templater: add count template filter, plus tests
Previously there was no way of telling how much children or bookmarks or tags a
certain changeset has in a template. It was possible to tell if a changeset has
either 0 or not 0 bookmarks, but not to tell if it has 1 or 2 of them, for
This filter, simply named count, makes it possible to count the number of items
in a list or the length of a string (or, anything that python's len can count).
E.g.: {children|count}, {bookmarks|count}, {file_adds|count}.
Testing the filter on node hash and shortened node hash is chosen because they
both have defined length.
As for lists of strings - children, tags and file_adds are used, because they
provide some variety and also prove that what's counted is the number of string
items in the list, and not the list stringified (they are lists of non-empty,
multi-character strings).
Additionally, revset template function is used for testing the filter, since
the combination is very flexible and will possibly be used together a lot.
(The previous version of this patch had an incorrect email subject and was
apparently lost - patchwork says the patch has been accepted, but it's not so.
The changes between that and this patch are minimal: now the filter does not
disturb the alphabetical order of function definitions and dict keys.)
# If you want to change PREFIX, do not just edit it below. The changed
# value wont get passed on to recursive make calls. You should instead
# override the variable on the command like:
# % make PREFIX=/opt/ install
export PREFIX
PYFILES:=$(shell find mercurial hgext doc -name '*.py')
export LC_ALL=C
# Set this to e.g. "mingw32" to use a non-default compiler.
@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
@echo ' all - build program and documentation'
@echo ' install - install program and man pages to $$PREFIX ($(PREFIX))'
@echo ' install-home - install with setup.py install --home=$$HOME ($(HOME))'
@echo ' local - build for inplace usage'
@echo ' tests - run all tests in the automatic test suite'
@echo ' test-foo - run only specified tests (e.g. test-merge1.t)'
@echo ' dist - run all tests and create a source tarball in dist/'
@echo ' clean - remove files created by other targets'
@echo ' (except installed files or dist source tarball)'
@echo ' update-pot - update i18n/hg.pot'
@echo 'Example for a system-wide installation under /usr/local:'
@echo ' make all && su -c "make install" && hg version'
@echo 'Example for a local installation (usable in this directory):'
@echo ' make local && ./hg version'
all: build doc
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) \
build_py -c -d . \
build_ext $(COMPILER:%=-c %) -i \
build_hgexe $(COMPILER:%=-c %) -i \
env HGRCPATH= $(PYTHON) hg version
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) build $(COMPILER:%=-c %)
$(MAKE) -C doc
-$(PYTHON) setup.py clean --all # ignore errors from this command
find contrib doc hgext i18n mercurial tests \
\( -name '*.py[cdo]' -o -name '*.so' \) -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
rm -f $(addprefix mercurial/,$(notdir $(wildcard mercurial/pure/[a-z]*.py)))
rm -f MANIFEST MANIFEST.in hgext/__index__.py tests/*.err
if test -d .hg; then rm -f mercurial/__version__.py; fi
rm -rf build mercurial/locale
$(MAKE) -C doc clean
install: install-bin install-doc
install-bin: build
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) install --root="$(DESTDIR)/" --prefix="$(PREFIX)" --force
install-doc: doc
cd doc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
install-home: install-home-bin install-home-doc
install-home-bin: build
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) install --home="$(HOME)" --prefix="" --force
install-home-doc: doc
cd doc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) PREFIX="$(HOME)" install
hg manifest | sed -e 's/^/include /' > MANIFEST.in
echo include mercurial/__version__.py >> MANIFEST.in
sed -e 's/^/include /' < doc/MANIFEST >> MANIFEST.in
dist: tests dist-notests
dist-notests: doc MANIFEST.in
TAR_OPTIONS="--owner=root --group=root --mode=u+w,go-w,a+rX-s" $(PYTHON) setup.py -q sdist
check: tests
cd tests && $(PYTHON) run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS)
cd tests && $(PYTHON) run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS) $@
hg manifest | xargs python contrib/check-code.py
update-pot: i18n/hg.pot
i18n/hg.pot: $(PYFILES) $(DOCFILES) i18n/posplit i18n/hggettext
$(PYTHON) i18n/hggettext mercurial/commands.py \
hgext/*.py hgext/*/__init__.py \
mercurial/fileset.py mercurial/revset.py \
mercurial/templatefilters.py mercurial/templatekw.py \
mercurial/filemerge.py \
$(DOCFILES) > i18n/hg.pot.tmp
# All strings marked for translation in Mercurial contain
# ASCII characters only. But some files contain string
# literals like this '\037\213'. xgettext thinks it has to
# parse them even though they are not marked for translation.
# Extracting with an explicit encoding of ISO-8859-1 will make
# xgettext "parse" and ignore them.
echo $(PYFILES) | xargs \
xgettext --package-name "Mercurial" \
--msgid-bugs-address "<mercurial-devel@selenic.com>" \
--copyright-holder "Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com> and others" \
--from-code ISO-8859-1 --join --sort-by-file --add-comments=i18n: \
-d hg -p i18n -o hg.pot.tmp
$(PYTHON) i18n/posplit i18n/hg.pot.tmp
# The target file is not created before the last step. So it never is in
# an intermediate state.
mv -f i18n/hg.pot.tmp i18n/hg.pot
%.po: i18n/hg.pot
# work on a temporary copy for never having a half completed target
cp $@ $@.tmp
msgmerge --no-location --update $@.tmp $^
mv -f $@.tmp $@
# Packaging targets
@which bdist_mpkg >/dev/null || \
(echo "Missing bdist_mpkg (easy_install bdist_mpkg)"; false)
rm -rf dist/mercurial-*.mpkg
bdist_mpkg setup.py
mkdir -p packages/osx
N=`cd dist && echo mercurial-*.mpkg | sed 's,\.mpkg$$,,'` && hdiutil create -srcfolder dist/$$N.mpkg/ -scrub -volname "$$N" -ov packages/osx/$$N.dmg
rm -rf dist/mercurial-*.mpkg
mkdir -p packages/fedora20
cp rpmbuild/RPMS/*/* packages/fedora20
cp rpmbuild/SRPMS/* packages/fedora20
rm -rf rpmbuild
mkdir -p packages/fedora20
contrib/dockerrpm fedora20
mkdir -p packages/centos5
contrib/buildrpm --withpython
cp rpmbuild/RPMS/*/* packages/centos5
cp rpmbuild/SRPMS/* packages/centos5
mkdir -p packages/centos5
contrib/dockerrpm centos5 --withpython
mkdir -p packages/centos6
cp rpmbuild/RPMS/*/* packages/centos6
cp rpmbuild/SRPMS/* packages/centos6
mkdir -p packages/centos6
contrib/dockerrpm centos6
.PHONY: help all local build doc clean install install-bin install-doc \
install-home install-home-bin install-home-doc dist dist-notests tests \
update-pot fedora20 docker-fedora20