import: allow processing of extra part header during import
As we have a way for extension to add more header, we need a way for them to
actually process them. We add a basic hook points to alter the changeset
(especially extra) before we commit. There would be more to do for a full
featured hooking, but this currently fit my needs.
import os
from mercurial import ui, commands, extensions
ignore = set(['highlight', 'win32text', 'factotum'])
if != 'nt':
disabled = [ext for ext in extensions.disabled().keys() if ext not in ignore]
hgrc = open(os.environ["HGRCPATH"], 'w')
for ext in disabled:
hgrc.write(ext + '=\n')
u = ui.ui()
globalshort = set()
globallong = set()
for option in commands.globalopts:
option[0] and globalshort.add(option[0])
option[1] and globallong.add(option[1])
for cmd, entry in commands.table.iteritems():
seenshort = globalshort.copy()
seenlong = globallong.copy()
for option in entry[1]:
if (option[0] and option[0] in seenshort) or \
(option[1] and option[1] in seenlong):
print "command '" + cmd + "' has duplicate option " + str(option)