http: use urllib's cookie handler
Split the logic for loading the cookies based on the configuration in a
helper function and otherwise use the library implementation directly.
$ hg init a
$ cd a
$ touch a; hg commit -qAm_
$ hg bookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/ 0 20); do echo b$i; done)
$ hg clone . ../b -q
$ cd ../b
Checking that when lookup multiple bookmarks in one go, if one of them
fails (thus causing the sshpeer to be stopped), the errors from the
further lookups don't result in tracebacks.
$ hg pull -r b0 -r nosuchbookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/ 1 20); do echo -r b$i; done) ssh://user@dummy/$(pwd)/../a
pulling from ssh://user@dummy/$TESTTMP/b/../a
abort: unknown revision 'nosuchbookmark'