author Matt Harbison <matt_harbison@yahoo.com>
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 02:03:20 -0400
changeset 51934 09f3a6790e56
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
interfaces: add the optional `bdiff.xdiffblocks()` method PyCharm flagged where this was called on the protocol class in `mdiff.py` in the previous commit, but pytype completely missed it. PyCharm is correct here, but I'm committing this separately to highlight this potential problem- some of the implementations don't implement _all_ of the methods the others do, and there's not a great way to indicate on a protocol class that a method or attribute is optional- that's kinda the opposite of what static typing is about. Making the method an `Optional[Callable]` attribute works here, and keeps both PyCharm and pytype happy, and the generated `mdiff.pyi` and `modules.pyi` look reasonable. We might be getting a little lucky, because the method isn't invoked directly- it is returned from another method that selects which block function to use. Except since it is declared on the protocol class, every module needs this attribute (in theory, but in practice this doesn't seem to be checked), so the check for it on the module has to change from `hasattr()` to `getattr(..., None)`. We defer defining the optional attrs to the type checking phase as an extra precaution- that way it isn't an attr with a `None` value at runtime if someone is still using `hasattr()`. As to why pytype missed this, I have no clue. The generated `mdiff.pyi` even has the global variable typed as `bdiff: intmod.BDiff`, so uses of it really should comply with what is on the class, protocol class or not.

"""test line matching with some failing examples and some which warn

run-test.t only checks positive matches and can not see warnings
(both by design)

import doctest
import os
import re

# this is hack to make sure no escape characters are inserted into the output
if 'TERM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['TERM']
run_tests = __import__('run-tests')

def prn(ex):
    m = ex.args[0]
    if isinstance(m, str):

def lm(expected, output):
    r"""check if output matches expected

    does it generally work?
        >>> lm(b'H*e (glob)\n', b'Here\n')

    fail on bad test data
        >>> try: lm(b'a\n',b'a')
        ... except AssertionError as ex: print(ex)
        missing newline
        >>> try: lm(b'single backslash\n', b'single \backslash\n')
        ... except AssertionError as ex: prn(ex)
        single backslash or unknown char
    assert expected.endswith(b'\n') and output.endswith(
    ), 'missing newline'
    assert not re.search(
        br'[^ \w\\/\r\n()*?]', expected + output
    ), b'single backslash or unknown char'
    test = run_tests.TTest(b'test-run-test.t', b'.', b'.')
    match, exact = test.linematch(expected, output)
    if isinstance(match, str):
        return 'special: ' + match
    elif isinstance(match, bytes):
        return 'special: ' + match.decode('utf-8')
        return bool(match)  # do not return match object

def wintests():
    r"""test matching like running on windows

    enable windows matching on any os
        >>> _osaltsep = os.altsep
        >>> os.altsep = True
        >>> _osname = os.name
        >>> os.name = 'nt'
        >>> _old_windows = run_tests.WINDOWS
        >>> run_tests.WINDOWS = True

    valid match on windows
        >>> lm(b'g/a*/d (glob)\n', b'g\\abc/d\n')

    direct matching, glob unnecessary
        >>> lm(b'g/b (glob)\n', b'g/b\n')
        'special: -glob'

    missing glob
        >>> lm(b'/g/c/d/fg\n', b'\\g\\c\\d/fg\n')
        >>> lm(b'/g/c/d/fg\n', b'\\g\\c\\d\\fg\r\n')

    restore os.altsep
        >>> os.altsep = _osaltsep
        >>> os.name = _osname
        >>> run_tests.WINDOWS = _old_windows

def otherostests():
    r"""test matching like running on non-windows os

    disable windows matching on any os
        >>> _osaltsep = os.altsep
        >>> os.altsep = False
        >>> _osname = os.name
        >>> os.name = 'nt'

    backslash does not match slash
        >>> lm(b'h/a* (glob)\n', b'h\\ab\n')

    direct matching glob can not be recognized
        >>> lm(b'h/b (glob)\n', b'h/b\n')

    missing glob can not not be recognized
        >>> lm(b'/h/c/df/g/\n', b'\\h/c\\df/g\\\n')

    restore os.altsep
        >>> os.altsep = _osaltsep
        >>> os.name = _osname

if __name__ == '__main__':