view hgext/ @ 32697:19b9fc40cc51

revlog: skeleton support for version 2 revlogs There are a number of improvements we want to make to revlogs that will require a new version - version 2. It is unclear what the full set of improvements will be or when we'll be done with them. What I do know is that the process will likely take longer than a single release, will require input from various stakeholders to evaluate changes, and will have many contentious debates and bikeshedding. It is unrealistic to develop revlog version 2 up front: there are just too many uncertainties that we won't know until things are implemented and experiments are run. Some changes will also be invasive and prone to bit rot, so sitting on dozens of patches is not practical. This commit introduces skeleton support for version 2 revlogs in a way that is flexible and not bound by backwards compatibility concerns. An experimental repo requirement for denoting revlog v2 has been added. The requirement string has a sub-version component to it. This will allow us to declare multiple requirements in the course of developing revlog v2. Whenever we change the in-development revlog v2 format, we can tweak the string, creating a new requirement and locking out old clients. This will allow us to make as many backwards incompatible changes and experiments to revlog v2 as we want. In other words, we can land code and make meaningful progress towards revlog v2 while still maintaining extreme format flexibility up until the point we freeze the format and remove the experimental labels. To enable the new repo requirement, you must supply an experimental and undocumented config option. But not just any boolean flag will do: you need to explicitly use a value that no sane person should ever type. This is an additional guard against enabling revlog v2 on an installation it shouldn't be enabled on. The specific scenario I'm trying to prevent is say a user with a 4.4 client with a frozen format enabling the option but then downgrading to 4.3 and accidentally creating repos with an outdated and unsupported repo format. Requiring a "challenge" string should prevent this. Because the format is not yet finalized and I don't want to take any chances, revlog v2's version is currently 0xDEAD. I figure squatting on a value we're likely never to use as an actual revlog version to mean "internal testing only" is acceptable. And "dead" is easily recognized as something meaningful. There is a bunch of cleanup that is needed before work on revlog v2 begins in earnest. I plan on doing that work once this patch is accepted and we're comfortable with the idea of starting down this path.
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Fri, 19 May 2017 20:29:11 -0700
parents 8e7feaad2d8d
children 68ed3b4f86ef
line wrap: on
line source

# - send ui.log() data to a subprocess
# Copyright 2016 Facebook, Inc.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
"""send ui.log() data to a subprocess (EXPERIMENTAL)

This extension lets you specify a shell command per ui.log() event,
sending all remaining arguments to as environment variables to that command.

Each positional argument to the method results in a `MSG[N]` key in the
environment, starting at 1 (so `MSG1`, `MSG2`, etc.). Each keyword argument
is set as a `OPT_UPPERCASE_KEY` variable (so the key is uppercased, and
prefixed with `OPT_`). The original event name is passed in the `EVENT`
environment variable, and the process ID of mercurial is given in `HGPID`.

So given a call `ui.log('foo', 'bar', 'baz', spam='eggs'), a script configured
for the `foo` event can expect an environment with `MSG1=bar`, `MSG2=baz`, and

Scripts are configured in the `[logtoprocess]` section, each key an event name.
For example::

  commandexception = echo "$MSG2$MSG3" > /var/log/mercurial_exceptions.log

would log the warning message and traceback of any failed command dispatch.

Scripts are run asynchronously as detached daemon processes; mercurial will
not ensure that they exit cleanly.


from __future__ import absolute_import

import itertools
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import sys

from mercurial import encoding

# Note for extension authors: ONLY specify testedwith = 'ships-with-hg-core' for
# extensions which SHIP WITH MERCURIAL. Non-mainline extensions should
# be specifying the version(s) of Mercurial they are tested with, or
# leave the attribute unspecified.
testedwith = 'ships-with-hg-core'

def uisetup(ui):
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        # no fork on Windows, but we can create a detached process
        # No stdlib constant exists for this value
        DETACHED_PROCESS = 0x00000008
        _creationflags = DETACHED_PROCESS | subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP

        def runshellcommand(script, env):
            # we can't use close_fds *and* redirect stdin. I'm not sure that we
            # need to because the detached process has no console connection.
                script, shell=True, env=env, close_fds=True,
        def runshellcommand(script, env):
            # double-fork to completely detach from the parent process
            # based on
            pid = os.fork()
            if pid:
                # parent
            # subprocess.Popen() forks again, all we need to add is
            # flag the new process as a new session.
            if sys.version_info < (3, 2):
                newsession = {'preexec_fn': os.setsid}
                newsession = {'start_new_session': True}
                # connect stdin to devnull to make sure the subprocess can't
                # muck up that stream for mercurial.
                    script, shell=True, stdin=open(os.devnull, 'r'), env=env,
                    close_fds=True, **newsession)
                # mission accomplished, this child needs to exit and not
                # continue the hg process here.

    class logtoprocessui(ui.__class__):
        def log(self, event, *msg, **opts):
            """Map log events to external commands

            Arguments are passed on as environment variables.

            script = self.config('logtoprocess', event)
            if script:
                if msg:
                    # try to format the log message given the remaining
                    # arguments
                        # Python string formatting with % either uses a
                        # dictionary *or* tuple, but not both. If we have
                        # keyword options, assume we need a mapping.
                        formatted = msg[0] % (opts or msg[1:])
                    except (TypeError, KeyError):
                        # Failed to apply the arguments, ignore
                        formatted = msg[0]
                    messages = (formatted,) + msg[1:]
                    messages = msg
                # positional arguments are listed as MSG[N] keys in the
                # environment
                msgpairs = (
                    ('MSG{0:d}'.format(i), str(m))
                    for i, m in enumerate(messages, 1))
                # keyword arguments get prefixed with OPT_ and uppercased
                optpairs = (
                    ('OPT_{0}'.format(key.upper()), str(value))
                    for key, value in opts.iteritems())
                env = dict(itertools.chain(encoding.environ.items(),
                                           msgpairs, optpairs),
                           EVENT=event, HGPID=str(os.getpid()))
                # Connect stdin to /dev/null to prevent child processes messing
                # with mercurial's stdin.
                runshellcommand(script, env)
            return super(logtoprocessui, self).log(event, *msg, **opts)

    # Replace the class for this instance and all clones created from it:
    ui.__class__ = logtoprocessui