tests: require regexes in unified tests to be marked with " (re)"
Consider this test:
$ hg glog --template '{rev}:{node|short} "{desc}"\n'
@ 2:
20c4f79fd7ac "3"
| o 1:
38f24201dcab "2"
o 0:
2a18120dc1c9 "1"
Because each line beginning with "|" can be compiled as a regular
expression (equivalent to ".*|"), they will match any output.
$ echo foo
The blank output line can be compiled as a regular expression and will
also match any output.
With this patch, none of the above output lines will be matched as
regular expressions. A line must end in " (re)" in order to be matched
as one.
Lines are still matched literally first, so the following will pass:
$ echo 'foo (re)'
foo (re)
$ hg init outer
$ cd outer
hg debugsub with no remapping
$ echo 'sub = http://example.net/libfoo' > .hgsub
$ hg add .hgsub
$ hg debugsub
path sub
source http://example.net/libfoo
hg debugsub with remapping
$ echo '[subpaths]' > .hg/hgrc
$ printf 'http://example.net/lib(.*) = C:\\libs\\\\1-lib\\\n' >> .hg/hgrc
$ hg debugsub
path sub
source C:\libs\foo-lib\
test bad subpaths pattern
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [subpaths]
> .* = \1
$ hg debugsub
abort: bad subrepository pattern in .*/test-subrepo-paths\.t/outer/\.hg/hgrc:2: invalid group reference (re)