profiling: dropping hotshot profiling. --profile as a unique profiling option
hotshot was an experimental module, which is broken for Python < 2.5
And even for Python >= 2.5 users, hotshot usage is discouraged: cProfile
(formerly lsprof) should be used instead.
for i in aaa zzz; do
hg init t
cd t
echo "-- With $i"
touch file
hg add file
hg ci -m "Add"
hg cp file $i
hg ci -m "a -> $i"
hg cp $i other-file
echo "different" >> $i
hg ci -m "$i -> other-file"
hg cp other-file somename
echo "Status":
hg st -C
echo "Diff:"
hg diff -g
cd ..
rm -rf t