author Giorgos Keramidas <keramida@ceid.upatras.gr>
Tue, 15 Aug 2006 23:37:37 +0300
changeset 2926 13cd2cdeff6a
parent 2848 307439d6fede
child 2934 2f190e998eb3
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
hgext: more patchbomb documentation + Add a description of how to enable this extension + Note which command it provides (it's not very easy to guess that "hgext.patchbomb" enables the "email" command, unless one can read Python sources) + Expand the descriptions of the -n and -m options of "hg email". + Mention that formail is (commonly) part of the procmail package.


echo "[extensions]" >> $HGTMP/.hgrc
echo "mq=" >> $HGTMP/.hgrc

echo % help
hg help mq

hg init a
cd a
echo a > a
hg ci -Ama

hg clone . ../k

mkdir b
echo z > b/z
hg ci -Ama

echo % qinit

hg qinit

cd ..
hg init b

echo % -R qinit

hg -R b qinit

hg init c

echo % qinit -c

hg --cwd c qinit -c
hg -R c/.hg/patches st

echo % qnew implies add

hg -R c qnew test.patch
hg -R c/.hg/patches st

cd a

echo % qnew -m

hg qnew -m 'foo bar' test.patch
cat .hg/patches/test.patch

echo % qrefresh

echo a >> a
hg qrefresh
sed -e "s/^\(diff -r \)\([a-f0-9]* \)/\1 x/" \
    -e "s/\(+++ [a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*\).*/\1/" \
    -e "s/\(--- [a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*\).*/\1/" .hg/patches/test.patch

echo % qpop

hg qpop

echo % qpush

hg qpush

cd ..

echo % pop/push outside repo

hg -R a qpop
hg -R a qpush

cd a
hg qnew test2.patch

echo % qrefresh in subdir

cd b
echo a > a
hg add a
hg qrefresh

echo % pop/push -a in subdir

hg qpop -a
hg --traceback qpush -a

echo % qseries
hg qseries

echo % qapplied
hg qapplied

echo % qtop
hg qtop

echo % qprev
hg qprev

echo % qnext
hg qnext

echo % pop, qnext, qprev, qapplied
hg qpop
hg qnext
hg qprev
hg qapplied

echo % commit should fail
hg commit

echo % push should fail
hg push ../../k

echo % qunapplied
hg qunapplied

echo % push should succeed
hg qpop -a
hg push ../../k

echo % strip
cd ../../b
echo x>x
hg ci -Ama
hg strip tip 2>&1 | sed 's/\(saving bundle to \).*/\1/'
hg unbundle .hg/strip-backup/*