author Anton Shestakov <>
Mon, 18 Dec 2023 15:40:48 -0300
changeset 51305 05ce07bdb173
parent 51291 0bb5299800ca
child 51306 46280260d010
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
pytype: update to select target automatically We have python3.11 on CI, so we can run pytype targeting that version. On the other hand, we don't have python3.7 on CI anymore, so we can't run pytype for 3.7 anymore (interpreter not found). I think it's fine to make pytype select the appropriate target depending on the version of the interpreter it's running under.


set -e
set -u

cd `hg root`

# Many of the individual files that are excluded here confuse pytype
# because they do a mix of Python 2 and Python 3 things
# conditionally. There's no good way to help it out with that as far as
# I can tell, so let's just hide those files from it for now. We should
# endeavor to empty this list out over time, as some of these are
# probably hiding real problems.
# hgext/               # [attribute-error]
# hgext/             # [pyi-error], [attribute-error]
# hgext/convert/          # [attribute-error]
# hgext/convert/          # [attribute-error], [wrong-arg-types]
# hgext/convert/        # [attribute-error]
# hgext/convert/           # [wrong-arg-types] (__file: mercurial.utils.procutil._pfile -> IO)
# hgext/convert/   # [attribute-error], [name-error], [pyi-error]
# hgext/fastannotate/ # no linelog.copyfrom()
# hgext/fastannotate/  # [unsupported-operands]
# hgext/fsmonitor/   # [name-error]
# hgext/git/         # [attribute-error]
# hgext/              # [attribute-error] [wrong-arg-types]
# hgext/                  # [attribute-error]
# hgext/             # [attribute-error], [wrong-arg-types]
# hgext/              # [attribute-error]
# hgext/largefiles/  # [attribute-error]
# hgext/lfs/         # [attribute-error]
# hgext/narrow/ # [attribute-error]
# hgext/narrow/    # [attribute-error], [name-error]
# hgext/               # [attribute-error]
# hgext/remotefilelog/   # [attribute-error], [wrong-arg-count]
# hgext/remotefilelog/  # [attribute-error]
# hgext/remotefilelog/   # [missing-parameter], [wrong-keyword-args], [attribute-error]
# hgext/remotefilelog/  # [attribute-error]
# hgext/remotefilelog/     # [attribute-error]
# hgext/remotefilelog/  # [module-attr] (This is an actual bug)
# hgext/          # [attribute-error]
# hgext/zeroconf/    # bytes vs str; tests fail on macOS
# mercurial/       # no vfs and ui attrs on bundlerepo
# mercurial/          # many [attribute-error]
# mercurial/          # tons of [attribute-error], [module-attr]
# mercurial/    # [wrong-arg-types]
# mercurial/         # initstdio: No attribute ... on TextIO [attribute-error]
# mercurial/         # [attribute-error]
# mercurial/hgweb/  # [attribute-error], [name-error], [wrong-arg-types]
# mercurial/hgweb/     # [attribute-error], [name-error], [module-attr]
# mercurial/hgweb/    # confused values in os.environ
# mercurial/         # [attribute-error], [wrong-arg-types]
# mercurial/interfaces          # No attribute 'capabilities' on peer [attribute-error]
# mercurial/        # [attribute-error]
# mercurial/        # [attribute-error]
# mercurial/         # [unsupported-operands], [wrong-arg-types]
# mercurial/          # [unsupported-operands], [attribute-error]
# mercurial/pure/      # [invalid-typevar], [not-callable]
# mercurial/pure/     # [attribute-error]
# mercurial/         # [attribute-error]
# mercurial/testing/  # tons of [attribute-error]
# mercurial/        # ui, svfs, unfiltered [attribute-error]
# mercurial/            # [not-callable]
# mercurial/ # [unsupported-operands], [attribute-error], [import-error]
# mercurial/  # [attribute-error]
# mercurial/  # BUG?: BundleValueError handler accesses subclass's attrs

# TODO: use --no-cache on test server?  Caching the files locally helps during
#       development, but may be a hinderance for CI testing.

# TODO: include hgext and hgext3rd

pytype --keep-going --jobs auto \
    doc/ hgdemandimport hgext mercurial \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/convert/ \
    -x hgext/convert/ \
    -x hgext/convert/ \
    -x hgext/convert/ \
    -x hgext/convert/ \
    -x hgext/fastannotate/ \
    -x hgext/fastannotate/ \
    -x hgext/fsmonitor/ \
    -x hgext/git/ \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/largefiles/ \
    -x hgext/lfs/ \
    -x hgext/narrow/ \
    -x hgext/narrow/ \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/remotefilelog/ \
    -x hgext/remotefilelog/ \
    -x hgext/remotefilelog/ \
    -x hgext/remotefilelog/ \
    -x hgext/remotefilelog/ \
    -x hgext/remotefilelog/ \
    -x hgext/ \
    -x hgext/zeroconf/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/hgweb/ \
    -x mercurial/hgweb/ \
    -x mercurial/hgweb/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/interfaces \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/pure/ \
    -x mercurial/pure/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/testing/ \
    -x mercurial/thirdparty \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/ \
    -x mercurial/

if find .pytype/pyi -name '*.pyi' | xargs grep -ql '# Caught error'; then
    echo 'pytype crashed while generating the following type stubs:'
    find .pytype/pyi -name '*.pyi' | xargs grep -l '# Caught error' | sort