view tests/ @ 36367:043e77f3be09

sshpeer: return framed file object when needed Currently, wireproto.wirepeer has a default implementation of _submitbatch() and sshv1peer has a very similar implementation. The main difference is that sshv1peer is aware of the total amount of bytes it can read whereas the default implementation reads the stream until no more data is returned. The default implementation works for HTTP, since there is a known end to HTTP responses (either Content-Length or 0 sized chunk). This commit teaches sshv1peer to use our just-introduced "cappedreader" class for wrapping a file object to limit the number of bytes that can be read. We do this by introducing an argument to specify whether the response is framed. If set, we returned a cappedreader instance instead of the raw pipe. _call() always has framed responses. So we set this argument unconditionally and then .read() the entirety of the result. Strictly speaking, we don't need to use cappedreader in this case and can inline frame decoding/read logic. But I like when things are consistent. The overhead should be negligible. _callstream() and _callcompressable() are special: whether framing is used depends on the specific command. So, we define a set of commands that have framed response. It currently only contains "batch." As a result of this change, the one-off implementation of _submitbatch() in sshv1peer can be removed since it is now safe to .read() the response's file object until end of stream. cappedreader takes care of not overrunning the frame. Differential Revision:
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Wed, 21 Feb 2018 08:35:48 -0800
parents 26a5d605b868
children 0dcd03637d36
line wrap: on
line source

# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import doctest
import os

def check(a, b):
    if a != b:
        print((a, b))

def cert(cn):
    return {'subject': ((('commonName', cn),),)}

from mercurial import (

_verifycert = sslutil._verifycert
# Test non-wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')

# Test wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')

# Test subjectAltName
san_cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
            'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '*'),
                               ('DNS', ''))}
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
# no fallback to subject commonName when subjectAltName has DNS
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
      'certificate is for *,')
# fallback to subject commonName when no DNS in subjectAltName
san_cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
            'subjectAltName': (('IP Address', ''),)}
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''), None)

# Avoid some pitfalls
check(_verifycert(cert('*.foo'), 'foo'),
      'certificate is for *.foo')
check(_verifycert(cert('*o'), 'foo'), None)

check(_verifycert({'subject': ()},
      'no commonName or subjectAltName found in certificate')
check(_verifycert(None, ''),
      'no certificate received')

# Unicode (IDN) certname isn't supported
check(_verifycert(cert(u'\'), ''),
      'IDN in certificate not supported')

# The following tests are from CPython's
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''), None)
check(_verifycert(cert(''), 'ExAmple.cOm'), None)
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')
check(_verifycert(cert(''), 'exampleXcom'),
      'certificate is for')
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''), None)
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')

# only match one left-most wildcard
check(_verifycert(cert('f*.com'), ''), None)
check(_verifycert(cert('f*.com'), ''), None)
check(_verifycert(cert('f*.com'), ''),
      'certificate is for f*.com')
check(_verifycert(cert('f*.com'), ''),
      'certificate is for f*.com')
check(_verifycert(cert('f*.com'), ''),
      'certificate is for f*.com')

# NULL bytes are bad, CVE-2013-4073
                  '\'), None)
      'certificate is for\')
      'certificate is for\')

# error cases with wildcards
check(_verifycert(cert('*.*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *.*')
check(_verifycert(cert('*.*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *.*')
check(_verifycert(cert('*.*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *.*')
check(_verifycert(cert('*.*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *.*')

check(_verifycert(cert('a.*.com'), ''),
      'certificate is for a.*.com')
check(_verifycert(cert('a.*.com'), ''),
      'certificate is for a.*.com')
check(_verifycert(cert('a.*.com'), ''),
      'certificate is for a.*.com')

# wildcard doesn't match IDNA prefix 'xn--'
idna = u'pü'.encode('idna').decode('ascii')
check(_verifycert(cert(idna), idna), None)
check(_verifycert(cert('x*'), idna),
      'certificate is for x*')
check(_verifycert(cert('xn--p*'), idna),
      'certificate is for xn--p*')

# wildcard in first fragment and  IDNA A-labels in sequent fragments
# are supported.
idna = u'www*.pythö'.encode('idna').decode('ascii')
      'certificate is for www*')
      'certificate is for www*')

c = {
    'notAfter': 'Jun 26 21:41:46 2011 GMT',
    'subject': (((u'commonName', u''),),),
    'subjectAltName': (
        ('DNS', ''),
        ('DNS', ''),
        ('othername', '<unsupported>'),
check(_verifycert(c, ''), None)
check(_verifycert(c, ''), None)
# Not a "DNS" entry
check(_verifycert(c, '<unsupported>'),
      'certificate is for,')
# When there is a subjectAltName, commonName isn't used
check(_verifycert(c, ''),
      'certificate is for,')

# A pristine real-world example
c = {
    'notAfter': 'Dec 18 23:59:59 2011 GMT',
    'subject': (
        ((u'countryName', u'US'),),
        ((u'stateOrProvinceName', u'California'),),
        ((u'localityName', u'Mountain View'),),
        ((u'organizationName', u'Google Inc'),),
        ((u'commonName', u''),),
check(_verifycert(c, ''), None)
check(_verifycert(c, ''), 'certificate is for')

# Only commonName is considered
check(_verifycert(c, 'California'), 'certificate is for')

# Neither commonName nor subjectAltName
c = {
    'notAfter': 'Dec 18 23:59:59 2011 GMT',
    'subject': (
        ((u'countryName', u'US'),),
        ((u'stateOrProvinceName', u'California'),),
        ((u'localityName', u'Mountain View'),),
        ((u'organizationName', u'Google Inc'),),
check(_verifycert(c, ''),
      'no commonName or subjectAltName found in certificate')

# No DNS entry in subjectAltName but a commonName
c = {
    'notAfter': 'Dec 18 23:59:59 2099 GMT',
    'subject': (
        ((u'countryName', u'US'),),
        ((u'stateOrProvinceName', u'California'),),
        ((u'localityName', u'Mountain View'),),
        ((u'commonName', u''),),
    'subjectAltName': (('othername', 'blabla'),),
check(_verifycert(c, ''), None)

# No DNS entry subjectAltName and no commonName
c = {
    'notAfter': 'Dec 18 23:59:59 2099 GMT',
    'subject': (
        ((u'countryName', u'US'),),
        ((u'stateOrProvinceName', u'California'),),
        ((u'localityName', u'Mountain View'),),
        ((u'organizationName', u'Google Inc'),),
    'subjectAltName': (('othername', 'blabla'),),
check(_verifycert(c, ''),
      'no commonName or subjectAltName found in certificate')

# Empty cert / no cert
check(_verifycert(None, ''), 'no certificate received')
check(_verifycert({}, ''), 'no certificate received')

# avoid denials of service by refusing more than one
# wildcard per fragment.
check(_verifycert({'subject': (((u'commonName', u'a*'),),)},
                  ''), None)
check(_verifycert({'subject': (((u'commonName', u'a**'),),)},
                  ''), 'certificate is for a**')
check(_verifycert({'subject': (((u'commonName', u'a*b*.com'),),)},
      'too many wildcards in certificate DNS name: a*b*.com')

def test_url():
    >>> from mercurial.util import url

    This tests for edge cases in url.URL's parsing algorithm. Most of
    these aren't useful for documentation purposes, so they aren't
    part of the class's doc tests.

    Query strings and fragments:

    >>> url('http://host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a?')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b#c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b?c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b?c'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsequery=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsefragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a#b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsequery=False, parsefragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a#b'>

    IPv6 addresses:

    >>> url('ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', host: '[2001:db8::7]', path: 'c=GB',
         query: 'objectClass?one'>
    >>> url('ldap://joe:xxx@[2001:db8::7]:80/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: '[2001:db8::7]',
         port: '80', path: 'c=GB', query: 'objectClass?one'>

    Missing scheme, host, etc.:

    >>> url('://')
    <url path: '://'>
    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'https', host: ''>
    >>> url('/foo')
    <url path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('bundle:/foo')
    <url scheme: 'bundle', path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('a?b#c')
    <url path: 'a?b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '', query: 'arg=/foo'>
    >>> url('http://joe:xxx@/foo')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', path: 'foo'>

    Just a scheme and a path:

    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'mailto', path: ''>
    >>> url('a:b:c:d')
    <url path: 'a:b:c:d'>
    >>> url('aa:bb:cc:dd')
    <url scheme: 'aa', path: 'bb:cc:dd'>

    SSH examples:

    >>> url('ssh://joe@host//home/joe')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host', path: '/home/joe'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host/src')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', path: 'src'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>
    >>> url('ssh:')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>

    Non-numeric port:

    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '', port: 'dd'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host:ssh/foo')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', port: 'ssh',
         path: 'foo'>

    Bad authentication credentials:

    >>> url('http://joe@joeville:123@4:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe@joeville', passwd: '123@4:',
         host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*@:!*@@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: '!*@', passwd: '!*@', host: 'host',
         path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>

    File paths:

    >>> url('a/b/c/d.g.f')
    <url path: 'a/b/c/d.g.f'>
    >>> url('/x///z/y/')
    <url path: '/x///z/y/'>
    >>> url('/foo:bar')
    <url path: '/foo:bar'>
    >>> url('\\\\foo:bar')
    <url path: '\\\\foo:bar'>
    >>> url('./foo:bar')
    <url path: './foo:bar'>

    Non-localhost file URL:

    >>> u = url('file://')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    Abort: file:// URLs can only refer to localhost

    Empty URL:

    >>> u = url('')
    >>> u
    <url path: ''>
    >>> str(u)

    Empty path with query string:

    >>> str(url('http://foo/?bar'))

    Invalid path:

    >>> u = url('http://foo/bar')
    >>> u.path = 'bar'
    >>> str(u)

    >>> u = url('file:/foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: '/foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:///foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: '/foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:///f:oo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: 'f:oo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file://localhost/f:oo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', host: 'localhost', path: 'f:oo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: 'foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

if 'TERM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['TERM']
