changeset 31024 0b8356705de6
parent 31017 17b5cda5a84a
child 31076 0e07855e6054
--- a/mercurial/	Sun Feb 19 18:16:09 2017 +0900
+++ b/mercurial/	Sun Feb 19 18:19:33 2017 +0900
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 import heapq
 import re
-import string
 from .i18n import _
 from . import (
@@ -20,16 +19,29 @@
     match as matchmod,
     obsolete as obsmod,
-    parser,
-    pycompat,
+    revsetlang,
+# helpers for processing parsed tree
+getsymbol = revsetlang.getsymbol
+getstring = revsetlang.getstring
+getinteger = revsetlang.getinteger
+getlist = revsetlang.getlist
+getrange = revsetlang.getrange
+getargs = revsetlang.getargs
+getargsdict = revsetlang.getargsdict
+# constants used as an argument of match() and matchany()
+anyorder = revsetlang.anyorder
+defineorder = revsetlang.defineorder
+followorder = revsetlang.followorder
 baseset = smartset.baseset
 generatorset = smartset.generatorset
 spanset = smartset.spanset
@@ -152,213 +164,8 @@
     return revs
-elements = {
-    # token-type: binding-strength, primary, prefix, infix, suffix
-    "(": (21, None, ("group", 1, ")"), ("func", 1, ")"), None),
-    "##": (20, None, None, ("_concat", 20), None),
-    "~": (18, None, None, ("ancestor", 18), None),
-    "^": (18, None, None, ("parent", 18), "parentpost"),
-    "-": (5, None, ("negate", 19), ("minus", 5), None),
-    "::": (17, None, ("dagrangepre", 17), ("dagrange", 17), "dagrangepost"),
-    "..": (17, None, ("dagrangepre", 17), ("dagrange", 17), "dagrangepost"),
-    ":": (15, "rangeall", ("rangepre", 15), ("range", 15), "rangepost"),
-    "not": (10, None, ("not", 10), None, None),
-    "!": (10, None, ("not", 10), None, None),
-    "and": (5, None, None, ("and", 5), None),
-    "&": (5, None, None, ("and", 5), None),
-    "%": (5, None, None, ("only", 5), "onlypost"),
-    "or": (4, None, None, ("or", 4), None),
-    "|": (4, None, None, ("or", 4), None),
-    "+": (4, None, None, ("or", 4), None),
-    "=": (3, None, None, ("keyvalue", 3), None),
-    ",": (2, None, None, ("list", 2), None),
-    ")": (0, None, None, None, None),
-    "symbol": (0, "symbol", None, None, None),
-    "string": (0, "string", None, None, None),
-    "end": (0, None, None, None, None),
-keywords = set(['and', 'or', 'not'])
-# default set of valid characters for the initial letter of symbols
-_syminitletters = set(
-    string.ascii_letters +
-    string.digits + pycompat.sysstr('._@')) | set(map(chr, xrange(128, 256)))
-# default set of valid characters for non-initial letters of symbols
-_symletters = _syminitletters | set(pycompat.sysstr('-/'))
-def tokenize(program, lookup=None, syminitletters=None, symletters=None):
-    '''
-    Parse a revset statement into a stream of tokens
-    ``syminitletters`` is the set of valid characters for the initial
-    letter of symbols.
-    By default, character ``c`` is recognized as valid for initial
-    letter of symbols, if ``c.isalnum() or c in '._@' or ord(c) > 127``.
-    ``symletters`` is the set of valid characters for non-initial
-    letters of symbols.
-    By default, character ``c`` is recognized as valid for non-initial
-    letters of symbols, if ``c.isalnum() or c in '-._/@' or ord(c) > 127``.
-    Check that @ is a valid unquoted token character (issue3686):
-    >>> list(tokenize("@::"))
-    [('symbol', '@', 0), ('::', None, 1), ('end', None, 3)]
-    '''
-    if syminitletters is None:
-        syminitletters = _syminitletters
-    if symletters is None:
-        symletters = _symletters
-    if program and lookup:
-        # attempt to parse old-style ranges first to deal with
-        # things like old-tag which contain query metacharacters
-        parts = program.split(':', 1)
-        if all(lookup(sym) for sym in parts if sym):
-            if parts[0]:
-                yield ('symbol', parts[0], 0)
-            if len(parts) > 1:
-                s = len(parts[0])
-                yield (':', None, s)
-                if parts[1]:
-                    yield ('symbol', parts[1], s + 1)
-            yield ('end', None, len(program))
-            return
-    pos, l = 0, len(program)
-    while pos < l:
-        c = program[pos]
-        if c.isspace(): # skip inter-token whitespace
-            pass
-        elif c == ':' and program[pos:pos + 2] == '::': # look ahead carefully
-            yield ('::', None, pos)
-            pos += 1 # skip ahead
-        elif c == '.' and program[pos:pos + 2] == '..': # look ahead carefully
-            yield ('..', None, pos)
-            pos += 1 # skip ahead
-        elif c == '#' and program[pos:pos + 2] == '##': # look ahead carefully
-            yield ('##', None, pos)
-            pos += 1 # skip ahead
-        elif c in "():=,-|&+!~^%": # handle simple operators
-            yield (c, None, pos)
-        elif (c in '"\'' or c == 'r' and
-              program[pos:pos + 2] in ("r'", 'r"')): # handle quoted strings
-            if c == 'r':
-                pos += 1
-                c = program[pos]
-                decode = lambda x: x
-            else:
-                decode = parser.unescapestr
-            pos += 1
-            s = pos
-            while pos < l: # find closing quote
-                d = program[pos]
-                if d == '\\': # skip over escaped characters
-                    pos += 2
-                    continue
-                if d == c:
-                    yield ('string', decode(program[s:pos]), s)
-                    break
-                pos += 1
-            else:
-                raise error.ParseError(_("unterminated string"), s)
-        # gather up a symbol/keyword
-        elif c in syminitletters:
-            s = pos
-            pos += 1
-            while pos < l: # find end of symbol
-                d = program[pos]
-                if d not in symletters:
-                    break
-                if d == '.' and program[pos - 1] == '.': # special case for ..
-                    pos -= 1
-                    break
-                pos += 1
-            sym = program[s:pos]
-            if sym in keywords: # operator keywords
-                yield (sym, None, s)
-            elif '-' in sym:
-                # some jerk gave us foo-bar-baz, try to check if it's a symbol
-                if lookup and lookup(sym):
-                    # looks like a real symbol
-                    yield ('symbol', sym, s)
-                else:
-                    # looks like an expression
-                    parts = sym.split('-')
-                    for p in parts[:-1]:
-                        if p: # possible consecutive -
-                            yield ('symbol', p, s)
-                        s += len(p)
-                        yield ('-', None, pos)
-                        s += 1
-                    if parts[-1]: # possible trailing -
-                        yield ('symbol', parts[-1], s)
-            else:
-                yield ('symbol', sym, s)
-            pos -= 1
-        else:
-            raise error.ParseError(_("syntax error in revset '%s'") %
-                                   program, pos)
-        pos += 1
-    yield ('end', None, pos)
 # helpers
-_notset = object()
-def getsymbol(x):
-    if x and x[0] == 'symbol':
-        return x[1]
-    raise error.ParseError(_('not a symbol'))
-def getstring(x, err):
-    if x and (x[0] == 'string' or x[0] == 'symbol'):
-        return x[1]
-    raise error.ParseError(err)
-def getinteger(x, err, default=_notset):
-    if not x and default is not _notset:
-        return default
-    try:
-        return int(getstring(x, err))
-    except ValueError:
-        raise error.ParseError(err)
-def getlist(x):
-    if not x:
-        return []
-    if x[0] == 'list':
-        return list(x[1:])
-    return [x]
-def getrange(x, err):
-    if not x:
-        raise error.ParseError(err)
-    op = x[0]
-    if op == 'range':
-        return x[1], x[2]
-    elif op == 'rangepre':
-        return None, x[1]
-    elif op == 'rangepost':
-        return x[1], None
-    elif op == 'rangeall':
-        return None, None
-    raise error.ParseError(err)
-def getargs(x, min, max, err):
-    l = getlist(x)
-    if len(l) < min or (max >= 0 and len(l) > max):
-        raise error.ParseError(err)
-    return l
-def getargsdict(x, funcname, keys):
-    return parser.buildargsdict(getlist(x), funcname, parser.splitargspec(keys),
-                                keyvaluenode='keyvalue', keynode='symbol')
 def getset(repo, subset, x):
     if not x:
         raise error.ParseError(_("missing argument"))
@@ -2412,350 +2219,6 @@
     "parentpost": parentpost,
-# Constants for ordering requirement, used in _analyze():
-# If 'define', any nested functions and operations can change the ordering of
-# the entries in the set. If 'follow', any nested functions and operations
-# should take the ordering specified by the first operand to the '&' operator.
-# For instance,
-#   X & (Y | Z)
-#   ^   ^^^^^^^
-#   |   follow
-#   define
-# will be evaluated as 'or(y(x()), z(x()))', where 'x()' can change the order
-# of the entries in the set, but 'y()', 'z()' and 'or()' shouldn't.
-# 'any' means the order doesn't matter. For instance,
-#   X & !Y
-#        ^
-#        any
-# 'y()' can either enforce its ordering requirement or take the ordering
-# specified by 'x()' because 'not()' doesn't care the order.
-# Transition of ordering requirement:
-# 1. starts with 'define'
-# 2. shifts to 'follow' by 'x & y'
-# 3. changes back to 'define' on function call 'f(x)' or function-like
-#    operation 'x (f) y' because 'f' may have its own ordering requirement
-#    for 'x' and 'y' (e.g. 'first(x)')
-anyorder = 'any'        # don't care the order
-defineorder = 'define'  # should define the order
-followorder = 'follow'  # must follow the current order
-# transition table for 'x & y', from the current expression 'x' to 'y'
-_tofolloworder = {
-    anyorder: anyorder,
-    defineorder: followorder,
-    followorder: followorder,
-def _matchonly(revs, bases):
-    """
-    >>> f = lambda *args: _matchonly(*map(parse, args))
-    >>> f('ancestors(A)', 'not ancestors(B)')
-    ('list', ('symbol', 'A'), ('symbol', 'B'))
-    """
-    if (revs is not None
-        and revs[0] == 'func'
-        and getsymbol(revs[1]) == 'ancestors'
-        and bases is not None
-        and bases[0] == 'not'
-        and bases[1][0] == 'func'
-        and getsymbol(bases[1][1]) == 'ancestors'):
-        return ('list', revs[2], bases[1][2])
-def _fixops(x):
-    """Rewrite raw parsed tree to resolve ambiguous syntax which cannot be
-    handled well by our simple top-down parser"""
-    if not isinstance(x, tuple):
-        return x
-    op = x[0]
-    if op == 'parent':
-        # x^:y means (x^) : y, not x ^ (:y)
-        # x^:  means (x^) :,   not x ^ (:)
-        post = ('parentpost', x[1])
-        if x[2][0] == 'dagrangepre':
-            return _fixops(('dagrange', post, x[2][1]))
-        elif x[2][0] == 'rangepre':
-            return _fixops(('range', post, x[2][1]))
-        elif x[2][0] == 'rangeall':
-            return _fixops(('rangepost', post))
-    elif op == 'or':
-        # make number of arguments deterministic:
-        # x + y + z -> (or x y z) -> (or (list x y z))
-        return (op, _fixops(('list',) + x[1:]))
-    return (op,) + tuple(_fixops(y) for y in x[1:])
-def _analyze(x, order):
-    if x is None:
-        return x
-    op = x[0]
-    if op == 'minus':
-        return _analyze(('and', x[1], ('not', x[2])), order)
-    elif op == 'only':
-        t = ('func', ('symbol', 'only'), ('list', x[1], x[2]))
-        return _analyze(t, order)
-    elif op == 'onlypost':
-        return _analyze(('func', ('symbol', 'only'), x[1]), order)
-    elif op == 'dagrangepre':
-        return _analyze(('func', ('symbol', 'ancestors'), x[1]), order)
-    elif op == 'dagrangepost':
-        return _analyze(('func', ('symbol', 'descendants'), x[1]), order)
-    elif op == 'negate':
-        s = getstring(x[1], _("can't negate that"))
-        return _analyze(('string', '-' + s), order)
-    elif op in ('string', 'symbol'):
-        return x
-    elif op == 'and':
-        ta = _analyze(x[1], order)
-        tb = _analyze(x[2], _tofolloworder[order])
-        return (op, ta, tb, order)
-    elif op == 'or':
-        return (op, _analyze(x[1], order), order)
-    elif op == 'not':
-        return (op, _analyze(x[1], anyorder), order)
-    elif op == 'rangeall':
-        return (op, None, order)
-    elif op in ('rangepre', 'rangepost', 'parentpost'):
-        return (op, _analyze(x[1], defineorder), order)
-    elif op == 'group':
-        return _analyze(x[1], order)
-    elif op in ('dagrange', 'range', 'parent', 'ancestor'):
-        ta = _analyze(x[1], defineorder)
-        tb = _analyze(x[2], defineorder)
-        return (op, ta, tb, order)
-    elif op == 'list':
-        return (op,) + tuple(_analyze(y, order) for y in x[1:])
-    elif op == 'keyvalue':
-        return (op, x[1], _analyze(x[2], order))
-    elif op == 'func':
-        f = getsymbol(x[1])
-        d = defineorder
-        if f == 'present':
-            # 'present(set)' is known to return the argument set with no
-            # modification, so forward the current order to its argument
-            d = order
-        return (op, x[1], _analyze(x[2], d), order)
-    raise ValueError('invalid operator %r' % op)
-def analyze(x, order=defineorder):
-    """Transform raw parsed tree to evaluatable tree which can be fed to
-    optimize() or getset()
-    All pseudo operations should be mapped to real operations or functions
-    defined in methods or symbols table respectively.
-    'order' specifies how the current expression 'x' is ordered (see the
-    constants defined above.)
-    """
-    return _analyze(x, order)
-def _optimize(x, small):
-    if x is None:
-        return 0, x
-    smallbonus = 1
-    if small:
-        smallbonus = .5
-    op = x[0]
-    if op in ('string', 'symbol'):
-        return smallbonus, x # single revisions are small
-    elif op == 'and':
-        wa, ta = _optimize(x[1], True)
-        wb, tb = _optimize(x[2], True)
-        order = x[3]
-        w = min(wa, wb)
-        # (::x and not ::y)/(not ::y and ::x) have a fast path
-        tm = _matchonly(ta, tb) or _matchonly(tb, ta)
-        if tm:
-            return w, ('func', ('symbol', 'only'), tm, order)
-        if tb is not None and tb[0] == 'not':
-            return wa, ('difference', ta, tb[1], order)
-        if wa > wb:
-            return w, (op, tb, ta, order)
-        return w, (op, ta, tb, order)
-    elif op == 'or':
-        # fast path for machine-generated expression, that is likely to have
-        # lots of trivial revisions: 'a + b + c()' to '_list(a b) + c()'
-        order = x[2]
-        ws, ts, ss = [], [], []
-        def flushss():
-            if not ss:
-                return
-            if len(ss) == 1:
-                w, t = ss[0]
-            else:
-                s = '\0'.join(t[1] for w, t in ss)
-                y = ('func', ('symbol', '_list'), ('string', s), order)
-                w, t = _optimize(y, False)
-            ws.append(w)
-            ts.append(t)
-            del ss[:]
-        for y in getlist(x[1]):
-            w, t = _optimize(y, False)
-            if t is not None and (t[0] == 'string' or t[0] == 'symbol'):
-                ss.append((w, t))
-                continue
-            flushss()
-            ws.append(w)
-            ts.append(t)
-        flushss()
-        if len(ts) == 1:
-            return ws[0], ts[0] # 'or' operation is fully optimized out
-        # we can't reorder trees by weight because it would change the order.
-        # ("sort(a + b)" == "sort(b + a)", but "a + b" != "b + a")
-        #   ts = tuple(t for w, t in sorted(zip(ws, ts), key=lambda wt: wt[0]))
-        return max(ws), (op, ('list',) + tuple(ts), order)
-    elif op == 'not':
-        # Optimize not public() to _notpublic() because we have a fast version
-        if x[1][:3] == ('func', ('symbol', 'public'), None):
-            order = x[1][3]
-            newsym = ('func', ('symbol', '_notpublic'), None, order)
-            o = _optimize(newsym, not small)
-            return o[0], o[1]
-        else:
-            o = _optimize(x[1], not small)
-            order = x[2]
-            return o[0], (op, o[1], order)
-    elif op == 'rangeall':
-        return smallbonus, x
-    elif op in ('rangepre', 'rangepost', 'parentpost'):
-        o = _optimize(x[1], small)
-        order = x[2]
-        return o[0], (op, o[1], order)
-    elif op in ('dagrange', 'range', 'parent', 'ancestor'):
-        wa, ta = _optimize(x[1], small)
-        wb, tb = _optimize(x[2], small)
-        order = x[3]
-        return wa + wb, (op, ta, tb, order)
-    elif op == 'list':
-        ws, ts = zip(*(_optimize(y, small) for y in x[1:]))
-        return sum(ws), (op,) + ts
-    elif op == 'keyvalue':
-        w, t = _optimize(x[2], small)
-        return w, (op, x[1], t)
-    elif op == 'func':
-        f = getsymbol(x[1])
-        wa, ta = _optimize(x[2], small)
-        if f in ('author', 'branch', 'closed', 'date', 'desc', 'file', 'grep',
-                 'keyword', 'outgoing', 'user', 'destination'):
-            w = 10 # slow
-        elif f in ('modifies', 'adds', 'removes'):
-            w = 30 # slower
-        elif f == "contains":
-            w = 100 # very slow
-        elif f == "ancestor":
-            w = 1 * smallbonus
-        elif f in ('reverse', 'limit', 'first', 'wdir', '_intlist'):
-            w = 0
-        elif f == "sort":
-            w = 10 # assume most sorts look at changelog
-        else:
-            w = 1
-        order = x[3]
-        return w + wa, (op, x[1], ta, order)
-    raise ValueError('invalid operator %r' % op)
-def optimize(tree):
-    """Optimize evaluatable tree
-    All pseudo operations should be transformed beforehand.
-    """
-    _weight, newtree = _optimize(tree, small=True)
-    return newtree
-# the set of valid characters for the initial letter of symbols in
-# alias declarations and definitions
-_aliassyminitletters = _syminitletters | set(pycompat.sysstr('$'))
-def _parsewith(spec, lookup=None, syminitletters=None):
-    """Generate a parse tree of given spec with given tokenizing options
-    >>> _parsewith('foo($1)', syminitletters=_aliassyminitletters)
-    ('func', ('symbol', 'foo'), ('symbol', '$1'))
-    >>> _parsewith('$1')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ...
-    ParseError: ("syntax error in revset '$1'", 0)
-    >>> _parsewith('foo bar')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ...
-    ParseError: ('invalid token', 4)
-    """
-    p = parser.parser(elements)
-    tree, pos = p.parse(tokenize(spec, lookup=lookup,
-                                 syminitletters=syminitletters))
-    if pos != len(spec):
-        raise error.ParseError(_('invalid token'), pos)
-    return _fixops(parser.simplifyinfixops(tree, ('list', 'or')))
-class _aliasrules(parser.basealiasrules):
-    """Parsing and expansion rule set of revset aliases"""
-    _section = _('revset alias')
-    @staticmethod
-    def _parse(spec):
-        """Parse alias declaration/definition ``spec``
-        This allows symbol names to use also ``$`` as an initial letter
-        (for backward compatibility), and callers of this function should
-        examine whether ``$`` is used also for unexpected symbols or not.
-        """
-        return _parsewith(spec, syminitletters=_aliassyminitletters)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _trygetfunc(tree):
-        if tree[0] == 'func' and tree[1][0] == 'symbol':
-            return tree[1][1], getlist(tree[2])
-def expandaliases(ui, tree):
-    aliases = _aliasrules.buildmap(ui.configitems('revsetalias'))
-    tree = _aliasrules.expand(aliases, tree)
-    # warn about problematic (but not referred) aliases
-    for name, alias in sorted(aliases.iteritems()):
-        if alias.error and not alias.warned:
-            ui.warn(_('warning: %s\n') % (alias.error))
-            alias.warned = True
-    return tree
-def foldconcat(tree):
-    """Fold elements to be concatenated by `##`
-    """
-    if not isinstance(tree, tuple) or tree[0] in ('string', 'symbol'):
-        return tree
-    if tree[0] == '_concat':
-        pending = [tree]
-        l = []
-        while pending:
-            e = pending.pop()
-            if e[0] == '_concat':
-                pending.extend(reversed(e[1:]))
-            elif e[0] in ('string', 'symbol'):
-                l.append(e[1])
-            else:
-                msg = _("\"##\" can't concatenate \"%s\" element") % (e[0])
-                raise error.ParseError(msg)
-        return ('string', ''.join(l))
-    else:
-        return tuple(foldconcat(t) for t in tree)
-def parse(spec, lookup=None):
-    return _parsewith(spec, lookup=lookup)
 def posttreebuilthook(tree, repo):
     # hook for extensions to execute code on the optimized tree
@@ -2785,15 +2248,16 @@
     if repo:
         lookup = repo.__contains__
     if len(specs) == 1:
-        tree = parse(specs[0], lookup)
+        tree = revsetlang.parse(specs[0], lookup)
-        tree = ('or', ('list',) + tuple(parse(s, lookup) for s in specs))
+        tree = ('or',
+                ('list',) + tuple(revsetlang.parse(s, lookup) for s in specs))
     if ui:
-        tree = expandaliases(ui, tree)
-    tree = foldconcat(tree)
-    tree = analyze(tree, order)
-    tree = optimize(tree)
+        tree = revsetlang.expandaliases(ui, tree)
+    tree = revsetlang.foldconcat(tree)
+    tree = revsetlang.analyze(tree, order)
+    tree = revsetlang.optimize(tree)
     posttreebuilthook(tree, repo)
     return makematcher(tree)
@@ -2809,121 +2273,6 @@
         return result
     return mfunc
-def formatspec(expr, *args):
-    '''
-    This is a convenience function for using revsets internally, and
-    escapes arguments appropriately. Aliases are intentionally ignored
-    so that intended expression behavior isn't accidentally subverted.
-    Supported arguments:
-    %r = revset expression, parenthesized
-    %d = int(arg), no quoting
-    %s = string(arg), escaped and single-quoted
-    %b = arg.branch(), escaped and single-quoted
-    %n = hex(arg), single-quoted
-    %% = a literal '%'
-    Prefixing the type with 'l' specifies a parenthesized list of that type.
-    >>> formatspec('%r:: and %lr', '10 or 11', ("this()", "that()"))
-    '(10 or 11):: and ((this()) or (that()))'
-    >>> formatspec('%d:: and not %d::', 10, 20)
-    '10:: and not 20::'
-    >>> formatspec('%ld or %ld', [], [1])
-    "_list('') or 1"
-    >>> formatspec('keyword(%s)', 'foo\\xe9')
-    "keyword('foo\\\\xe9')"
-    >>> b = lambda: 'default'
-    >>> b.branch = b
-    >>> formatspec('branch(%b)', b)
-    "branch('default')"
-    >>> formatspec('root(%ls)', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
-    "root(_list('a\\x00b\\x00c\\x00d'))"
-    '''
-    def quote(s):
-        return repr(str(s))
-    def argtype(c, arg):
-        if c == 'd':
-            return str(int(arg))
-        elif c == 's':
-            return quote(arg)
-        elif c == 'r':
-            parse(arg) # make sure syntax errors are confined
-            return '(%s)' % arg
-        elif c == 'n':
-            return quote(node.hex(arg))
-        elif c == 'b':
-            return quote(arg.branch())
-    def listexp(s, t):
-        l = len(s)
-        if l == 0:
-            return "_list('')"
-        elif l == 1:
-            return argtype(t, s[0])
-        elif t == 'd':
-            return "_intlist('%s')" % "\0".join(str(int(a)) for a in s)
-        elif t == 's':
-            return "_list('%s')" % "\0".join(s)
-        elif t == 'n':
-            return "_hexlist('%s')" % "\0".join(node.hex(a) for a in s)
-        elif t == 'b':
-            return "_list('%s')" % "\0".join(a.branch() for a in s)
-        m = l // 2
-        return '(%s or %s)' % (listexp(s[:m], t), listexp(s[m:], t))
-    ret = ''
-    pos = 0
-    arg = 0
-    while pos < len(expr):
-        c = expr[pos]
-        if c == '%':
-            pos += 1
-            d = expr[pos]
-            if d == '%':
-                ret += d
-            elif d in 'dsnbr':
-                ret += argtype(d, args[arg])
-                arg += 1
-            elif d == 'l':
-                # a list of some type
-                pos += 1
-                d = expr[pos]
-                ret += listexp(list(args[arg]), d)
-                arg += 1
-            else:
-                raise error.Abort(_('unexpected revspec format character %s')
-                                  % d)
-        else:
-            ret += c
-        pos += 1
-    return ret
-def prettyformat(tree):
-    return parser.prettyformat(tree, ('string', 'symbol'))
-def depth(tree):
-    if isinstance(tree, tuple):
-        return max(map(depth, tree)) + 1
-    else:
-        return 0
-def funcsused(tree):
-    if not isinstance(tree, tuple) or tree[0] in ('string', 'symbol'):
-        return set()
-    else:
-        funcs = set()
-        for s in tree[1:]:
-            funcs |= funcsused(s)
-        if tree[0] == 'func':
-            funcs.add(tree[1][1])
-        return funcs
 def loadpredicate(ui, extname, registrarobj):
     """Load revset predicates from specified registrarobj