--- a/tests/test-install.t Tue Jun 06 11:16:10 2017 -0400
+++ b/tests/test-install.t Tue Jun 06 11:16:38 2017 -0400
@@ -173,3 +173,40 @@
Not tracked:
+#if virtualenv
+Verify that Mercurial is installable with pip. Note that this MUST be
+the last test in this file, because we do some nasty things to the
+shell environment in order to make the virtualenv work reliably.
+ $ cd $TESTTMP
+Note: --no-site-packages is deprecated, but some places have an
+ancient virtualenv from their linux distro or similar and it's not yet
+the default for them.
+ $ unset PYTHONPATH
+ $ $PYTHON -m virtualenv --no-site-packages installenv >> pip.log
+Note: we use this weird path to run pip and hg to avoid platform differences,
+since it's bin on most platforms but Scripts on Windows.
+ $ ./installenv/*/pip install $TESTDIR/.. >> pip.log
+ $ ./installenv/*/hg debuginstall || cat pip.log
+ checking encoding (ascii)...
+ checking Python executable (*) (glob)
+ checking Python version (2.*) (glob)
+ checking Python lib (*)... (glob)
+ checking Python security support (*) (glob)
+ TLS 1.2 not supported by Python install; network connections lack modern security (?)
+ SNI not supported by Python install; may have connectivity issues with some servers (?)
+ checking Mercurial version (*) (glob)
+ checking Mercurial custom build (*) (glob)
+ checking module policy (*) (glob)
+ checking installed modules (*/mercurial)... (glob)
+ checking registered compression engines (*) (glob)
+ checking available compression engines (*) (glob)
+ checking available compression engines for wire protocol (*) (glob)
+ checking templates ($TESTTMP/installenv/*/site-packages/mercurial/templates)... (glob)
+ checking default template ($TESTTMP/installenv/*/site-packages/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.default) (glob)
+ checking commit editor... (*) (glob)
+ checking username (test)
+ no problems detected