view tests/ @ 17970:0b03454abae7

ancestor: faster algorithm for difference of ancestor sets One of the major reasons rebase is slow in large repositories is the computation of the detach set: the set of ancestors of the changesets to rebase not in the destination parent. This is currently done via a revset that does two walks all the way to the root of the DAG. Instead of doing that, to find ancestors of a set <revs> not in another set <common> we walk up the tree in reverse revision number order, maintaining sets of nodes visited from <revs>, <common> or both. For the common case where the sets are close both topologically and in revision number (relative to repository size), this has been found to speed up rebase by around 15-20%. When the nodes are farther apart and the DAG is highly branching, it is harder to say which would win. Here's how long computing the detach set takes in a linear repository with over 400000 changesets, rebasing near tip: Rebasing across 4 changesets Revset method: 2.2s New algorithm: 0.00015s Rebasing across 250 changesets Revset method: 2.2s New algorithm: 0.00069s Rebasing across 10000 changesets Revset method: 2.4s New algorithm: 0.019s
author Siddharth Agarwal <>
date Mon, 26 Nov 2012 11:46:51 -0800
parents ec8a49c46d7e
children 56b1f39dd0c1
line wrap: on
line source

import os

def check(a, b):
    if a != b:
        print (a, b)

def cert(cn):
    return dict(subject=((('commonName', cn),),))

from mercurial.sslutil import _verifycert

# Test non-wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')

# Test wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')

# Test subjectAltName
san_cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
            'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '*'),
                               ('DNS', ''))}
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
# no fallback to subject commonName when subjectAltName has DNS
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
      'certificate is for *,')
# fallback to subject commonName when no DNS in subjectAltName
san_cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
            'subjectAltName': (('IP Address', ''),)}
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''), None)

# Avoid some pitfalls
check(_verifycert(cert('*.foo'), 'foo'),
      'certificate is for *.foo')
check(_verifycert(cert('*o'), 'foo'),
      'certificate is for *o')

check(_verifycert({'subject': ()},
      'no commonName or subjectAltName found in certificate')
check(_verifycert(None, ''),
      'no certificate received')

# Unicode (IDN) certname isn't supported
check(_verifycert(cert(u'\'), ''),
      'IDN in certificate not supported')

import doctest

def test_url():
    >>> from mercurial.util import url

    This tests for edge cases in url.URL's parsing algorithm. Most of
    these aren't useful for documentation purposes, so they aren't
    part of the class's doc tests.

    Query strings and fragments:

    >>> url('http://host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a?')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b#c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b?c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b?c'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsequery=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsefragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a#b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parsequery=False, parsefragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a#b'>

    IPv6 addresses:

    >>> url('ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', host: '[2001:db8::7]', path: 'c=GB',
         query: 'objectClass?one'>
    >>> url('ldap://joe:xxx@[2001:db8::7]:80/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: '[2001:db8::7]',
         port: '80', path: 'c=GB', query: 'objectClass?one'>

    Missing scheme, host, etc.:

    >>> url('://')
    <url path: '://'>
    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: ''>
    >>> url('/foo')
    <url path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('bundle:/foo')
    <url scheme: 'bundle', path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('a?b#c')
    <url path: 'a?b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '', query: 'arg=/foo'>
    >>> url('http://joe:xxx@/foo')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', path: 'foo'>

    Just a scheme and a path:

    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'mailto', path: ''>
    >>> url('a:b:c:d')
    <url path: 'a:b:c:d'>
    >>> url('aa:bb:cc:dd')
    <url scheme: 'aa', path: 'bb:cc:dd'>

    SSH examples:

    >>> url('ssh://joe@host//home/joe')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host', path: '/home/joe'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host/src')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', path: 'src'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>
    >>> url('ssh:')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>

    Non-numeric port:

    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '', port: 'dd'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host:ssh/foo')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', port: 'ssh',
         path: 'foo'>

    Bad authentication credentials:

    >>> url('http://joe@joeville:123@4:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe@joeville', passwd: '123@4:',
         host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*@:!*@@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: '!*@', passwd: '!*@', host: 'host',
         path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>

    File paths:

    >>> url('a/b/c/d.g.f')
    <url path: 'a/b/c/d.g.f'>
    >>> url('/x///z/y/')
    <url path: '/x///z/y/'>
    >>> url('/foo:bar')
    <url path: '/foo:bar'>
    >>> url('\\\\foo:bar')
    <url path: '\\\\foo:bar'>
    >>> url('./foo:bar')
    <url path: './foo:bar'>

    Non-localhost file URL:

    >>> u = url('file://')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    Abort: file:// URLs can only refer to localhost

    Empty URL:

    >>> u = url('')
    >>> u
    <url path: ''>
    >>> str(u)

    Empty path with query string:

    >>> str(url('http://foo/?bar'))

    Invalid path:

    >>> u = url('http://foo/bar')
    >>> u.path = 'bar'
    >>> str(u)

    >>> u = url('file:/foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: '/foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:///foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: '/foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:///f:oo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: 'f:oo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file://localhost/f:oo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', host: 'localhost', path: 'f:oo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

    >>> u = url('file:foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: 'foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)
    >>> u.localpath()

if 'TERM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['TERM']
