author Gregory Szorc <>
Fri, 06 Apr 2018 22:39:58 -0700
changeset 37497 1541e1a8e87d
parent 34636 31c6c4d27be7
child 40395 aca727359ec5
permissions -rw-r--r--
filelog: wrap revlog instead of inheriting it (API) The revlog base class exposes a ton of methods. Inheriting the revlog class for filelog will make it difficult to expose a clean interface. There will be abstraction violations. This commit breaks the inheritance of revlog by the filelog class. Filelog instances now contain a reference to a revlog instance. Various properties and methods are now proxied to that instance. There is precedence for doing this: manifestlog does something similar. Although, manifestlog has a cleaner interface than filelog. We'll get there with filelog... The new filelog class exposes a handful of extra properties and methods that aren't part of the declared filelog interface. Every extra item was added in order to get a test to pass. The set of tests that failed without these extra proxies has significant overlap with the set of tests that don't work with the simple store repo. There should be no surprise there. Hopefully the hardest part about this commit to review are the changes to bundlerepo and unionrepo. Both repository types define a custom revlog or revlog-like class and then have a custom filelog that inherits from both filelog and their custom revlog. This code has been changed so the filelog types don't inherit from revlog. Instead, they replace the revlog instance on the created filelog. This is super hacky. I plan to fix this in a future commit by parameterizing filelog.__init__. Because Python function call overhead is a thing, this change could impact performance by introducing a nearly empty proxy function for various methods and properties. I would gladly measure the performance impact of it, but I'm not sure what operations have tight loops over filelog attribute lookups or function calls. I know some of the DAG traversal code can be sensitive about the performance of e.g. parentrevs(). However, many of these functions are implemented on the revlog class and therefore have direct access to self.parentrevs() and aren't going through a proxy. .. api:: filelog.filelog is now a standalone class and doesn't inherit from revlog. Instead, it wraps a revlog instance at self._revlog. This change was made in an attempt to formalize storage APIs and prevent revlog implementation details leaking through to callers. Differential Revision:

 exewrapper.c - wrapper for calling a python script on Windows

 Copyright 2012 Adrian Buehlmann <> and others

 This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
 GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

#include "hgpythonlib.h"

#ifdef __GNUC__
int strcat_s(char *d, size_t n, const char *s)
	return !strncat(d, s, n);
int strcpy_s(char *d, size_t n, const char *s)
	return !strncpy(d, s, n);

static char pyscript[MAX_PATH + 10];
static char pyhome[MAX_PATH + 10];
static char envpyhome[MAX_PATH + 10];
static char pydllfile[MAX_PATH + 10];

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *p;
	int ret;
	int i;
	int n;
	char **pyargv;
	WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata;
	HANDLE hfind;
	const char *err;
	HMODULE pydll;
	void(__cdecl * Py_SetPythonHome)(char *home);
	int(__cdecl * Py_Main)(int argc, char *argv[]);

	if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, pyscript, sizeof(pyscript)) == 0) {
		err = "GetModuleFileName failed";
		goto bail;

	p = strrchr(pyscript, '.');
	if (p == NULL) {
		err = "malformed module filename";
		goto bail;
	*p = 0; /* cut trailing ".exe" */
	strcpy_s(pyhome, sizeof(pyhome), pyscript);

	hfind = FindFirstFile(pyscript, &fdata);
	if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		/* pyscript exists, close handle */
	} else {
		/* file pyscript isn't there, take <pyscript> */
		strcat_s(pyscript, sizeof(pyscript), "");

	pydll = NULL;

	p = strrchr(pyhome, '\\');
	if (p == NULL) {
		err = "can't find backslash in module filename";
		goto bail;
	*p = 0; /* cut at directory */

	/* check for private Python of HackableMercurial */
	strcat_s(pyhome, sizeof(pyhome), "\\hg-python");

	hfind = FindFirstFile(pyhome, &fdata);
	if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		/* Path .\hg-python exists. We are probably in HackableMercurial
		scenario, so let's load python dll from this dir. */
		strcpy_s(pydllfile, sizeof(pydllfile), pyhome);
		strcat_s(pydllfile, sizeof(pydllfile), "\\" HGPYTHONLIB ".dll");
		pydll = LoadLibrary(pydllfile);
		if (pydll == NULL) {
			err = "failed to load private Python DLL " HGPYTHONLIB
			goto bail;
		Py_SetPythonHome =
		    (void *)GetProcAddress(pydll, "Py_SetPythonHome");
		if (Py_SetPythonHome == NULL) {
			err = "failed to get Py_SetPythonHome";
			goto bail;

	if (pydll == NULL) {
		pydll = LoadLibrary(HGPYTHONLIB ".dll");
		if (pydll == NULL) {
			err = "failed to load Python DLL " HGPYTHONLIB ".dll";
			goto bail;

	Py_Main = (void *)GetProcAddress(pydll, "Py_Main");
	if (Py_Main == NULL) {
		err = "failed to get Py_Main";
		goto bail;

	Only add the pyscript to the args, if it's not already there. It may
	already be there, if the script spawned a child process of itself, in
	the same way as it got called, that is, with the pyscript already in
	place. So we optionally accept the pyscript as the first argument
	(argv[1]), letting our exe taking the role of the python interpreter.
	if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], pyscript) == 0) {
		pyscript is already in the args, so there is no need to copy
		the args and we can directly call the python interpreter with
		the original args.
		return Py_Main(argc, argv);

	Start assembling the args for the Python interpreter call. We put the
	name of our exe (argv[0]) in the position where the python.exe
	canonically is, and insert the pyscript next.
	pyargv = malloc((argc + 5) * sizeof(char *));
	if (pyargv == NULL) {
		err = "not enough memory";
		goto bail;
	n = 0;
	pyargv[n++] = argv[0];
	pyargv[n++] = pyscript;

	/* copy remaining args from the command line */
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
		pyargv[n++] = argv[i];
	/* argv[argc] is guaranteed to be NULL, so we forward that guarantee */
	pyargv[n] = NULL;

	ret = Py_Main(n, pyargv); /* The Python interpreter call */

	return ret;

	fprintf(stderr, "abort: %s\n", err);
	return 255;