author Siddharth Agarwal <sid0@fb.com>
Tue, 17 Nov 2015 14:11:52 -0800
changeset 26986 1ee5e48f09d4
parent 15530 eeac5e179243
child 28733 2e54aaa65afc
permissions -rw-r--r--
mergestate: raise structured exception for unsupported merge records We're going to catch this exception in 'hg summary' to print a better error message. This code is pretty untested, so there are no changes to test output. In upcoming patches we're going to test the output more thoroughly.

import struct
from mercurial import bdiff, mpatch

def test1(a, b):
    d = bdiff.bdiff(a, b)
    c = a
    if d:
        c = mpatch.patches(a, [d])
    if c != b:
        print "***", repr(a), repr(b)
        print "bad:"
        print repr(c)[:200]
        print repr(d)

def test(a, b):
    print "***", repr(a), repr(b)
    test1(a, b)
    test1(b, a)

test("a\nc\n\n\n\n", "a\nb\n\n\n")
test("a\nb\nc\n", "a\nc\n")
test("", "")
test("a\nb\nc", "a\nb\nc")
test("a\nb\nc\nd\n", "a\nd\n")
test("a\nb\nc\nd\n", "a\nc\ne\n")
test("a\nb\nc\n", "a\nc\n")
test("a\n", "c\na\nb\n")
test("a\n", "")
test("a\n", "b\nc\n")
test("a\n", "c\na\n")
test("", "adjfkjdjksdhfksj")
test("", "ab")
test("", "abc")
test("a", "a")
test("ab", "ab")
test("abc", "abc")
test("a\n", "a\n")
test("a\nb", "a\nb")

def showdiff(a, b):
    bin = bdiff.bdiff(a, b)
    pos = 0
    while pos < len(bin):
        p1, p2, l = struct.unpack(">lll", bin[pos:pos + 12])
        pos += 12
        print p1, p2, repr(bin[pos:pos + l])
        pos += l
showdiff("x\n\nx\n\nx\n\nx\n\nz\n", "x\n\nx\n\ny\n\nx\n\nx\n\nz\n")
showdiff("x\n\nx\n\nx\n\nx\n\nz\n", "x\n\nx\n\ny\n\nx\n\ny\n\nx\n\nz\n")

print "done"

def testfixws(a, b, allws):
    c = bdiff.fixws(a, allws)
    if c != b:
        print "*** fixws", repr(a), repr(b), allws
        print "got:"
        print repr(c)

testfixws(" \ta\r b\t\n", "ab\n", 1)
testfixws(" \ta\r b\t\n", " a b\n", 0)
testfixws("", "", 1)
testfixws("", "", 0)

print "done"