changeset 49010 681b25ea579e
child 49011 b999edb15f8c
equal deleted inserted replaced
49009:82dbe3a2920d 49010:681b25ea579e
     1 use clap::Parser;
     2 use itertools::Itertools;
     3 use regex::bytes::Regex;
     4 use similar::ChangeTag;
     5 use std::cmp::{max, min, Ordering};
     6 use std::collections::HashSet;
     7 use std::ffi::OsString;
     8 use std::ops::Range;
     9 use std::path::PathBuf;
    11 fn find_unchanged_ranges(
    12     old_bytes: &[u8],
    13     new_bytes: &[u8],
    14 ) -> Vec<(Range<usize>, Range<usize>)> {
    15     let diff = similar::TextDiff::configure()
    16         .algorithm(similar::Algorithm::Patience)
    17         .diff_lines(old_bytes, new_bytes);
    18     let mut new_unchanged_ranges = vec![];
    19     let mut old_index = 0;
    20     let mut new_index = 0;
    21     for diff in diff.iter_all_changes() {
    22         match diff.tag() {
    23             ChangeTag::Equal => {
    24                 new_unchanged_ranges.push((
    25                     old_index..old_index + diff.value().len(),
    26                     new_index..new_index + diff.value().len(),
    27                 ));
    28                 old_index += diff.value().len();
    29                 new_index += diff.value().len();
    30             }
    31             ChangeTag::Delete => {
    32                 old_index += diff.value().len();
    33             }
    34             ChangeTag::Insert => {
    35                 new_index += diff.value().len();
    36             }
    37         }
    38     }
    39     new_unchanged_ranges
    40 }
    42 /// Returns a list of all the lines in the input (including trailing newlines),
    43 /// but only if they all match the regex and they are sorted.
    44 fn get_lines<'input>(
    45     input: &'input [u8],
    46     regex: &Regex,
    47 ) -> Option<Vec<&'input [u8]>> {
    48     let lines = input.split_inclusive(|x| *x == b'\n').collect_vec();
    49     let mut previous_line = "".as_bytes();
    50     for line in &lines {
    51         if *line < previous_line {
    52             return None;
    53         }
    54         if !regex.is_match(line) {
    55             return None;
    56         }
    57         previous_line = line;
    58     }
    59     Some(lines)
    60 }
    62 fn resolve_conflict(
    63     base_slice: &[u8],
    64     local_slice: &[u8],
    65     other_slice: &[u8],
    66     regex: &Regex,
    67 ) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    68     let base_lines = get_lines(base_slice, regex)?;
    69     let local_lines = get_lines(local_slice, regex)?;
    70     let other_lines = get_lines(other_slice, regex)?;
    71     let base_lines_set: HashSet<_> = base_lines.iter().copied().collect();
    72     let local_lines_set: HashSet<_> = local_lines.iter().copied().collect();
    73     let other_lines_set: HashSet<_> = other_lines.iter().copied().collect();
    74     let mut result = local_lines_set;
    75     for to_add in other_lines_set.difference(&base_lines_set) {
    76         result.insert(to_add);
    77     }
    78     for to_remove in base_lines_set.difference(&other_lines_set) {
    79         result.remove(to_remove);
    80     }
    81     Some(result.into_iter().sorted().collect_vec().concat())
    82 }
    84 fn resolve(
    85     base_bytes: &[u8],
    86     local_bytes: &[u8],
    87     other_bytes: &[u8],
    88     regex: &Regex,
    89 ) -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>) {
    90     // Find unchanged ranges between the base and the two sides. We do that by
    91     // initially considering the whole base unchanged. Then we compare each
    92     // side with the base and intersect the unchanged ranges we find with
    93     // what we had before.
    94     let unchanged_ranges = vec![UnchangedRange {
    95         base_range: 0..base_bytes.len(),
    96         offsets: vec![],
    97     }];
    98     let unchanged_ranges = intersect_regions(
    99         unchanged_ranges,
   100         &find_unchanged_ranges(base_bytes, local_bytes),
   101     );
   102     let mut unchanged_ranges = intersect_regions(
   103         unchanged_ranges,
   104         &find_unchanged_ranges(base_bytes, other_bytes),
   105     );
   106     // Add an empty UnchangedRange at the end to make it easier to find change
   107     // ranges. That way there's a changed range before each UnchangedRange.
   108     unchanged_ranges.push(UnchangedRange {
   109         base_range: base_bytes.len()..base_bytes.len(),
   110         offsets: vec![
   111             local_bytes.len().wrapping_sub(base_bytes.len()) as isize,
   112             other_bytes.len().wrapping_sub(base_bytes.len()) as isize,
   113         ],
   114     });
   116     let mut new_base_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
   117     let mut new_local_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
   118     let mut new_other_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
   119     let mut previous = UnchangedRange {
   120         base_range: 0..0,
   121         offsets: vec![0, 0],
   122     };
   123     for current in unchanged_ranges {
   124         let base_slice =
   125             &base_bytes[previous.base_range.end..current.base_range.start];
   126         let local_slice = &local_bytes[previous.end(0)..current.start(0)];
   127         let other_slice = &other_bytes[previous.end(1)..current.start(1)];
   128         if let Some(resolution) =
   129             resolve_conflict(base_slice, local_slice, other_slice, regex)
   130         {
   131             new_base_bytes.extend(&resolution);
   132             new_local_bytes.extend(&resolution);
   133             new_other_bytes.extend(&resolution);
   134         } else {
   135             new_base_bytes.extend(base_slice);
   136             new_local_bytes.extend(local_slice);
   137             new_other_bytes.extend(other_slice);
   138         }
   139         new_base_bytes.extend(&base_bytes[current.base_range.clone()]);
   140         new_local_bytes.extend(&local_bytes[current.start(0)..current.end(0)]);
   141         new_other_bytes.extend(&other_bytes[current.start(1)..current.end(1)]);
   142         previous = current;
   143     }
   145     (new_base_bytes, new_local_bytes, new_other_bytes)
   146 }
   148 /// A tool that performs a 3-way merge, resolving conflicts in sorted lists and
   149 /// leaving other conflicts unchanged. This is useful with Mercurial's support
   150 /// for partial merge tools (configured in `[partial-merge-tools]`).
   151 #[derive(Parser, Debug)]
   152 #[clap(version, about, long_about = None)]
   153 struct Args {
   154     /// Path to the file's content in the "local" side
   155     local: OsString,
   157     /// Path to the file's content in the base
   158     base: OsString,
   160     /// Path to the file's content in the "other" side
   161     other: OsString,
   162 }
   164 fn main() {
   165     let args: Args = Args::parse();
   167     let base_path = PathBuf::from(&args.base);
   168     let local_path = PathBuf::from(&args.local);
   169     let other_path = PathBuf::from(&args.other);
   171     let base_bytes = std::fs::read(&base_path).unwrap();
   172     let local_bytes = std::fs::read(&local_path).unwrap();
   173     let other_bytes = std::fs::read(&other_path).unwrap();
   175     let regex =
   176         regex::bytes::Regex::new(r"import \w+(\.\w+)*( +#.*)?\n|from (\w+(\.\w+)* import \w+( as \w+)?(, \w+( as \w+)?)*( +#.*)?)\r?\n?").unwrap();
   177     let (new_base_bytes, new_local_bytes, new_other_bytes) =
   178         resolve(&base_bytes, &local_bytes, &other_bytes, &regex);
   180     // Write out the result if anything changed
   181     if new_base_bytes != base_bytes {
   182         std::fs::write(&base_path, new_base_bytes).unwrap();
   183     }
   184     if new_local_bytes != local_bytes {
   185         std::fs::write(&local_path, new_local_bytes).unwrap();
   186     }
   187     if new_other_bytes != other_bytes {
   188         std::fs::write(&other_path, new_other_bytes).unwrap();
   189     }
   190 }
   192 fn checked_add(base: usize, offset: isize) -> usize {
   193     if offset < 0 {
   194         base.checked_sub(offset.checked_abs().unwrap() as usize)
   195             .unwrap()
   196     } else {
   197         base.checked_add(offset as usize).unwrap()
   198     }
   199 }
   201 // The remainder of the file is copied from
   202 //
   204 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
   205 struct UnchangedRange {
   206     base_range: Range<usize>,
   207     offsets: Vec<isize>,
   208 }
   210 impl UnchangedRange {
   211     fn start(&self, side: usize) -> usize {
   212         checked_add(self.base_range.start, self.offsets[side])
   213     }
   215     fn end(&self, side: usize) -> usize {
   216         checked_add(self.base_range.end, self.offsets[side])
   217     }
   218 }
   220 impl PartialOrd for UnchangedRange {
   221     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
   222         Some(self.cmp(other))
   223     }
   224 }
   226 impl Ord for UnchangedRange {
   227     fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
   228         self.base_range
   229             .start
   230             .cmp(&other.base_range.start)
   231             .then_with(|| self.base_range.end.cmp(&other.base_range.end))
   232     }
   233 }
   235 /// Takes the current regions and intersects it with the new unchanged ranges
   236 /// from a 2-way diff. The result is a map of unchanged regions with one more
   237 /// offset in the map's values.
   238 fn intersect_regions(
   239     current_ranges: Vec<UnchangedRange>,
   240     new_unchanged_ranges: &[(Range<usize>, Range<usize>)],
   241 ) -> Vec<UnchangedRange> {
   242     let mut result = vec![];
   243     let mut current_ranges_iter = current_ranges.into_iter().peekable();
   244     for (new_base_range, other_range) in new_unchanged_ranges.iter() {
   245         assert_eq!(new_base_range.len(), other_range.len());
   246         while let Some(UnchangedRange {
   247             base_range,
   248             offsets,
   249         }) = current_ranges_iter.peek()
   250         {
   251             // No need to look further if we're past the new range.
   252             if base_range.start >= new_base_range.end {
   253                 break;
   254             }
   255             // Discard any current unchanged regions that don't match between
   256             // the base and the new input.
   257             if base_range.end <= new_base_range.start {
   258       ;
   259                 continue;
   260             }
   261             let new_start = max(base_range.start, new_base_range.start);
   262             let new_end = min(base_range.end, new_base_range.end);
   263             let mut new_offsets = offsets.clone();
   264             new_offsets
   265                 .push(other_range.start.wrapping_sub(new_base_range.start)
   266                     as isize);
   267             result.push(UnchangedRange {
   268                 base_range: new_start..new_end,
   269                 offsets: new_offsets,
   270             });
   271             if base_range.end >= new_base_range.end {
   272                 // Break without consuming the item; there may be other new
   273                 // ranges that overlap with it.
   274                 break;
   275             }
   276   ;
   277         }
   278     }
   279     result
   280 }