changeset 26402 05871262acd5
parent 26401 e93e12e2ff9a
child 26871 1cbf144fd8a1
--- a/mercurial/	Fri Sep 25 17:18:28 2015 -0400
+++ b/mercurial/	Fri Sep 25 22:54:46 2015 -0400
@@ -442,13 +442,14 @@
         return '', f
-_noop = lambda: None
+_noop = lambda s: None
 class treemanifest(object):
     def __init__(self, dir='', text=''):
         self._dir = dir
         self._node = revlog.nullid
-        self._load = _noop
+        self._loadfunc = _noop
+        self._copyfunc = _noop
         self._dirty = False
         self._dirs = {}
         # Using _lazymanifest here is a little slower than plain old dicts
@@ -479,7 +480,7 @@
     def __repr__(self):
         return ('<treemanifest dir=%s, node=%s, loaded=%s, dirty=%s at 0x%x>' %
                 (self._dir, revlog.hex(self._node),
-                 bool(self._load is _noop),
+                 bool(self._loadfunc is _noop),
                  self._dirty, id(self)))
     def dir(self):
@@ -598,6 +599,14 @@
             self._files[f] = n[:21] # to match manifestdict's behavior
         self._dirty = True
+    def _load(self):
+        if self._loadfunc is not _noop:
+            lf, self._loadfunc = self._loadfunc, _noop
+            lf(self)
+        elif self._copyfunc is not _noop:
+            cf, self._copyfunc = self._copyfunc, _noop
+            cf(self)
     def setflag(self, f, flags):
         """Set the flags (symlink, executable) for path f."""
         assert 'd' not in flags
@@ -615,19 +624,19 @@
         copy = treemanifest(self._dir)
         copy._node = self._node
         copy._dirty = self._dirty
-        def _load_for_copy():
-            self._load()
-            for d in self._dirs:
-                copy._dirs[d] = self._dirs[d].copy()
-            copy._files = dict.copy(self._files)
-            copy._flags = dict.copy(self._flags)
-            copy._load = _noop
-        copy._load = _load_for_copy
-        if self._load == _noop:
-            # Chaining _load if it's _noop is functionally correct, but the
-            # chain may end up excessively long (stack overflow), and
-            # will prevent garbage collection of 'self'.
-            copy._load()
+        if self._copyfunc is _noop:
+            def _copyfunc(s):
+                self._load()
+                for d in self._dirs:
+                    s._dirs[d] = self._dirs[d].copy()
+                s._files = dict.copy(self._files)
+                s._flags = dict.copy(self._flags)
+            if self._loadfunc is _noop:
+                _copyfunc(copy)
+            else:
+                copy._copyfunc = _copyfunc
+        else:
+            copy._copyfunc = self._copyfunc
         return copy
     def filesnotin(self, m2):
@@ -834,13 +843,10 @@
         return _text(sorted(dirs + files), usemanifestv2)
     def read(self, gettext, readsubtree):
-        def _load_for_read():
-            # Mark as loaded already here, so __setitem__ and setflag() don't
-            # cause infinite loops when they try to load.
-            self._load = _noop
-            self.parse(gettext(), readsubtree)
-            self._dirty = False
-        self._load = _load_for_read
+        def _load_for_read(s):
+            s.parse(gettext(), readsubtree)
+            s._dirty = False
+        self._loadfunc = _load_for_read
     def writesubtrees(self, m1, m2, writesubtree):
         self._load() # for consistency; should never have any effect here