scratch buffer containing the other version is destroyed.  There may
+still be bugs in here, depending on many configuration details.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contrib/vim/hgcommand.vim	Tue Jul 11 15:52:56 2006 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" Vim plugin to assist in working with HG-controlled files.
+" Last Change:   2006/02/22
+" Version:       1.76
+" Maintainer:    Mathieu Clabaut <>
+" License:       This file is placed in the public domain.
+" Credits: {{{1
+"                Bob Hiestand <> for the fabulous
+"                cvscommand.vim from which this script was directly created by
+"                means of sed commands and minor tweaks.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Provides functions to invoke various HG commands on the current file
+" (either the current buffer, or, in the case of an directory buffer, the file
+" on the current line).  The output of the commands is captured in a new
+" scratch window.  For convenience, if the functions are invoked on a HG
+" output window, the original file is used for the hg operation instead after
+" the window is split.  This is primarily useful when running HGCommit and
+" you need to see the changes made, so that HGDiff is usable and shows up in
+" another window.
+" Command documentation {{{2
+" HGAdd           Performs "hg add" on the current file.
+" HGAnnotate      Performs "hg annotate" on the current file.  If an
+"                  argument is given, the argument is used as a revision
+"                  number to display.  If not given an argument, it uses the
+"                  most recent version of the file on the current branch.
+"                  Additionally, if the current buffer is a HGAnnotate buffer
+"                  already, the version number on the current line is used.
+"                  If the 'HGCommandAnnotateParent' variable is set to a
+"                  non-zero value, the version previous to the one on the
+"                  current line is used instead.  This allows one to navigate
+"                  back to examine the previous version of a line.
+" HGCommit[!]     If called with arguments, this performs "hg commit" using
+"                  the arguments as the log message.
+"                  If '!' is used, an empty log message is committed.
+"                  If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command.
+"                  The first step opens a buffer to accept a log message.
+"                  When that buffer is written, it is automatically closed and
+"                  the file is committed using the information from that log
+"                  message.  The commit can be abandoned if the log message
+"                  buffer is deleted or wiped before being written.
+" HGDiff          With no arguments, this performs "hg diff" on the current
+"                  file.  With one argument, "hg diff" is performed on the
+"                  current file against the specified revision.  With two
+"                  arguments, hg diff is performed between the specified
+"                  revisions of the current file.  This command uses the
+"                  'HGCommandDiffOpt' variable to specify diff options.  If
+"                  that variable does not exist, then 'wbBc' is assumed.  If
+"                  you wish to have no options, then set it to the empty
+"                  string.
+" HGGotoOriginal  Returns the current window to the source buffer if the
+"                  current buffer is a HG output buffer.
+" HGLog           Performs "hg log" on the current file.
+" HGRevert        Replaces the modified version of the current file with the
+"                  most recent version from the repository.
+" HGReview        Retrieves a particular version of the current file.  If no
+"                  argument is given, the most recent version of the file on
+"                  the current branch is retrieved.  The specified revision is
+"                  retrieved into a new buffer.
+" HGStatus        Performs "hg status" on the current file.
+" HGUpdate        Performs "hg update" on the current file.
+" HGVimDiff       With no arguments, this prompts the user for a revision and
+"                  then uses vimdiff to display the differences between the
+"                  current file and the specified revision.  If no revision is
+"                  specified, the most recent version of the file on the
+"                  current branch is used.  With one argument, that argument
+"                  is used as the revision as above.  With two arguments, the
+"                  differences between the two revisions is displayed using
+"                  vimdiff.
+"                  With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is used
+"                  to perform the vimdiff.  When the other buffer is closed, the
+"                  original buffer will be returned to normal mode.
+"                  Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods,
+"                  additional vimdiff buffers may be added by passing a single
+"                  version argument to the command.  There may be up to 4
+"                  vimdiff buffers total.
+"                  Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff
+"                  to only those 2 versions.  Additionally, invoking the
+"                  command on a different file will close the previous vimdiff
+"                  buffers.
+" Mapping documentation: {{{2
+" By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  User-provided mappings
+" can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName, for instance:
+" nnoremap ,ca <Plug>HGAdd
+" The default mappings are as follow:
+"   <Leader>hga HGAdd
+"   <Leader>hgn HGAnnotate
+"   <Leader>hgc HGCommit
+"   <Leader>hgd HGDiff
+"   <Leader>hgg HGGotoOriginal
+"   <Leader>hgG HGGotoOriginal!
+"   <Leader>hgl HGLog
+"   <Leader>hgr HGReview
+"   <Leader>hgs HGStatus
+"   <Leader>hgu HGUpdate
+"   <Leader>hgv HGVimDiff
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" Several variables are checked by the script to determine behavior as follow:
+" HGCommandAnnotateParent
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the zero-argument form
+"   of HGAnnotate when invoked on a HGAnnotate buffer to go to the version
+"   previous to that displayed on the current line.  If not set, it defaults
+"   to 0.
+" HGCommandCommitOnWrite
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending hg commit
+"   to take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written.
+"   If set to zero, only the HGCommit mapping will cause the pending commit
+"   to occur.  If not set, it defaults to 1.
+" HGCommandDeleteOnHide
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary HG result
+"   buffers to automatically delete themselves when hidden.
+" HGCommandDiffOpt
+"   This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command
+"   of HG.  If not set, it defaults to 'wbBc'.
+" HGCommandDiffSplit
+"   This variable overrides the HGCommandSplit variable, but only for buffers
+"   created with HGVimDiff.
+" HGCommandEdit
+"   This variable controls whether the original buffer is replaced ('edit') or
+"   split ('split').  If not set, it defaults to 'edit'.
+" HGCommandEnableBufferSetup
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates HG buffer management
+"   mode.  This mode means that two buffer variables, 'HGRevision' and
+"   'HGBranch', are set if the file is HG-controlled.  This is useful for
+"   displaying version information in the status bar.
+" HGCommandInteractive
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes appropriate functions (for
+"   the moment, only HGReview) to query the user for a revision to use
+"   instead of the current revision if none is specified.
+" HGCommandNameMarker
+"   This variable, if set, configures the special attention-getting characters
+"   that appear on either side of the hg buffer type in the buffer name.
+"   This has no effect unless 'HGCommandNameResultBuffers' is set to a true
+"   value.  If not set, it defaults to '_'.  
+" HGCommandNameResultBuffers
+"   This variable, if set to a true value, causes the hg result buffers to be
+"   named in the old way ('<source file name> _<hg command>_').  If not set
+"   or set to a false value, the result buffer is nameless.
+" HGCommandSplit
+"   This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
+"   may occur (such as with HGVimDiff, when using a HG command on a HG
+"   command buffer, or when the 'HGCommandEdit' variable is set to 'split'.
+"   If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
+"   one another.  If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
+"   side-by-side.  If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
+"   HGVimDiff windows.
+" Event documentation {{{2
+"   For additional customization, hgcommand.vim uses User event autocommand
+"   hooks.  Each event is in the HGCommand group, and different patterns
+"   match the various hooks.
+"   For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
+"   mapping to quit a HG buffer:
+"   augroup HGCommand
+"     au HGCommand User HGBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q :bwipeout<cr> 
+"   augroup END
+"   The following hooks are available:
+"   HGBufferCreated           This event is fired just after a hg command
+"                              result buffer is created and filled with the
+"                              result of a hg command.  It is executed within
+"                              the context of the new buffer.
+"   HGBufferSetup             This event is fired just after HG buffer setup
+"                              occurs, if enabled.
+"   HGPluginInit              This event is fired when the HGCommand plugin
+"                              first loads.
+"   HGPluginFinish            This event is fired just after the HGCommand
+"                              plugin loads.
+"   HGVimDiffFinish           This event is fired just after the HGVimDiff
+"                              command executes to allow customization of,
+"                              for instance, window placement and focus.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+" loaded_hgcommand is set to 1 when the initialization begins, and 2 when it
+" completes.  This allows various actions to only be taken by functions after
+" system initialization.
+if exists("loaded_hgcommand")
+   finish
+let loaded_hgcommand = 1
+if v:version < 602
+  echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "HGCommand 1.69 or later requires VIM 6.2 or later"|echohl None
+  finish
+" Section: Event group setup {{{1
+augroup HGCommand
+augroup END
+" Section: Plugin initialization {{{1
+silent do HGCommand User HGPluginInit
+" Section: Script variable initialization {{{1
+let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = 0
+unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+unlet! s:vimDiffBufferCount
+unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:HGResolveLink() {{{2
+" Fully resolve the given file name to remove shortcuts or symbolic links.
+function! s:HGResolveLink(fileName)
+  let resolved = resolve(a:fileName)
+  if resolved != a:fileName
+    let resolved = s:HGResolveLink(resolved)
+  endif
+  return resolved
+" Function: s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir() {{{2
+" Go to the directory in which the current HG-controlled file is located.
+" If this is a HG command buffer, first switch to the original file.
+function! s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  let oldCwd=getcwd()
+  let fileName=s:HGResolveLink(a:fileName)
+  let newCwd=fnamemodify(fileName, ':h')
+  if strlen(newCwd) > 0
+    execute 'cd' escape(newCwd, ' ')
+  endif
+  return oldCwd
+" Function: s:HGGetOption(name, default) {{{2
+" Grab a user-specified option to override the default provided.  Options are
+" searched in the window, buffer, then global spaces.
+function! s:HGGetOption(name, default)
+  if exists("s:" . a:name . "Override")
+    execute "return s:".a:name."Override"
+  elseif exists("w:" . a:name)
+    execute "return w:".a:name
+  elseif exists("b:" . a:name)
+    execute "return b:".a:name
+  elseif exists("g:" . a:name)
+    execute "return g:".a:name
+  else
+    return a:default
+  endif
+" Function: s:HGEditFile(name, origBuffNR) {{{2
+" Wrapper around the 'edit' command to provide some helpful error text if the
+" current buffer can't be abandoned.  If name is provided, it is used;
+" otherwise, a nameless scratch buffer is used.
+" Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurs.
+function! s:HGEditFile(name, origBuffNR)
+  "Name parameter will be pasted into expression.
+  let name = escape(a:name, ' *?\')
+  let editCommand = s:HGGetOption('HGCommandEdit', 'edit')
+  if editCommand != 'edit'
+    if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandSplit', 'horizontal') == 'horizontal'
+      if name == ""
+        let editCommand = 'rightbelow new'
+      else
+        let editCommand = 'rightbelow split ' . name
+      endif
+    else
+      if name == ""
+        let editCommand = 'vert rightbelow new'
+      else
+        let editCommand = 'vert rightbelow split ' . name
+      endif
+    endif
+  else
+    if name == ""
+      let editCommand = 'enew'
+    else
+      let editCommand = 'edit ' . name
+    endif
+  endif
+  " Protect against useless buffer set-up
+  let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning + 1
+  try
+    execute editCommand
+  finally
+    let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning - 1
+  endtry
+  let b:HGOrigBuffNR=a:origBuffNR
+  let b:HGCommandEdit='split'
+" Function: s:HGCreateCommandBuffer(cmd, cmdName, statusText, filename) {{{2
+" Creates a new scratch buffer and captures the output from execution of the
+" given command.  The name of the scratch buffer is returned.
+function! s:HGCreateCommandBuffer(cmd, cmdName, statusText, origBuffNR)
+  let fileName=bufname(a:origBuffNR)
+  let resultBufferName=''
+  if s:HGGetOption("HGCommandNameResultBuffers", 0)
+    let nameMarker = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandNameMarker", '_')
+    if strlen(a:statusText) > 0
+      let bufName=a:cmdName . ' -- ' . a:statusText
+    else
+      let bufName=a:cmdName
+    endif
+    let bufName=fileName . ' ' . nameMarker . bufName . nameMarker
+    let counter=0
+    let resultBufferName = bufName
+    while buflisted(resultBufferName)
+      let counter=counter + 1
+      let resultBufferName=bufName . ' (' . counter . ')'
+    endwhile
+  endif
+  let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " " . a:cmd
+  echomsg "DBG :".hgCommand
+  let hgOut = system(hgCommand)
+  " HACK:  diff command does not return proper error codes
+  if v:shell_error && a:cmdName != 'hgdiff'
+    if strlen(hgOut) == 0
+      echoerr "HG command failed"
+    else
+      echoerr "HG command failed:  " . hgOut
+    endif
+    return -1
+  endif
+  if strlen(hgOut) == 0
+    " Handle case of no output.  In this case, it is important to check the
+    " file status, especially since hg edit/unedit may change the attributes
+    " of the file with no visible output.
+    echomsg "No output from HG command"
+    checktime
+    return -1
+  endif
+  if s:HGEditFile(resultBufferName, a:origBuffNR) == -1
+    return -1
+  endif
+  set buftype=nofile
+  set noswapfile
+  set filetype=
+  if s:HGGetOption("HGCommandDeleteOnHide", 0)
+    set bufhidden=delete
+  endif
+  silent 0put=hgOut
+  " The last command left a blank line at the end of the buffer.  If the
+  " last line is folded (a side effect of the 'put') then the attempt to
+  " remove the blank line will kill the last fold.
+  "
+  " This could be fixed by explicitly detecting whether the last line is
+  " within a fold, but I prefer to simply unfold the result buffer altogether.
+  if has('folding')
+    normal zR
+  endif
+  $d
+  1
+  " Define the environment and execute user-defined hooks.
+  let b:HGSourceFile=fileName
+  let b:HGCommand=a:cmdName
+  if a:statusText != ""
+    let b:HGStatusText=a:statusText
+  endif
+  silent do HGCommand User HGBufferCreated
+  return bufnr("%")
+" Function: s:HGBufferCheck(hgBuffer) {{{2
+" Attempts to locate the original file to which HG operations were applied
+" for a given buffer.
+function! s:HGBufferCheck(hgBuffer)
+  let origBuffer = getbufvar(a:hgBuffer, "HGOrigBuffNR")
+  if origBuffer
+    if bufexists(origBuffer)
+      return origBuffer
+    else
+      " Original buffer no longer exists.
+      return -1 
+    endif
+  else
+    " No original buffer
+    return a:hgBuffer
+  endif
+" Function: s:HGCurrentBufferCheck() {{{2
+" Attempts to locate the original file to which HG operations were applied
+" for the current buffer.
+function! s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
+  return s:HGBufferCheck(bufnr("%"))
+" Function: s:HGToggleDeleteOnHide() {{{2
+" Toggles on and off the delete-on-hide behavior of HG buffers
+function! s:HGToggleDeleteOnHide()
+  if exists("g:HGCommandDeleteOnHide")
+    unlet g:HGCommandDeleteOnHide
+  else
+    let g:HGCommandDeleteOnHide=1
+  endif
+" Function: s:HGDoCommand(hgcmd, cmdName, statusText) {{{2
+" General skeleton for HG function execution.
+" Returns: name of the new command buffer containing the command results
+function! s:HGDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText)
+  let hgBufferCheck=s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
+  if hgBufferCheck == -1 
+    echo "Original buffer no longer exists, aborting."
+    return -1
+  endif
+  let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
+  if isdirectory(fileName)
+    let fileName=fileName . "/" . getline(".")
+  endif
+  let realFileName = fnamemodify(s:HGResolveLink(fileName), ':t')
+  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  try
+     " TODO
+    "if !filereadable('HG/Root')
+      "throw fileName . ' is not a HG-controlled file.'
+    "endif
+    let fullCmd = a:cmd . ' "' . realFileName . '"'
+    "echomsg "DEBUG".fullCmd
+    let resultBuffer=s:HGCreateCommandBuffer(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, hgBufferCheck)
+    return resultBuffer
+  catch
+    echoerr v:exception
+    return -1
+  finally
+    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')
+  endtry
+" Function: s:HGGetStatusVars(revision, branch, repository) {{{2
+" Obtains a HG revision number and branch name.  The 'revisionVar',
+" 'branchVar'and 'repositoryVar' arguments, if non-empty, contain the names of variables to hold
+" the corresponding results.
+" Returns: string to be exec'd that sets the multiple return values.
+function! s:HGGetStatusVars(revisionVar, branchVar, repositoryVar)
+  let hgBufferCheck=s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
+  if hgBufferCheck == -1 
+    return ""
+  endif
+  let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
+  let realFileName = fnamemodify(s:HGResolveLink(fileName), ':t')
+  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  try
+     ""TODO
+    "if !filereadable('HG/Root')
+      "return ""
+    "endif
+    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " status -mardui " . fileName
+    let statustext=system(hgCommand)
+    if(v:shell_error)
+      return ""
+    endif
+    if match(statustext, '^[?I]') >= 0 
+      let revision="NEW"
+    elseif match(statustext, '^[R]') >= 0 
+      let revision="REMOVED"
+    elseif match(statustext, '^[D]') >= 0 
+      let revision="DELETED"
+    elseif match(statustext, '^[A]') >= 0 
+      let revision="ADDED"
+    endif
+    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " parents -b  " 
+    let statustext=system(hgCommand)
+    if(v:shell_error)
+        return ""
+    endif
+    if exists('revision')
+      let returnExpression = "let " . a:revisionVar . "='" . revision . "'"
+    else
+      let revision=substitute(statustext, '^changeset:\s*\(\d\+\):.*\_$\_.*$', '\1', "")
+      let returnExpression = "let " . a:revisionVar . "='" . revision . "'"
+    endif
+    if a:branchVar != "" && match(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:') >= 0
+      let branch=substitute(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:\s*\(\S\+\)\n\_.*$', '\1', "")
+      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:branchVar . "='" . branch . "'"
+    endif
+    if a:repositoryVar != ""
+      let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " root  " 
+      let roottext=system(hgCommand)
+      let repository=substitute(roottext,'^.*/\([^/\n\r]*\)\n\_.*$','\1','')
+      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:repositoryVar . "='" . repository . "'"
+    endif
+    return returnExpression
+  finally
+    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')
+  endtry
+" Function: s:HGSetupBuffer() {{{2
+" Attempts to set the b:HGBranch, b:HGRevision and b:HGRepository variables.
+function! s:HGSetupBuffer()
+  if (exists("b:HGBufferSetup") && b:HGBufferSetup)
+    " This buffer is already set up.
+    return
+  endif
+  if !s:HGGetOption("HGCommandEnableBufferSetup", 0)
+        \ || @% == ""
+        \ || s:HGCommandEditFileRunning > 0
+        \ || exists("b:HGOrigBuffNR")
+    unlet! b:HGRevision
+    unlet! b:HGBranch
+    unlet! b:HGRepository
+    return
+  endif
+  if !filereadable(expand("%"))
+    return -1
+  endif
+  let revision=""
+  let branch=""
+  let repository=""
+  exec s:HGGetStatusVars('revision', 'branch', 'repository')
+  "echomsg "DBG ".revision."#".branch."#".repository
+  if revision != ""
+    let b:HGRevision=revision
+  else
+    unlet! b:HGRevision
+  endif
+  if branch != ""
+    let b:HGBranch=branch
+  else
+    unlet! b:HGBranch
+  endif
+  if repository != ""
+     let b:HGRepository=repository
+  else
+     unlet! b:HGRepository
+  endif
+  silent do HGCommand User HGBufferSetup
+  let b:HGBufferSetup=1
+" Function: s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(hgbuffer) {{{2
+" Resets the buffer setup state of the original buffer for a given HG buffer.
+" Returns:  The HG buffer number in a passthrough mode.
+function! s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(hgBuffer)
+  checktime
+  if a:hgBuffer != -1
+    let origBuffer = s:HGBufferCheck(a:hgBuffer)
+    "This should never not work, but I'm paranoid
+    if origBuffer != a:hgBuffer
+      call setbufvar(origBuffer, "HGBufferSetup", 0)
+    endif
+  endif
+  return a:hgBuffer
+" Function: s:HGOverrideOption(option, [value]) {{{2
+" Provides a temporary override for the given HG option.  If no value is
+" passed, the override is disabled.
+function! s:HGOverrideOption(option, ...)
+  if a:0 == 0
+    unlet! s:{a:option}Override
+  else
+    let s:{a:option}Override = a:1
+  endif
+" Function: s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers() {{{2
+" Clears all current HG buffers of the specified type for a given source.
+function! s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers(originalBuffer, hgCommand)
+  let buffer = 1
+  while buffer <= bufnr('$')
+    if getbufvar(buffer, 'HGOrigBuffNR') == a:originalBuffer
+      if getbufvar(buffer, 'HGCommand') == a:hgCommand
+        execute 'bw' buffer
+      endif
+    endif
+    let buffer = buffer + 1
+  endwhile
+" Section: Public functions {{{1
+" Function: HGGetRevision() {{{2
+" Global function for retrieving the current buffer's HG revision number.
+" Returns: Revision number or an empty string if an error occurs.
+function! HGGetRevision()
+  let revision=""
+  exec s:HGGetStatusVars('revision', '', '')
+  return revision
+" Function: HGDisableBufferSetup() {{{2
+" Global function for deactivating the buffer autovariables.
+function! HGDisableBufferSetup()
+  let g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup=0
+  silent! augroup! HGCommandPlugin
+" Function: HGEnableBufferSetup() {{{2
+" Global function for activating the buffer autovariables.
+function! HGEnableBufferSetup()
+  let g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup=1
+  augroup HGCommandPlugin
+    au!
+    au BufEnter * call s:HGSetupBuffer()
+  augroup END
+  " Only auto-load if the plugin is fully loaded.  This gives other plugins a
+  " chance to run.
+  if g:loaded_hgcommand == 2
+    call s:HGSetupBuffer()
+  endif
+" Function: HGGetStatusLine() {{{2
+" Default (sample) status line entry for HG files.  This is only useful if
+" HG-managed buffer mode is on (see the HGCommandEnableBufferSetup variable
+" for how to do this).
+function! HGGetStatusLine()
+  if exists('b:HGSourceFile')
+    " This is a result buffer
+    let value='[' . b:HGCommand . ' ' . b:HGSourceFile
+    if exists('b:HGStatusText')
+      let value=value . ' ' . b:HGStatusText
+    endif
+    let value = value . ']'
+    return value
+  endif
+  if exists('b:HGRevision')
+        \ && b:HGRevision != ''
+        \ && exists('b:HGBranch')
+        \ && b:HGBranch != ''
+        \ && exists('b:HGRepository')
+        \ && b:HGRepository != ''
+        \ && exists('g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup')
+        \ && g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup
+   return '[HG ' . b:HGRepository . '/' . b:HGBranch .'/' . b:HGRevision . ']'
+  else
+    return ''
+  endif
+" Section: HG command functions {{{1
+" Function: s:HGAdd() {{{2
+function! s:HGAdd()
+  return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('add', 'hgadd', ''))
+" Function: s:HGAnnotate(...) {{{2
+function! s:HGAnnotate(...)
+  if a:0 == 0
+    if &filetype == "HGAnnotate"
+      " This is a HGAnnotate buffer.  Perform annotation of the version
+      " indicated by the current line.
+      let revision = substitute(getline("."),'\(^[0-9]*\):.*','\1','')
+      if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandAnnotateParent', 0) != 0 && revision > 0
+        let revision = revision - 1
+      endif
+    else
+      let revision=HGGetRevision()
+      if revision == ""
+        echoerr "Unable to obtain HG version information."
+        return -1
+      endif
+    endif
+  else
+    let revision=a:1
+  endif
+  if revision == "NEW"
+    echo "No annotatation available for new file."
+    return -1
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer=s:HGDoCommand('annotate -ndu -r ' . revision, 'hgannotate', revision) 
+  echomsg "DBG: ".resultBuffer
+  if resultBuffer !=  -1
+    set filetype=HGAnnotate
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:HGCommit() {{{2
+function! s:HGCommit(...)
+  " Handle the commit message being specified.  If a message is supplied, it
+  " is used; if bang is supplied, an empty message is used; otherwise, the
+  " user is provided a buffer from which to edit the commit message.
+  if a:2 != "" || a:1 == "!"
+    return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('commit -m "' . a:2 . '"', 'hgcommit', ''))
+  endif
+  let hgBufferCheck=s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
+  if hgBufferCheck ==  -1
+    echo "Original buffer no longer exists, aborting."
+    return -1
+  endif
+  " Protect against windows' backslashes in paths.  They confuse exec'd
+  " commands.
+  let shellSlashBak = &shellslash
+  try
+    set shellslash
+    let messageFileName = tempname()
+    let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
+    let realFilePath=s:HGResolveLink(fileName)
+    let newCwd=fnamemodify(realFilePath, ':h')
+    if strlen(newCwd) == 0
+      " Account for autochdir being in effect, which will make this blank, but
+      " we know we'll be in the current directory for the original file.
+      let newCwd = getcwd()
+    endif
+    let realFileName=fnamemodify(realFilePath, ':t')
+    if s:HGEditFile(messageFileName, hgBufferCheck) == -1
+      return
+    endif
+    " Protect against case and backslash issues in Windows.
+    let autoPattern = '\c' . messageFileName
+    " Ensure existance of group
+    augroup HGCommit
+    augroup END
+    execute 'au HGCommit BufDelete' autoPattern 'call delete("' . messageFileName . '")'
+    execute 'au HGCommit BufDelete' autoPattern 'au! HGCommit * ' autoPattern
+    " Create a commit mapping.  The mapping must clear all autocommands in case
+    " it is invoked when HGCommandCommitOnWrite is active, as well as to not
+    " invoke the buffer deletion autocommand.
+    execute 'nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>HGCommit '.
+          \ ':au! HGCommit * ' . autoPattern . '<CR>'.
+          \ ':g/^HG:/d<CR>'.
+          \ ':update<CR>'.
+          \ ':call <SID>HGFinishCommit("' . messageFileName . '",' .
+          \                             '"' . newCwd . '",' .
+          \                             '"' . realFileName . '",' .
+          \                             hgBufferCheck . ')<CR>'
+    silent 0put ='HG: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+    silent put =\"HG: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `HG:' are removed automatically\"
+    silent put ='HG: Type <leader>cc (or your own <Plug>HGCommit mapping)'
+    if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandCommitOnWrite', 1) == 1
+      execute 'au HGCommit BufWritePre' autoPattern 'g/^HG:/d'
+      execute 'au HGCommit BufWritePost' autoPattern 'call s:HGFinishCommit("' . messageFileName . '", "' . newCwd . '", "' . realFileName . '", ' . hgBufferCheck . ') | au! * ' autoPattern
+      silent put ='HG: or write this buffer'
+    endif
+    silent put ='HG: to finish this commit operation'
+    silent put ='HG: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+    $
+    let b:HGSourceFile=fileName
+    let b:HGCommand='HGCommit'
+    set filetype=hg
+  finally
+    let &shellslash = shellSlashBak
+  endtry
+" Function: s:HGDiff(...) {{{2
+function! s:HGDiff(...)
+  if a:0 == 1
+    let revOptions = '-r' . a:1
+    let caption = a:1 . ' -> current'
+  elseif a:0 == 2
+    let revOptions = '-r' . a:1 . ' -r' . a:2
+    let caption = a:1 . ' -> ' . a:2
+  else
+    let revOptions = ''
+    let caption = ''
+  endif
+  let hgdiffopt=s:HGGetOption('HGCommandDiffOpt', 'w')
+  if hgdiffopt == ""
+    let diffoptionstring=""
+  else
+    let diffoptionstring=" -" . hgdiffopt . " "
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer = s:HGDoCommand('diff ' . diffoptionstring . revOptions , 'hgdiff', caption)
+  if resultBuffer != -1 
+    set filetype=diff
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:HGGotoOriginal(["!]) {{{2
+function! s:HGGotoOriginal(...)
+  let origBuffNR = s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
+  if origBuffNR > 0
+    let origWinNR = bufwinnr(origBuffNR)
+    if origWinNR == -1
+      execute 'buffer' origBuffNR
+    else
+      execute origWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+    endif
+    if a:0 == 1
+      if a:1 == "!"
+        let buffnr = 1
+        let buffmaxnr = bufnr("$")
+        while buffnr <= buffmaxnr
+          if getbufvar(buffnr, "HGOrigBuffNR") == origBuffNR
+            execute "bw" buffnr
+          endif
+          let buffnr = buffnr + 1
+        endwhile
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+" Function: s:HGFinishCommit(messageFile, targetDir, targetFile) {{{2
+function! s:HGFinishCommit(messageFile, targetDir, targetFile, origBuffNR)
+  if filereadable(a:messageFile)
+    let oldCwd=getcwd()
+    if strlen(a:targetDir) > 0
+      execute 'cd' escape(a:targetDir, ' ')
+    endif
+    let resultBuffer=s:HGCreateCommandBuffer('commit -F "' . a:messageFile . '" "'. a:targetFile . '"', 'hgcommit', '', a:origBuffNR)
+    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')
+    execute 'bw' escape(a:messageFile, ' *?\')
+    silent execute 'call delete("' . a:messageFile . '")'
+    return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(resultBuffer)
+  else
+    echoerr "Can't read message file; no commit is possible."
+    return -1
+  endif
+" Function: s:HGLog() {{{2
+function! s:HGLog(...)
+  if a:0 == 0
+    let versionOption = ""
+    let caption = ''
+  else
+    let versionOption=" -r" . a:1
+    let caption = a:1
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer=s:HGDoCommand('log' . versionOption, 'hglog', caption)
+  if resultBuffer != ""
+    set filetype=rcslog
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:HGRevert() {{{2
+function! s:HGRevert()
+  return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('revert', 'hgrevert', ''))
+" Function: s:HGReview(...) {{{2
+function! s:HGReview(...)
+  if a:0 == 0
+    let versiontag=""
+    if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandInteractive', 0)
+      let versiontag=input('Revision:  ')
+    endif
+    if versiontag == ""
+      let versiontag="(current)"
+      let versionOption=""
+    else
+      let versionOption=" -r " . versiontag . " "
+    endif
+  else
+    let versiontag=a:1
+    let versionOption=" -r " . versiontag . " "
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer = s:HGDoCommand('cat' . versionOption, 'hgreview', versiontag)
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    let &filetype=getbufvar(b:HGOrigBuffNR, '&filetype')
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:HGStatus() {{{2
+function! s:HGStatus()
+  return s:HGDoCommand('status', 'hgstatus', '')
+" Function: s:HGUpdate() {{{2
+function! s:HGUpdate()
+  return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('update', 'update', ''))
+" Function: s:HGVimDiff(...) {{{2
+function! s:HGVimDiff(...)
+  let originalBuffer = s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
+  let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning + 1
+  try
+    " If there's already a VimDiff'ed window, restore it.
+    " There may only be one HGVimDiff original window at a time.
+    if exists("s:vimDiffSourceBuffer") && s:vimDiffSourceBuffer != originalBuffer
+      " Clear the existing vimdiff setup by removing the result buffers.
+      call s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')
+    endif
+    " Split and diff
+    if(a:0 == 2)
+      " Reset the vimdiff system, as 2 explicit versions were provided.
+      if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer')
+        call s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')
+      endif
+      let resultBuffer = s:HGReview(a:1)
+      if resultBuffer < 0
+        echomsg "Can't open HG revision " . a:1
+        return resultBuffer
+      endif
+      let b:HGCommand = 'vimdiff'
+      diffthis
+      let s:vimDiffBufferCount = 1
+      let s:vimDiffScratchList = '{'. resultBuffer . '}'
+      " If no split method is defined, cheat, and set it to vertical.
+      try
+        call s:HGOverrideOption('HGCommandSplit', s:HGGetOption('HGCommandDiffSplit', s:HGGetOption('HGCommandSplit', 'vertical')))
+        let resultBuffer=s:HGReview(a:2)
+      finally
+        call s:HGOverrideOption('HGCommandSplit')
+      endtry
+      if resultBuffer < 0
+        echomsg "Can't open HG revision " . a:1
+        return resultBuffer
+      endif
+      let b:HGCommand = 'vimdiff'
+      diffthis
+      let s:vimDiffBufferCount = 2
+      let s:vimDiffScratchList = s:vimDiffScratchList . '{'. resultBuffer . '}'
+    else
+      " Add new buffer
+      try
+        " Force splitting behavior, otherwise why use vimdiff?
+        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandEdit", "split")
+        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandSplit", s:HGGetOption('HGCommandDiffSplit', s:HGGetOption('HGCommandSplit', 'vertical')))
+        if(a:0 == 0)
+          let resultBuffer=s:HGReview()
+        else
+          let resultBuffer=s:HGReview(a:1)
+        endif
+      finally
+        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandEdit")
+        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandSplit")
+      endtry
+      if resultBuffer < 0
+        echomsg "Can't open current HG revision"
+        return resultBuffer
+      endif
+      let b:HGCommand = 'vimdiff'
+      diffthis
+      if !exists('s:vimDiffBufferCount')
+        " New instance of vimdiff.
+        let s:vimDiffBufferCount = 2
+        let s:vimDiffScratchList = '{' . resultBuffer . '}'
+        " This could have been invoked on a HG result buffer, not the
+        " original buffer.
+        wincmd W
+        execute 'buffer' originalBuffer
+        " Store info for later original buffer restore
+        let s:vimDiffRestoreCmd = 
+              \    "call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&diff\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&diff').")"
+              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&foldcolumn\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldcolumn').")"
+              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&foldenable\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldenable').")"
+              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&foldmethod\", '".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldmethod')."')"
+              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&scrollbind\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&scrollbind').")"
+              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&wrap\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&wrap').")"
+              \ . "|if &foldmethod=='manual'|execute 'normal zE'|endif"
+        diffthis
+        wincmd w
+      else
+        " Adding a window to an existing vimdiff
+        let s:vimDiffBufferCount = s:vimDiffBufferCount + 1
+        let s:vimDiffScratchList = s:vimDiffScratchList . '{' . resultBuffer . '}'
+      endif
+    endif
+    let s:vimDiffSourceBuffer = originalBuffer
+    " Avoid executing the modeline in the current buffer after the autocommand.
+    let currentBuffer = bufnr('%')
+    let saveModeline = getbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline')
+    try
+      call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', 0)
+      silent do HGCommand User HGVimDiffFinish
+    finally
+      call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', saveModeline)
+    endtry
+    return resultBuffer
+  finally
+    let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning - 1
+  endtry
+" Section: Command definitions {{{1
+" Section: Primary commands {{{2
+com! HGAdd call s:HGAdd()
+com! -nargs=? HGAnnotate call s:HGAnnotate(<f-args>)
+com! -bang -nargs=? HGCommit call s:HGCommit(<q-bang>, <q-args>)
+com! -nargs=* HGDiff call s:HGDiff(<f-args>)
+com! -bang HGGotoOriginal call s:HGGotoOriginal(<q-bang>)
+com! -nargs=? HGLog call s:HGLog(<f-args>)
+com! HGRevert call s:HGRevert()
+com! -nargs=? HGReview call s:HGReview(<f-args>)
+com! HGStatus call s:HGStatus()
+com! HGUpdate call s:HGUpdate()
+com! -nargs=* HGVimDiff call s:HGVimDiff(<f-args>)
+" Section: HG buffer management commands {{{2
+com! HGDisableBufferSetup call HGDisableBufferSetup()
+com! HGEnableBufferSetup call HGEnableBufferSetup()
+" Allow reloading hgcommand.vim
+com! HGReload unlet! loaded_hgcommand | runtime plugin/hgcommand.vim
+" Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGAdd :HGAdd<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGAnnotate :HGAnnotate<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGCommit :HGCommit<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGDiff :HGDiff<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGGotoOriginal :HGGotoOriginal<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGClearAndGotoOriginal :HGGotoOriginal!<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGLog :HGLog<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGRevert :HGRevert<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGReview :HGReview<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGStatus :HGStatus<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGUpdate :HGUpdate<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGVimDiff :HGVimDiff<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchers :HGWatchers<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchAdd :HGWatchAdd<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchOn :HGWatchOn<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchOff :HGWatchOff<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchRemove :HGWatchRemove<CR>
+" Section: Default mappings {{{1
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGAdd')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hga <Plug>HGAdd
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGAnnotate')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgn <Plug>HGAnnotate
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGClearAndGotoOriginal')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgG <Plug>HGClearAndGotoOriginal
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGCommit')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgc <Plug>HGCommit
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGDiff')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgd <Plug>HGDiff
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGGotoOriginal')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgg <Plug>HGGotoOriginal
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGLog')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgl <Plug>HGLog
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGRevert')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgq <Plug>HGRevert
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGReview')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgr <Plug>HGReview
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGStatus')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgs <Plug>HGStatus
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGUpdate')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgu <Plug>HGUpdate
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGVimDiff')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgv <Plug>HGVimDiff
+" Section: Menu items {{{1
+silent! aunmenu Plugin.HG
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Add        <Plug>HGAdd
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.A&nnotate   <Plug>HGAnnotate
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Commit     <Plug>HGCommit
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Diff       <Plug>HGDiff
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Log        <Plug>HGLog
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.Revert      <Plug>HGRevert
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Review     <Plug>HGReview
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Status     <Plug>HGStatus
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Update     <Plug>HGUpdate
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&VimDiff    <Plug>HGVimDiff
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Watchers   <Plug>HGWatchers
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchAdd    <Plug>HGWatchAdd
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchOn     <Plug>HGWatchOn
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchOff    <Plug>HGWatchOff
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchRemove <Plug>HGWatchRemove
+" Section: Autocommands to restore vimdiff state {{{1
+function! s:HGVimDiffRestore(vimDiffBuff)
+  let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning + 1
+  try
+    if exists("s:vimDiffSourceBuffer")
+      if a:vimDiffBuff == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+        " Original file is being removed.
+        unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+        unlet! s:vimDiffBufferCount
+        unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+        unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList
+      elseif match(s:vimDiffScratchList, '{' . a:vimDiffBuff . '}') >= 0
+        let s:vimDiffScratchList = substitute(s:vimDiffScratchList, '{' . a:vimDiffBuff . '}', '', '')
+        let s:vimDiffBufferCount = s:vimDiffBufferCount - 1
+        if s:vimDiffBufferCount == 1 && exists('s:vimDiffRestoreCmd')
+          " All scratch buffers are gone, reset the original.
+          " Only restore if the source buffer is still in Diff mode
+          let sourceWinNR=bufwinnr(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer)
+          if sourceWinNR != -1
+            " The buffer is visible in at least one window
+            let currentWinNR = winnr()
+            while winbufnr(sourceWinNR) != -1
+              if winbufnr(sourceWinNR) == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+                execute sourceWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+                if getwinvar('', "&diff")
+                  execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+                endif
+              endif
+              let sourceWinNR = sourceWinNR + 1
+            endwhile
+            execute currentWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+          else
+            " The buffer is hidden.  It must be visible in order to set the
+            " diff option.
+            let currentBufNR = bufnr('')
+            execute "hide buffer" s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+            if getwinvar('', "&diff")
+              execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+            endif
+            execute "hide buffer" currentBufNR
+          endif
+          unlet s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+          unlet s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+          unlet s:vimDiffBufferCount
+          unlet s:vimDiffScratchList
+        elseif s:vimDiffBufferCount == 0
+          " All buffers are gone.
+          unlet s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+          unlet s:vimDiffBufferCount
+          unlet s:vimDiffScratchList
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  finally
+    let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning - 1
+  endtry
+augroup HGVimDiffRestore
+  au!
+  au BufUnload * call s:HGVimDiffRestore(expand("<abuf>"))
+augroup END
+" Section: Optional activation of buffer management {{{1
+if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0)
+  call HGEnableBufferSetup()
+" Section: Plugin completion {{{1
+let loaded_hgcommand=2
+silent do HGCommand User HGPluginFinish
+" vim:se expandtab sts=2 sw=2:
--- a/mercurial/	Tue Jul 11 15:52:36 2006 -0700
+++ b/mercurial/	Tue Jul 11 15:52:56 2006 -0700
@@ -951,6 +951,10 @@
     See pull for valid source format details.
+    It is possible to specify an ssh:// URL as the destination, but no
+    .hg/hgrc will be created on the remote side. Look at the help text
+    for the pull command for important details about ssh:// URLs.
     if dest is None:
         dest = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(source))
@@ -1960,6 +1964,10 @@
     directory does not exist, it is created.
     If no directory is given, the current directory is used.
+    It is possible to specify an ssh:// URL as the destination.
+    Look at the help text for the pull command for important details
+    about ssh:// URLs.
     hg.repository(ui, dest, create=1)
@@ -2228,15 +2236,16 @@
     Valid URLs are of the form:
-      http://[user@]host[:port][/path]
-      https://[user@]host[:port][/path]
-      ssh://[user@]host[:port][/path]
+      http://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
+      https://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
+      ssh://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
     Some notes about using SSH with Mercurial:
     - SSH requires an accessible shell account on the destination machine
       and a copy of hg in the remote path or specified with as remotecmd.
-    - /path is relative to the remote user's home directory by default.
-      Use two slashes at the start of a path to specify an absolute path.
+    - path is relative to the remote user's home directory by default.
+      Use an extra slash at the start of a path to specify an absolute path:
+        ssh://
     - Mercurial doesn't use its own compression via SSH; the right thing
       to do is to configure it in your ~/.ssh/ssh_config, e.g.:
         Host *
@@ -2280,10 +2289,13 @@
     Valid URLs are of the form:
-      ssh://[user@]host[:port][/path]
+      ssh://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
     Look at the help text for the pull command for important details
     about ssh:// URLs.
+    Pushing to http:// and https:// URLs is possible, too, if this
+    feature is enabled on the remote Mercurial server.
     dest = ui.expandpath(dest or 'default-push', dest or 'default')