revlog: break up compression of large deltas
Python's zlib apparently makes an internal copy of strings passed to
compress(). To avoid this, compress strings 1M at a time, then join
them at the end if the result would be smaller than the original.
For initial commits of large but compressible files, this cuts peak
memory usage nearly in half.
echo "hg debugwalk $@"
hg debugwalk "$@"
echo "cd $@"
cd "$@"
mkdir t
cd t
hg init
mkdir -p beans
for b in kidney navy turtle borlotti black pinto; do
echo $b > beans/$b
mkdir -p mammals/Procyonidae
for m in cacomistle coatimundi raccoon; do
echo $m > mammals/Procyonidae/$m
echo skunk > mammals/skunk
echo fennel > fennel
echo fenugreek > fenugreek
echo fiddlehead > fiddlehead
echo glob:glob > glob:glob
hg addremove
hg commit -m "commit #0" -d "1000000 0"
debugwalk -I.
chdir mammals
debugwalk -X ../beans
debugwalk -I '*k'
debugwalk -I 'glob:*k'
debugwalk -I 'relglob:*k'
debugwalk -I 'relglob:*k' .
debugwalk -I 're:.*k$'
debugwalk -I 'relre:.*k$'
debugwalk -I 'path:beans'
debugwalk -I 'relpath:../beans'
debugwalk .
debugwalk -I.
debugwalk Procyonidae
chdir Procyonidae
debugwalk .
debugwalk ..
chdir ..
debugwalk ../beans
debugwalk .
debugwalk .hg
debugwalk ../.hg
chdir ..
debugwalk -Ibeans
debugwalk 'glob:mammals/../beans/b*'
debugwalk '-X*/Procyonidae' mammals
debugwalk path:mammals
debugwalk ..
debugwalk beans/../..
debugwalk .hg
debugwalk beans/../.hg
debugwalk beans/../.hg/data
debugwalk beans/.hg
# Don't know how to test absolute paths without always getting a false
# error.
#debugwalk `pwd`/beans
#debugwalk `pwd`/..
debugwalk glob:\*
debugwalk 'glob:**e'
debugwalk 're:.*[kb]$'
debugwalk path:beans/black
debugwalk path:beans//black
debugwalk relglob:Procyonidae
debugwalk 'relglob:Procyonidae/**'
debugwalk 'relglob:Procyonidae/**' fennel
debugwalk beans 'glob:beans/*'
debugwalk 'glob:mamm**'
debugwalk 'glob:mamm**' fennel
debugwalk 'glob:j*'
debugwalk NOEXIST
mkfifo fifo
debugwalk fifo
rm fenugreek
debugwalk fenugreek
hg rm fenugreek
debugwalk fenugreek
touch new
debugwalk new
chdir ..
debugwalk -R t t/mammals/skunk
mkdir t2
chdir t2
debugwalk -R ../t ../t/mammals/skunk
debugwalk --cwd ../t mammals/skunk