view mercurial/ @ 42043:1fac9b931d46

compression: introduce a `storage.revlog.zlib.level` configuration This option control the zlib compression level used when compression revlog chunk. This is also a good excuse to pave the way for a similar configuration option for the zstd compression engine. Having a dedicated option for each compression algorithm is useful because they don't support the same range of values. Using a higher zlib compression impact CPU consumption at compression time, but does not directly affected decompression time. However dealing with small compressed chunk can directly help decompression and indirectly help other revlog logic. I ran some basic test on repositories using different level. I am using the mercurial, pypy, netbeans and mozilla-central clone from our benchmark suite. All tested repository use sparse-revlog and got all their delta recomputed. The different compression level has a small effect on the repository size (about 10% variation in the total range). My quick analysis is that revlog mostly store small delta, that are not affected by the compression level much. So the variation probably mostly comes from better compression of the snapshots revisions, and snapshot revision only represent a small portion of the repository content. I also made some basic timings measurements. The "read" timings are gathered using simple run of `hg perfrevlogrevisions`, the "write" timings using `hg perfrevlogwrite` (restricted to the last 5000 revisions for netbeans and mozilla central). The timings are gathered on a generic machine, (not one of our performance locked machine), so small variation might not be meaningful. However large trend remains relevant. Keep in mind that these numbers are not pure compression/decompression time. They also involve the full revlog logic. In particular the difference in chunk size has an impact on the delta chain structure, affecting performance when writing or reading them. On read/write performance, the compression level has a bigger impact. Counter-intuitively, the higher compression levels improve "write" performance for the large repositories in our tested setting. Maybe because the last 5000 delta chain end up having a very different shape in this specific spot? Or maybe because of a more general trend of better delta chains thanks to the smaller chunk and snapshot. This series does not intend to change the default compression level. However, these result call for a deeper analysis of this performance difference in the future. Full data ========= repo level .hg/store size 00manifest.d read write ---------------------------------------------------------------- mercurial 1 49,402,813 5,963,475 0.170159 53.250304 mercurial 6 47,197,397 5,875,730 0.182820 56.264320 mercurial 9 47,121,596 5,849,781 0.189219 56.293612 pypy 1 370,830,572 28,462,425 2.679217 460.721984 pypy 6 340,112,317 27,648,747 2.768691 467.537158 pypy 9 338,360,736 27,639,003 2.763495 476.589918 netbeans 1 1,281,847,810 165,495,457 122.477027 520.560316 netbeans 6 1,205,284,353 159,161,207 139.876147 715.930400 netbeans 9 1,197,135,671 155,034,586 141.620281 678.297064 mozilla 1 2,775,497,186 298,527,987 147.867662 751.263721 mozilla 6 2,596,856,420 286,597,671 170.572118 987.056093 mozilla 9 2,587,542,494 287,018,264 163.622338 739.803002
author Pierre-Yves David <>
date Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:35:27 +0100
parents 1b49b84d5ed5
children 2cc453284d5c
line wrap: on
line source

# - portability shim for python 3
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

"""Mercurial portability shim for python 3.

This contains aliases to hide python version-specific details from the core.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import getopt
import inspect
import os
import shlex
import sys
import tempfile

ispy3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3)
ispypy = (r'__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names)

if not ispy3:
    import cookielib
    import cPickle as pickle
    import httplib
    import Queue as queue
    import SocketServer as socketserver
    import xmlrpclib

    from .thirdparty.concurrent import futures

    def future_set_exception_info(f, exc_info):
    import concurrent.futures as futures
    import http.cookiejar as cookielib
    import http.client as httplib
    import pickle
    import queue as queue
    import socketserver
    import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib

    def future_set_exception_info(f, exc_info):

def identity(a):
    return a

def _rapply(f, xs):
    if xs is None:
        # assume None means non-value of optional data
        return xs
    if isinstance(xs, (list, set, tuple)):
        return type(xs)(_rapply(f, x) for x in xs)
    if isinstance(xs, dict):
        return type(xs)((_rapply(f, k), _rapply(f, v)) for k, v in xs.items())
    return f(xs)

def rapply(f, xs):
    """Apply function recursively to every item preserving the data structure

    >>> def f(x):
    ...     return 'f(%s)' % x
    >>> rapply(f, None) is None
    >>> rapply(f, 'a')
    >>> rapply(f, {'a'}) == {'f(a)'}
    >>> rapply(f, ['a', 'b', None, {'c': 'd'}, []])
    ['f(a)', 'f(b)', None, {'f(c)': 'f(d)'}, []]

    >>> xs = [object()]
    >>> rapply(identity, xs) is xs
    if f is identity:
        # fast path mainly for py2
        return xs
    return _rapply(f, xs)

if ispy3:
    import builtins
    import functools
    import io
    import struct

    fsencode = os.fsencode
    fsdecode = os.fsdecode
    oscurdir = os.curdir.encode('ascii')
    oslinesep = os.linesep.encode('ascii')
    osname ='ascii')
    ospathsep = os.pathsep.encode('ascii')
    ospardir = os.pardir.encode('ascii')
    ossep = os.sep.encode('ascii')
    osaltsep = os.altsep
    if osaltsep:
        osaltsep = osaltsep.encode('ascii')

    sysplatform = sys.platform.encode('ascii')
    sysexecutable = sys.executable
    if sysexecutable:
        sysexecutable = os.fsencode(sysexecutable)
    bytesio = io.BytesIO
    # TODO deprecate stringio name, as it is a lie on Python 3.
    stringio = bytesio

    def maplist(*args):
        return list(map(*args))

    def rangelist(*args):
        return list(range(*args))

    def ziplist(*args):
        return list(zip(*args))

    rawinput = input
    getargspec = inspect.getfullargspec

    long = int

    # TODO: .buffer might not exist if std streams were replaced; we'll need
    # a silly wrapper to make a bytes stream backed by a unicode one.
    stdin = sys.stdin.buffer
    stdout = sys.stdout.buffer
    stderr = sys.stderr.buffer

    # Since Python 3 converts argv to wchar_t type by Py_DecodeLocale() on Unix,
    # we can use os.fsencode() to get back bytes argv.
    # TODO: On Windows, the native argv is wchar_t, so we'll need a different
    # workaround to simulate the Python 2 (i.e. ANSI Win32 API) behavior.
    if getattr(sys, 'argv', None) is not None:
        sysargv = list(map(os.fsencode, sys.argv))

    bytechr = struct.Struct(r'>B').pack
    byterepr = b'%r'.__mod__

    class bytestr(bytes):
        """A bytes which mostly acts as a Python 2 str

        >>> bytestr(), bytestr(bytearray(b'foo')), bytestr(u'ascii'), bytestr(1)
        ('', 'foo', 'ascii', '1')
        >>> s = bytestr(b'foo')
        >>> assert s is bytestr(s)

        __bytes__() should be called if provided:

        >>> class bytesable(object):
        ...     def __bytes__(self):
        ...         return b'bytes'
        >>> bytestr(bytesable())

        There's no implicit conversion from non-ascii str as its encoding is

        >>> bytestr(chr(0x80)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        UnicodeEncodeError: ...

        Comparison between bytestr and bytes should work:

        >>> assert bytestr(b'foo') == b'foo'
        >>> assert b'foo' == bytestr(b'foo')
        >>> assert b'f' in bytestr(b'foo')
        >>> assert bytestr(b'f') in b'foo'

        Sliced elements should be bytes, not integer:

        >>> s[1], s[:2]
        (b'o', b'fo')
        >>> list(s), list(reversed(s))
        ([b'f', b'o', b'o'], [b'o', b'o', b'f'])

        As bytestr type isn't propagated across operations, you need to cast
        bytes to bytestr explicitly:

        >>> s = bytestr(b'foo').upper()
        >>> t = bytestr(s)
        >>> s[0], t[0]
        (70, b'F')

        Be careful to not pass a bytestr object to a function which expects
        bytearray-like behavior.

        >>> t = bytes(t)  # cast to bytes
        >>> assert type(t) is bytes

        def __new__(cls, s=b''):
            if isinstance(s, bytestr):
                return s
            if (not isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray))
                and not hasattr(s, u'__bytes__')):  # hasattr-py3-only
                s = str(s).encode(u'ascii')
            return bytes.__new__(cls, s)

        def __getitem__(self, key):
            s = bytes.__getitem__(self, key)
            if not isinstance(s, bytes):
                s = bytechr(s)
            return s

        def __iter__(self):
            return iterbytestr(bytes.__iter__(self))

        def __repr__(self):
            return bytes.__repr__(self)[1:]  # drop b''

    def iterbytestr(s):
        """Iterate bytes as if it were a str object of Python 2"""
        return map(bytechr, s)

    def maybebytestr(s):
        """Promote bytes to bytestr"""
        if isinstance(s, bytes):
            return bytestr(s)
        return s

    def sysbytes(s):
        """Convert an internal str (e.g. keyword, __doc__) back to bytes

        This never raises UnicodeEncodeError, but only ASCII characters
        can be round-trip by sysstr(sysbytes(s)).
        return s.encode(u'utf-8')

    def sysstr(s):
        """Return a keyword str to be passed to Python functions such as
        getattr() and str.encode()

        This never raises UnicodeDecodeError. Non-ascii characters are
        considered invalid and mapped to arbitrary but unique code points
        such that 'sysstr(a) != sysstr(b)' for all 'a != b'.
        if isinstance(s, builtins.str):
            return s
        return s.decode(u'latin-1')

    def strurl(url):
        """Converts a bytes url back to str"""
        if isinstance(url, bytes):
            return url.decode(u'ascii')
        return url

    def bytesurl(url):
        """Converts a str url to bytes by encoding in ascii"""
        if isinstance(url, str):
            return url.encode(u'ascii')
        return url

    def raisewithtb(exc, tb):
        """Raise exception with the given traceback"""
        raise exc.with_traceback(tb)

    def getdoc(obj):
        """Get docstring as bytes; may be None so gettext() won't confuse it
        with _('')"""
        doc = getattr(obj, u'__doc__', None)
        if doc is None:
            return doc
        return sysbytes(doc)

    def _wrapattrfunc(f):
        def w(object, name, *args):
            return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
        return w

    # these wrappers are automagically imported by hgloader
    delattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.delattr)
    getattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.getattr)
    hasattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.hasattr)
    setattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.setattr)
    xrange = builtins.range
    unicode = str

    def open(name, mode=b'r', buffering=-1, encoding=None):
        return, sysstr(mode), buffering, encoding)

    safehasattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.hasattr)

    def _getoptbwrapper(orig, args, shortlist, namelist):
        Takes bytes arguments, converts them to unicode, pass them to
        getopt.getopt(), convert the returned values back to bytes and then
        return them for Python 3 compatibility as getopt.getopt() don't accepts
        bytes on Python 3.
        args = [a.decode('latin-1') for a in args]
        shortlist = shortlist.decode('latin-1')
        namelist = [a.decode('latin-1') for a in namelist]
        opts, args = orig(args, shortlist, namelist)
        opts = [(a[0].encode('latin-1'), a[1].encode('latin-1'))
                for a in opts]
        args = [a.encode('latin-1') for a in args]
        return opts, args

    def strkwargs(dic):
        Converts the keys of a python dictonary to str i.e. unicodes so that
        they can be passed as keyword arguments as dictonaries with bytes keys
        can't be passed as keyword arguments to functions on Python 3.
        dic = dict((k.decode('latin-1'), v) for k, v in dic.iteritems())
        return dic

    def byteskwargs(dic):
        Converts keys of python dictonaries to bytes as they were converted to
        str to pass that dictonary as a keyword argument on Python 3.
        dic = dict((k.encode('latin-1'), v) for k, v in dic.iteritems())
        return dic

    # TODO: handle shlex.shlex().
    def shlexsplit(s, comments=False, posix=True):
        Takes bytes argument, convert it to str i.e. unicodes, pass that into
        shlex.split(), convert the returned value to bytes and return that for
        Python 3 compatibility as shelx.split() don't accept bytes on Python 3.
        ret = shlex.split(s.decode('latin-1'), comments, posix)
        return [a.encode('latin-1') for a in ret]

    import cStringIO

    xrange = xrange
    unicode = unicode
    bytechr = chr
    byterepr = repr
    bytestr = str
    iterbytestr = iter
    maybebytestr = identity
    sysbytes = identity
    sysstr = identity
    strurl = identity
    bytesurl = identity

    # this can't be parsed on Python 3
    exec('def raisewithtb(exc, tb):\n'
         '    raise exc, None, tb\n')

    def fsencode(filename):
        Partial backport from in Python 3, which only accepts bytes.
        In Python 2, our paths should only ever be bytes, a unicode path
        indicates a bug.
        if isinstance(filename, str):
            return filename
            raise TypeError(
                r"expect str, not %s" % type(filename).__name__)

    # In Python 2, fsdecode() has a very chance to receive bytes. So it's
    # better not to touch Python 2 part as it's already working fine.
    fsdecode = identity

    def getdoc(obj):
        return getattr(obj, '__doc__', None)

    _notset = object()

    def safehasattr(thing, attr):
        return getattr(thing, attr, _notset) is not _notset

    def _getoptbwrapper(orig, args, shortlist, namelist):
        return orig(args, shortlist, namelist)

    strkwargs = identity
    byteskwargs = identity

    oscurdir = os.curdir
    oslinesep = os.linesep
    osname =
    ospathsep = os.pathsep
    ospardir = os.pardir
    ossep = os.sep
    osaltsep = os.altsep
    long = long
    stdin = sys.stdin
    stdout = sys.stdout
    stderr = sys.stderr
    if getattr(sys, 'argv', None) is not None:
        sysargv = sys.argv
    sysplatform = sys.platform
    sysexecutable = sys.executable
    shlexsplit = shlex.split
    bytesio = cStringIO.StringIO
    stringio = bytesio
    maplist = map
    rangelist = range
    ziplist = zip
    rawinput = raw_input
    getargspec = inspect.getargspec

isjython = sysplatform.startswith(b'java')

isdarwin = sysplatform.startswith(b'darwin')
islinux = sysplatform.startswith(b'linux')
isposix = osname == b'posix'
iswindows = osname == b'nt'

def getoptb(args, shortlist, namelist):
    return _getoptbwrapper(getopt.getopt, args, shortlist, namelist)

def gnugetoptb(args, shortlist, namelist):
    return _getoptbwrapper(getopt.gnu_getopt, args, shortlist, namelist)

def mkdtemp(suffix=b'', prefix=b'tmp', dir=None):
    return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, dir)

# text=True is not supported; use util.from/tonativeeol() instead
def mkstemp(suffix=b'', prefix=b'tmp', dir=None):
    return tempfile.mkstemp(suffix, prefix, dir)

# mode must include 'b'ytes as encoding= is not supported
def namedtempfile(mode=b'w+b', bufsize=-1, suffix=b'', prefix=b'tmp', dir=None,
    mode = sysstr(mode)
    assert r'b' in mode
    return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode, bufsize, suffix=suffix,
                                       prefix=prefix, dir=dir, delete=delete)