author Nicolas Dumazet <nicdumz.commits@gmail.com>
Sat, 03 Jul 2010 18:11:15 +0900
changeset 11608 183e63112698
parent 11266 2b440bb8a66b
child 26781 1aee2ab0f902
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
log: remove increasing windows usage in fastpath The purpose of increasing windows is to allow backwards iteration on the filelog at a reasonable cost. But is it needed? - if follow is False, we have no reason to iterate backwards. We basically just want to walk the complete filelog and yield all revisions within the revision range. We can do this forward or backwards, as it only reads the index. - when follow is True, we need to examine the contents of the filelog, and to do this efficiently we need to read the filelog forward. And on the other hand, to track ancestors and copies, we need to process revisions backwards. But is it necessary to use increasing windows for this? We can iterate over the complete filelog forward, stack the revisions, and read the reversed(pile), it does the same thing with a more readable code.

# This is an example of using HGEDITOR to create of diff to review the
# changes while commiting.

# If you want to pass your favourite editor some other parameters
# only for Mercurial, modify this:
case "${EDITOR}" in
        EDITOR="$EDITOR -nw"
        EDITOR="$EDITOR -f -o"

cleanup_exit() {
    rm -rf "$HGTMP"

# Remove temporary files even if we get interrupted
trap "cleanup_exit" 0 # normal exit
trap "exit 255" HUP INT QUIT ABRT TERM

HGTMP=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/hgeditor.XXXXXX)
[ x$HGTMP != x -a -d $HGTMP ] || {
  echo "Could not create temporary directory! Exiting." 1>&2
  exit 1

    grep '^HG: changed' "$1" | cut -b 13- | while read changed; do
        "$HG" diff "$changed" >> "$HGTMP/diff"

cat "$1" > "$HGTMP/msg"

MD5=$(which md5sum 2>/dev/null) || \
    MD5=$(which md5 2>/dev/null)
[ -x "${MD5}" ] && CHECKSUM=`${MD5} "$HGTMP/msg"`
if [ -s "$HGTMP/diff" ]; then
    $EDITOR "$HGTMP/msg" "$HGTMP/diff" || exit $?
    $EDITOR "$HGTMP/msg" || exit $?
[ -x "${MD5}" ] && (echo "$CHECKSUM" | ${MD5} -c >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 13)

mv "$HGTMP/msg" "$1"

exit $?