view mercurial/ @ 42043:1fac9b931d46

compression: introduce a `storage.revlog.zlib.level` configuration This option control the zlib compression level used when compression revlog chunk. This is also a good excuse to pave the way for a similar configuration option for the zstd compression engine. Having a dedicated option for each compression algorithm is useful because they don't support the same range of values. Using a higher zlib compression impact CPU consumption at compression time, but does not directly affected decompression time. However dealing with small compressed chunk can directly help decompression and indirectly help other revlog logic. I ran some basic test on repositories using different level. I am using the mercurial, pypy, netbeans and mozilla-central clone from our benchmark suite. All tested repository use sparse-revlog and got all their delta recomputed. The different compression level has a small effect on the repository size (about 10% variation in the total range). My quick analysis is that revlog mostly store small delta, that are not affected by the compression level much. So the variation probably mostly comes from better compression of the snapshots revisions, and snapshot revision only represent a small portion of the repository content. I also made some basic timings measurements. The "read" timings are gathered using simple run of `hg perfrevlogrevisions`, the "write" timings using `hg perfrevlogwrite` (restricted to the last 5000 revisions for netbeans and mozilla central). The timings are gathered on a generic machine, (not one of our performance locked machine), so small variation might not be meaningful. However large trend remains relevant. Keep in mind that these numbers are not pure compression/decompression time. They also involve the full revlog logic. In particular the difference in chunk size has an impact on the delta chain structure, affecting performance when writing or reading them. On read/write performance, the compression level has a bigger impact. Counter-intuitively, the higher compression levels improve "write" performance for the large repositories in our tested setting. Maybe because the last 5000 delta chain end up having a very different shape in this specific spot? Or maybe because of a more general trend of better delta chains thanks to the smaller chunk and snapshot. This series does not intend to change the default compression level. However, these result call for a deeper analysis of this performance difference in the future. Full data ========= repo level .hg/store size 00manifest.d read write ---------------------------------------------------------------- mercurial 1 49,402,813 5,963,475 0.170159 53.250304 mercurial 6 47,197,397 5,875,730 0.182820 56.264320 mercurial 9 47,121,596 5,849,781 0.189219 56.293612 pypy 1 370,830,572 28,462,425 2.679217 460.721984 pypy 6 340,112,317 27,648,747 2.768691 467.537158 pypy 9 338,360,736 27,639,003 2.763495 476.589918 netbeans 1 1,281,847,810 165,495,457 122.477027 520.560316 netbeans 6 1,205,284,353 159,161,207 139.876147 715.930400 netbeans 9 1,197,135,671 155,034,586 141.620281 678.297064 mozilla 1 2,775,497,186 298,527,987 147.867662 751.263721 mozilla 6 2,596,856,420 286,597,671 170.572118 987.056093 mozilla 9 2,587,542,494 287,018,264 163.622338 739.803002
author Pierre-Yves David <>
date Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:35:27 +0100
parents 55e8da487b8a
children 268662aac075
line wrap: on
line source

# - Client-side functionality for wire protocol version 1.
# Copyright 2005-2010 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import hashlib
import sys
import weakref

from .i18n import _
from .node import (
from . import (
    changegroup as changegroupmod,
    pushkey as pushkeymod,
from .utils import (

urlreq = util.urlreq

def batchable(f):
    '''annotation for batchable methods

    Such methods must implement a coroutine as follows:

    def sample(self, one, two=None):
        # Build list of encoded arguments suitable for your wire protocol:
        encargs = [('one', encode(one),), ('two', encode(two),)]
        # Create future for injection of encoded result:
        encresref = future()
        # Return encoded arguments and future:
        yield encargs, encresref
        # Assuming the future to be filled with the result from the batched
        # request now. Decode it:
        yield decode(encresref.value)

    The decorator returns a function which wraps this coroutine as a plain
    method, but adds the original method as an attribute called "batchable",
    which is used by remotebatch to split the call into separate encoding and
    decoding phases.
    def plain(*args, **opts):
        batchable = f(*args, **opts)
        encargsorres, encresref = next(batchable)
        if not encresref:
            return encargsorres # a local result in this case
        self = args[0]
        cmd = pycompat.bytesurl(f.__name__)  # ensure cmd is ascii bytestr
        encresref.set(self._submitone(cmd, encargsorres))
        return next(batchable)
    setattr(plain, 'batchable', f)
    setattr(plain, '__name__', f.__name__)
    return plain

class future(object):
    '''placeholder for a value to be set later'''
    def set(self, value):
        if util.safehasattr(self, 'value'):
            raise error.RepoError("future is already set")
        self.value = value

def encodebatchcmds(req):
    """Return a ``cmds`` argument value for the ``batch`` command."""
    escapearg = wireprototypes.escapebatcharg

    cmds = []
    for op, argsdict in req:
        # Old servers didn't properly unescape argument names. So prevent
        # the sending of argument names that may not be decoded properly by
        # servers.
        assert all(escapearg(k) == k for k in argsdict)

        args = ','.join('%s=%s' % (escapearg(k), escapearg(v))
                        for k, v in argsdict.iteritems())
        cmds.append('%s %s' % (op, args))

    return ';'.join(cmds)

class unsentfuture(pycompat.futures.Future):
    """A Future variation to represent an unsent command.

    Because we buffer commands and don't submit them immediately, calling
    ``result()`` on an unsent future could deadlock. Futures for buffered
    commands are represented by this type, which wraps ``result()`` to
    call ``sendcommands()``.

    def result(self, timeout=None):
        if self.done():
            return pycompat.futures.Future.result(self, timeout)


        # This looks like it will infinitely recurse. However,
        # sendcommands() should modify __class__. This call serves as a check
        # on that.
        return self.result(timeout)

class peerexecutor(object):
    def __init__(self, peer):
        self._peer = peer
        self._sent = False
        self._closed = False
        self._calls = []
        self._futures = weakref.WeakSet()
        self._responseexecutor = None
        self._responsef = None

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exctype, excvalee, exctb):

    def callcommand(self, command, args):
        if self._sent:
            raise error.ProgrammingError('callcommand() cannot be used '
                                         'after commands are sent')

        if self._closed:
            raise error.ProgrammingError('callcommand() cannot be used '
                                         'after close()')

        # Commands are dispatched through methods on the peer.
        fn = getattr(self._peer, pycompat.sysstr(command), None)

        if not fn:
            raise error.ProgrammingError(
                'cannot call command %s: method of same name not available '
                'on peer' % command)

        # Commands are either batchable or they aren't. If a command
        # isn't batchable, we send it immediately because the executor
        # can no longer accept new commands after a non-batchable command.
        # If a command is batchable, we queue it for later. But we have
        # to account for the case of a non-batchable command arriving after
        # a batchable one and refuse to service it.

        def addcall():
            f = pycompat.futures.Future()
            self._calls.append((command, args, fn, f))
            return f

        if getattr(fn, 'batchable', False):
            f = addcall()

            # But since we don't issue it immediately, we wrap its result()
            # to trigger sending so we avoid deadlocks.
            f.__class__ = unsentfuture
            f._peerexecutor = self
            if self._calls:
                raise error.ProgrammingError(
                    '%s is not batchable and cannot be called on a command '
                    'executor along with other commands' % command)

            f = addcall()

            # Non-batchable commands can never coexist with another command
            # in this executor. So send the command immediately.

        return f

    def sendcommands(self):
        if self._sent:

        if not self._calls:

        self._sent = True

        # Unhack any future types so caller seens a clean type and to break
        # cycle between us and futures.
        for f in self._futures:
            if isinstance(f, unsentfuture):
                f.__class__ = pycompat.futures.Future
                f._peerexecutor = None

        calls = self._calls
        # Mainly to destroy references to futures.
        self._calls = None

        # Simple case of a single command. We call it synchronously.
        if len(calls) == 1:
            command, args, fn, f = calls[0]

            # Future was cancelled. Ignore it.
            if not f.set_running_or_notify_cancel():

                result = fn(**pycompat.strkwargs(args))
            except Exception:
                pycompat.future_set_exception_info(f, sys.exc_info()[1:])


        # Batch commands are a bit harder. First, we have to deal with the
        # @batchable coroutine. That's a bit annoying. Furthermore, we also
        # need to preserve streaming. i.e. it should be possible for the
        # futures to resolve as data is coming in off the wire without having
        # to wait for the final byte of the final response. We do this by
        # spinning up a thread to read the responses.

        requests = []
        states = []

        for command, args, fn, f in calls:
            # Future was cancelled. Ignore it.
            if not f.set_running_or_notify_cancel():

                batchable = fn.batchable(fn.__self__,
            except Exception:
                pycompat.future_set_exception_info(f, sys.exc_info()[1:])

            # Encoded arguments and future holding remote result.
                encargsorres, fremote = next(batchable)
            except Exception:
                pycompat.future_set_exception_info(f, sys.exc_info()[1:])

            if not fremote:
                requests.append((command, encargsorres))
                states.append((command, f, batchable, fremote))

        if not requests:

        # This will emit responses in order they were executed.
        wireresults = self._peer._submitbatch(requests)

        # The use of a thread pool executor here is a bit weird for something
        # that only spins up a single thread. However, thread management is
        # hard and it is easy to encounter race conditions, deadlocks, etc.
        # concurrent.futures already solves these problems and its thread pool
        # executor has minimal overhead. So we use it.
        self._responseexecutor = pycompat.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
        self._responsef = self._responseexecutor.submit(self._readbatchresponse,
                                                        states, wireresults)

    def close(self):

        if self._closed:

        self._closed = True

        if not self._responsef:

        # We need to wait on our in-flight response and then shut down the
        # executor once we have a result.
            self._responsef = None
            self._responseexecutor = None

            # If any of our futures are still in progress, mark them as
            # errored. Otherwise a result() could wait indefinitely.
            for f in self._futures:
                if not f.done():
                        _('unfulfilled batch command response')))

            self._futures = None

    def _readbatchresponse(self, states, wireresults):
        # Executes in a thread to read data off the wire.

        for command, f, batchable, fremote in states:
            # Grab raw result off the wire and teach the internal future
            # about it.
            remoteresult = next(wireresults)

            # And ask the coroutine to decode that value.
                result = next(batchable)
            except Exception:
                pycompat.future_set_exception_info(f, sys.exc_info()[1:])

class wirepeer(repository.peer):
    """Client-side interface for communicating with a peer repository.

    Methods commonly call wire protocol commands of the same name.

    See also and for protocol-specific
    implementations of this interface.
    def commandexecutor(self):
        return peerexecutor(self)

    # Begin of ipeercommands interface.

    def clonebundles(self):
        self.requirecap('clonebundles', _('clone bundles'))
        return self._call('clonebundles')

    def lookup(self, key):
        self.requirecap('lookup', _('look up remote revision'))
        f = future()
        yield {'key': encoding.fromlocal(key)}, f
        d = f.value
        success, data = d[:-1].split(" ", 1)
        if int(success):
            yield bin(data)

    def heads(self):
        f = future()
        yield {}, f
        d = f.value
            yield wireprototypes.decodelist(d[:-1])
        except ValueError:
            self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))

    def known(self, nodes):
        f = future()
        yield {'nodes': wireprototypes.encodelist(nodes)}, f
        d = f.value
            yield [bool(int(b)) for b in pycompat.iterbytestr(d)]
        except ValueError:
            self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))

    def branchmap(self):
        f = future()
        yield {}, f
        d = f.value
            branchmap = {}
            for branchpart in d.splitlines():
                branchname, branchheads = branchpart.split(' ', 1)
                branchname = encoding.tolocal(urlreq.unquote(branchname))
                branchheads = wireprototypes.decodelist(branchheads)
                branchmap[branchname] = branchheads
            yield branchmap
        except TypeError:
            self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))

    def listkeys(self, namespace):
        if not self.capable('pushkey'):
            yield {}, None
        f = future()
        self.ui.debug('preparing listkeys for "%s"\n' % namespace)
        yield {'namespace': encoding.fromlocal(namespace)}, f
        d = f.value
        self.ui.debug('received listkey for "%s": %i bytes\n'
                      % (namespace, len(d)))
        yield pushkeymod.decodekeys(d)

    def pushkey(self, namespace, key, old, new):
        if not self.capable('pushkey'):
            yield False, None
        f = future()
        self.ui.debug('preparing pushkey for "%s:%s"\n' % (namespace, key))
        yield {'namespace': encoding.fromlocal(namespace),
               'key': encoding.fromlocal(key),
               'old': encoding.fromlocal(old),
               'new': encoding.fromlocal(new)}, f
        d = f.value
        d, output = d.split('\n', 1)
            d = bool(int(d))
        except ValueError:
            raise error.ResponseError(
                _('push failed (unexpected response):'), d)
        for l in output.splitlines(True):
            self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
        yield d

    def stream_out(self):
        return self._callstream('stream_out')

    def getbundle(self, source, **kwargs):
        kwargs = pycompat.byteskwargs(kwargs)
        self.requirecap('getbundle', _('look up remote changes'))
        opts = {}
        bundlecaps = kwargs.get('bundlecaps') or set()
        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if value is None:
            keytype = wireprototypes.GETBUNDLE_ARGUMENTS.get(key)
            if keytype is None:
                raise error.ProgrammingError(
                    'Unexpectedly None keytype for key %s' % key)
            elif keytype == 'nodes':
                value = wireprototypes.encodelist(value)
            elif keytype == 'csv':
                value = ','.join(value)
            elif keytype == 'scsv':
                value = ','.join(sorted(value))
            elif keytype == 'boolean':
                value = '%i' % bool(value)
            elif keytype != 'plain':
                raise KeyError('unknown getbundle option type %s'
                               % keytype)
            opts[key] = value
        f = self._callcompressable("getbundle", **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
        if any((cap.startswith('HG2') for cap in bundlecaps)):
            return bundle2.getunbundler(self.ui, f)
            return changegroupmod.cg1unpacker(f, 'UN')

    def unbundle(self, bundle, heads, url):
        '''Send cg (a readable file-like object representing the
        changegroup to push, typically a chunkbuffer object) to the
        remote server as a bundle.

        When pushing a bundle10 stream, return an integer indicating the
        result of the push (see changegroup.apply()).

        When pushing a bundle20 stream, return a bundle20 stream.

        `url` is the url the client thinks it's pushing to, which is
        visible to hooks.

        if heads != ['force'] and self.capable('unbundlehash'):
            heads = wireprototypes.encodelist(
                ['hashed', hashlib.sha1(''.join(sorted(heads))).digest()])
            heads = wireprototypes.encodelist(heads)

        if util.safehasattr(bundle, 'deltaheader'):
            # this a bundle10, do the old style call sequence
            ret, output = self._callpush("unbundle", bundle, heads=heads)
            if ret == "":
                raise error.ResponseError(
                    _('push failed:'), output)
                ret = int(ret)
            except ValueError:
                raise error.ResponseError(
                    _('push failed (unexpected response):'), ret)

            for l in output.splitlines(True):
                self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
            # bundle2 push. Send a stream, fetch a stream.
            stream = self._calltwowaystream('unbundle', bundle, heads=heads)
            ret = bundle2.getunbundler(self.ui, stream)
        return ret

    # End of ipeercommands interface.

    # Begin of ipeerlegacycommands interface.

    def branches(self, nodes):
        n = wireprototypes.encodelist(nodes)
        d = self._call("branches", nodes=n)
            br = [tuple(wireprototypes.decodelist(b)) for b in d.splitlines()]
            return br
        except ValueError:
            self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))

    def between(self, pairs):
        batch = 8 # avoid giant requests
        r = []
        for i in pycompat.xrange(0, len(pairs), batch):
            n = " ".join([wireprototypes.encodelist(p, '-')
                          for p in pairs[i:i + batch]])
            d = self._call("between", pairs=n)
                r.extend(l and wireprototypes.decodelist(l) or []
                         for l in d.splitlines())
            except ValueError:
                self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
        return r

    def changegroup(self, nodes, source):
        n = wireprototypes.encodelist(nodes)
        f = self._callcompressable("changegroup", roots=n)
        return changegroupmod.cg1unpacker(f, 'UN')

    def changegroupsubset(self, bases, heads, source):
        self.requirecap('changegroupsubset', _('look up remote changes'))
        bases = wireprototypes.encodelist(bases)
        heads = wireprototypes.encodelist(heads)
        f = self._callcompressable("changegroupsubset",
                                   bases=bases, heads=heads)
        return changegroupmod.cg1unpacker(f, 'UN')

    # End of ipeerlegacycommands interface.

    def _submitbatch(self, req):
        """run batch request <req> on the server

        Returns an iterator of the raw responses from the server.
        ui = self.ui
        if ui.debugflag and ui.configbool('devel', 'debug.peer-request'):
            ui.debug('devel-peer-request: batched-content\n')
            for op, args in req:
                msg = 'devel-peer-request:    - %s (%d arguments)\n'
                ui.debug(msg % (op, len(args)))

        unescapearg = wireprototypes.unescapebatcharg

        rsp = self._callstream("batch", cmds=encodebatchcmds(req))
        chunk =
        work = [chunk]
        while chunk:
            while ';' not in chunk and chunk:
                chunk =
            merged = ''.join(work)
            while ';' in merged:
                one, merged = merged.split(';', 1)
                yield unescapearg(one)
            chunk =
            work = [merged, chunk]
        yield unescapearg(''.join(work))

    def _submitone(self, op, args):
        return self._call(op, **pycompat.strkwargs(args))

    def debugwireargs(self, one, two, three=None, four=None, five=None):
        # don't pass optional arguments left at their default value
        opts = {}
        if three is not None:
            opts[r'three'] = three
        if four is not None:
            opts[r'four'] = four
        return self._call('debugwireargs', one=one, two=two, **opts)

    def _call(self, cmd, **args):
        """execute <cmd> on the server

        The command is expected to return a simple string.

        returns the server reply as a string."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _callstream(self, cmd, **args):
        """execute <cmd> on the server

        The command is expected to return a stream. Note that if the
        command doesn't return a stream, _callstream behaves
        differently for ssh and http peers.

        returns the server reply as a file like object.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _callcompressable(self, cmd, **args):
        """execute <cmd> on the server

        The command is expected to return a stream.

        The stream may have been compressed in some implementations. This
        function takes care of the decompression. This is the only difference
        with _callstream.

        returns the server reply as a file like object.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _callpush(self, cmd, fp, **args):
        """execute a <cmd> on server

        The command is expected to be related to a push. Push has a special
        return method.

        returns the server reply as a (ret, output) tuple. ret is either
        empty (error) or a stringified int.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _calltwowaystream(self, cmd, fp, **args):
        """execute <cmd> on server

        The command will send a stream to the server and get a stream in reply.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _abort(self, exception):
        """clearly abort the wire protocol connection and raise the exception
        raise NotImplementedError()