changeset 20622 352abbb0be88
parent 20621 5beb49fd5958
child 20623 84f6bc03b4e5
--- a/hgext/inotify/linux/watcher.py	Sat Mar 01 21:08:43 2014 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-# watcher.py - high-level interfaces to the Linux inotify subsystem
-# Copyright 2006 Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License, or any later version.
-'''High-level interfaces to the Linux inotify subsystem.
-The inotify subsystem provides an efficient mechanism for file status
-monitoring and change notification.
-The watcher class hides the low-level details of the inotify
-interface, and provides a Pythonic wrapper around it.  It generates
-events that provide somewhat more information than raw inotify makes
-The autowatcher class is more useful, as it automatically watches
-newly-created directories on your behalf.'''
-__author__ = "Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>"
-import _inotify as inotify
-import array
-import errno
-import fcntl
-import os
-import termios
-class event(object):
-    '''Derived inotify event class.
-    The following fields are available:
-        mask: event mask, indicating what kind of event this is
-        cookie: rename cookie, if a rename-related event
-        path: path of the directory in which the event occurred
-        name: name of the directory entry to which the event occurred
-        (may be None if the event happened to a watched directory)
-        fullpath: complete path at which the event occurred
-        wd: watch descriptor that triggered this event'''
-    __slots__ = (
-        'cookie',
-        'fullpath',
-        'mask',
-        'name',
-        'path',
-        'raw',
-        'wd',
-        )
-    def __init__(self, raw, path):
-        self.path = path
-        self.raw = raw
-        if raw.name:
-            self.fullpath = path + '/' + raw.name
-        else:
-            self.fullpath = path
-        self.wd = raw.wd
-        self.mask = raw.mask
-        self.cookie = raw.cookie
-        self.name = raw.name
-    def __repr__(self):
-        r = repr(self.raw)
-        return 'event(path=' + repr(self.path) + ', ' + r[r.find('(') + 1:]
-_event_props = {
-    'access': 'File was accessed',
-    'modify': 'File was modified',
-    'attrib': 'Attribute of a directory entry was changed',
-    'close_write': 'File was closed after being written to',
-    'close_nowrite': 'File was closed without being written to',
-    'open': 'File was opened',
-    'moved_from': 'Directory entry was renamed from this name',
-    'moved_to': 'Directory entry was renamed to this name',
-    'create': 'Directory entry was created',
-    'delete': 'Directory entry was deleted',
-    'delete_self': 'The watched directory entry was deleted',
-    'move_self': 'The watched directory entry was renamed',
-    'unmount': 'Directory was unmounted, and can no longer be watched',
-    'q_overflow': 'Kernel dropped events due to queue overflow',
-    'ignored': 'Directory entry is no longer being watched',
-    'isdir': 'Event occurred on a directory',
-    }
-for k, v in _event_props.iteritems():
-    mask = getattr(inotify, 'IN_' + k.upper())
-    def getter(self):
-        return self.mask & mask
-    getter.__name__ = k
-    getter.__doc__ = v
-    setattr(event, k, property(getter, doc=v))
-del _event_props
-class watcher(object):
-    '''Provide a Pythonic interface to the low-level inotify API.
-    Also adds derived information to each event that is not available
-    through the normal inotify API, such as directory name.'''
-    __slots__ = (
-        'fd',
-        '_paths',
-        '_wds',
-        )
-    def __init__(self):
-        '''Create a new inotify instance.'''
-        self.fd = inotify.init()
-        self._paths = {}
-        self._wds = {}
-    def fileno(self):
-        '''Return the file descriptor this watcher uses.
-        Useful for passing to select and poll.'''
-        return self.fd
-    def add(self, path, mask):
-        '''Add or modify a watch.
-        Return the watch descriptor added or modified.'''
-        path = os.path.normpath(path)
-        wd = inotify.add_watch(self.fd, path, mask)
-        self._paths[path] = wd, mask
-        self._wds[wd] = path, mask
-        return wd
-    def remove(self, wd):
-        '''Remove the given watch.'''
-        inotify.remove_watch(self.fd, wd)
-        self._remove(wd)
-    def _remove(self, wd):
-        path_mask = self._wds.pop(wd, None)
-        if path_mask is not None:
-            self._paths.pop(path_mask[0])
-    def path(self, path):
-        '''Return a (watch descriptor, event mask) pair for the given path.
-        If the path is not being watched, return None.'''
-        return self._paths.get(path)
-    def wd(self, wd):
-        '''Return a (path, event mask) pair for the given watch descriptor.
-        If the watch descriptor is not valid or not associated with
-        this watcher, return None.'''
-        return self._wds.get(wd)
-    def read(self, bufsize=None):
-        '''Read a list of queued inotify events.
-        If bufsize is zero, only return those events that can be read
-        immediately without blocking.  Otherwise, block until events are
-        available.'''
-        events = []
-        for evt in inotify.read(self.fd, bufsize):
-            events.append(event(evt, self._wds[evt.wd][0]))
-            if evt.mask & inotify.IN_IGNORED:
-                self._remove(evt.wd)
-            elif evt.mask & inotify.IN_UNMOUNT:
-                self.close()
-        return events
-    def close(self):
-        '''Shut down this watcher.
-        All subsequent method calls are likely to raise exceptions.'''
-        os.close(self.fd)
-        self.fd = None
-        self._paths = None
-        self._wds = None
-    def __len__(self):
-        '''Return the number of active watches.'''
-        return len(self._paths)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        '''Yield a (path, watch descriptor, event mask) tuple for each
-        entry being watched.'''
-        for path, (wd, mask) in self._paths.iteritems():
-            yield path, wd, mask
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self.fd is not None:
-            os.close(self.fd)
-    ignored_errors = [errno.ENOENT, errno.EPERM, errno.ENOTDIR]
-    def add_iter(self, path, mask, onerror=None):
-        '''Add or modify watches over path and its subdirectories.
-        Yield each added or modified watch descriptor.
-        To ensure that this method runs to completion, you must
-        iterate over all of its results, even if you do not care what
-        they are.  For example:
-            for wd in w.add_iter(path, mask):
-                pass
-        By default, errors are ignored.  If optional arg "onerror" is
-        specified, it should be a function; it will be called with one
-        argument, an OSError instance.  It can report the error to
-        continue with the walk, or raise the exception to abort the
-        walk.'''
-        # Add the IN_ONLYDIR flag to the event mask, to avoid a possible
-        # race when adding a subdirectory.  In the time between the
-        # event being queued by the kernel and us processing it, the
-        # directory may have been deleted, or replaced with a different
-        # kind of entry with the same name.
-        submask = mask | inotify.IN_ONLYDIR
-        try:
-            yield self.add(path, mask)
-        except OSError, err:
-            if onerror and err.errno not in self.ignored_errors:
-                onerror(err)
-        for root, dirs, names in os.walk(path, topdown=False, onerror=onerror):
-            for d in dirs:
-                try:
-                    yield self.add(root + '/' + d, submask)
-                except OSError, err:
-                    if onerror and err.errno not in self.ignored_errors:
-                        onerror(err)
-    def add_all(self, path, mask, onerror=None):
-        '''Add or modify watches over path and its subdirectories.
-        Return a list of added or modified watch descriptors.
-        By default, errors are ignored.  If optional arg "onerror" is
-        specified, it should be a function; it will be called with one
-        argument, an OSError instance.  It can report the error to
-        continue with the walk, or raise the exception to abort the
-        walk.'''
-        return [w for w in self.add_iter(path, mask, onerror)]
-class autowatcher(watcher):
-    '''watcher class that automatically watches newly created directories.'''
-    __slots__ = (
-        'addfilter',
-        )
-    def __init__(self, addfilter=None):
-        '''Create a new inotify instance.
-        This instance will automatically watch newly created
-        directories.
-        If the optional addfilter parameter is not None, it must be a
-        callable that takes one parameter.  It will be called each time
-        a directory is about to be automatically watched.  If it returns
-        True, the directory will be watched if it still exists,
-        otherwise, it will be skipped.'''
-        super(autowatcher, self).__init__()
-        self.addfilter = addfilter
-    _dir_create_mask = inotify.IN_ISDIR | inotify.IN_CREATE
-    def read(self, bufsize=None):
-        events = super(autowatcher, self).read(bufsize)
-        for evt in events:
-            if evt.mask & self._dir_create_mask == self._dir_create_mask:
-                if self.addfilter is None or self.addfilter(evt):
-                    parentmask = self._wds[evt.wd][1]
-                    # See note about race avoidance via IN_ONLYDIR above.
-                    mask = parentmask | inotify.IN_ONLYDIR
-                    try:
-                        self.add_all(evt.fullpath, mask)
-                    except OSError, err:
-                        if err.errno not in self.ignored_errors:
-                            raise
-        return events
-class threshold(object):
-    '''Class that indicates whether a file descriptor has reached a
-    threshold of readable bytes available.
-    This class is not thread-safe.'''
-    __slots__ = (
-        'fd',
-        'threshold',
-        '_iocbuf',
-        )
-    def __init__(self, fd, threshold=1024):
-        self.fd = fd
-        self.threshold = threshold
-        self._iocbuf = array.array('i', [0])
-    def readable(self):
-        '''Return the number of bytes readable on this file descriptor.'''
-        fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, termios.FIONREAD, self._iocbuf, True)
-        return self._iocbuf[0]
-    def __call__(self):
-        '''Indicate whether the number of readable bytes has met or
-        exceeded the threshold.'''
-        return self.readable() >= self.threshold